The Locked System

Chapter 15

Hayato and Dye arrive to a restaurant he ask for a meal for two the meal was some meat and bread with salad. When the waiter arrive he smiles at Dye just to get ignored

Dye was focussing her attention in her food and she literally attacks the plate eating without using the silverware, that makes Hayato angry and he hits her forehead with his middle and index finger so hard that she stops eating

" Auch...why did you hit me?! " Dye puts both of her hands in her forehead and she have small tears in her eyes

" Can you eat like a human plase " Hayato makes a cold face to her

" But i"m hungry and i don"t know how humans eat! " Dye makes a pout with some tears in her eyes

" *SIGH* just watch me ok " Hayato starts to eating like a normal person would do and Dye began to imitate him

Dye seems to understand quickly and when she eats like that Hayato can"t avoid to think

" She is really beautiful but her personality is so wild "

" What, am i doing it wrong? " Dye notices the eyes of Hayato on her and she looks surprises

" No, i just thinking that your face doesn"t go with your personality " Hayato says in a serious voice

" What do you mean? " Dye bows her head a little to her right

" What i"m trying to say is, that you are beautiful, but you have the personality of a animal " Hayato responds serious again

" Humph, I am a Divine Beast but i"m a woman too, so i have feelings like a woman you meany " Dye close her eyes in anger and she ignores Hayato but she looks a little happy

" Well whatever, let"s finish our meal and let"s get out of here " Hayato began to eat again

After both finish their meals Hayato pay with his gold coin and he received 9 Silver Coins and 92 Copper Coins, now he can see how much a meal worth in this world, they leave the restaurant and go to the hostel where he stay before it seems that Hayato like the place

Hayato approaches the receptionist " I want 2 rooms, one for me and other for the lady behind me " the receptionist feels inferior after seeing Dye, but when Hayato ask for to rooms she was a little happy for the moment

" O-okay it will be 10 Copper Coins per day " The receptionist says a little shy

" Okay, then i wanted for a weak so take this " Hayato gives 70 Copper Coins to the receptionist and he receives to keys from her " Thank you " Hayato and Dye goes to their rooms they sleep till tomorrow

Inside the room Hayato check somethings about the system, some of them make him happy and others make him sigh for example

" Syt show me the Mangekyou Sharingan and the Rinnegan " Hayato whispers

[ " Mangekyou Sharingan: 25,000 System Points 75% of Discount

Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan: 250,000 System Points 75% of Discount

Rinnegan: 2,500,000 System Points " ]

" Wow Syt, why the Mangekyou Sharingan and the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan have a discount? " Hayato yells in surprise

[ " You see the death of your mother and practically you are a Uchiha right now, so you have a discount in the Mangekyou Sharingan and Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan " ]

" What do you mean that i am a Uchiha? " Hayato ask in surprise

[ " G.o.d copied every aspect of the body of Sasuke Uchiha sume that the fighting style and the Sharingan, that makes you a Uchiha automatically "]

" I think i only have his looks but that makes sense in many things, now show me Ddraig and Albion " Hayato smiles a little before he make another question

[ " Sorry, it seems that they are locked " ]

" *SIGH* d.a.m.n it, i hope i can unlock them in the next test, Show me the jutsu Katon:Gōka Mekkyaku (Fire Style: Majestic Destroyer Flame) " Hayato scratches her forehead in exasperation

[ " Katon:Gōka Mekkyaku (Fire Style: Majestic Destroyer Flame): 5,000 System Points " ]

" It"s really cheap can i know why? " Hayato began to smile again

[ " All the jutsus are in the same price but for some jutsus you have to buy or learn a previous one for example, to unlock the Rasenshuriken you need first the Rasengan. Remember all the jutsus you use are unlocked thanks that, you know the hand seals but if you don"t know it you have to buy it. I think you found some kind of glitch in the system " ]

" That"s perfect i know how the Rasengan work, well i know what im gonna do this night and for last tell me how much for a Senzu Bean " Hayato jumps in happiness

[ " Senzu Bean: 5,000 System Points " ]

" F*ck, they worth the same as a jutsu " Hayato screams

[ " I told you before, no, but you didn"t listen " ] Syt sounds a little angry

" Gu.. I"m sorry right, well then i want to buy the jutsu, Katon:Gōka Mekkyaku (Fire Style: Majestic Destroyer Flame) " Hayato sits in his bed and he apologies to Syt

[ "-5,000 System Points" ]

[ "You still have: 5,900 System Points" ]

The body of Hayato shines a little and he seems to know all the hand seals for Katon:Gōka Mekkyaku (Fire Style: Majestic Destroyer Flame)

" Haha, now i will start to learn the rasengan and then i gonna buy the Rasenshuriken " Hayato loughs very loudly

Hayato spend almost 6 hours to learn the Rasengan and then he perfection it to the point he can use one in each hand

" Well the double Rasengan is called Rasengan Barrage, if i remember correctly now Syt, i want to buy the Rasenshuriken " Hayato puts his right hand in his chin

[ "-5,000 System Points" ]

[ "You still have: 900 System Points" ]

Hayato extended his right hand and *SUISH* the Rasenshuriken form, but he deactivated immediately after every small thing in his room start to fly in every direction

" Hehe, i have it now, well let"s clean this mess and next im going to sleep i feel so tired " Hayato starts to clean his room and after a couple of minutes he finishes and he go to sleep

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