The Locked System

Chapter 16

When Hayato was sleeping something was happening in the Lyrel castle

" d.a.m.n it, when that old b.a.s.t.a.r.d is going to get out from seclusion, I been waiting for two days " A beautiful woman was very angry, she was waiting in a big room, the room has luxurious red coaches paints of Dragons and persons with crowns, she was sitting in one of the coaches alone when someone entered

" Ellen! you get up so early in the morning, can I know why? " A middle age man wearing eccentric clothes and a crown entered the room and he spoke to the beautiful woman

" Father, you know when my grandfather is going to get out from his seclusion? " The beautiful woman was Ellen, one of the princesses of the Lyrel kingdom, she stands and makes a beautiful smile to his father

" Well, your Grandfather is trying to become an Immortal Warrior, so he maybe will stay in seclusion for a couple of days more " The middle age man answered with a smile he walked to a near coach and sits

" Okay father, thanks for telling me " Ellen has a beautiful smile but inside she was " Useless old b.a.s.t.a.r.d he is already old, he should give up trying to become stronger and only stay in his room waiting for me every time I need him " Ellen smile brightly and sits on another coach

" Ellen, why don"t you go to train with your sister? that way you will have something to do in the meantime " The middle age man asked Ellen within a smile

" Okay father, I will try to make her train with me, but I doubt she will, you know her " The princess stands up and she walked to the door before she leaves the middle age man spoke again

" Ellen, even if she doesn"t want to train with you, at least pa.s.s some time with her, I haven"t seen her in a year, it seems that she doesn"t want to see me, please make sure that she is ok " Said the middle age man with a worried face

" Okay father, I will try, but I don"t think she is going to like to pa.s.s some time with me either " The princess smiles sadly at his father and then she left the room

" *SIGH* " " Why my sweet Alyra don"t want to see me? she was so brightly and stronger than her sister before, now she stays in her room always, some maids told me she is becoming weaker thanks to the lack of exercise " The middle age man bows his head with sadness and then someone entered in a great hurry slamming the door

"" Your Majesty! Your Majesty!"" A man with a full armor kneels in front of the middle age man with great speed

" Calm down! tell me what happened? " The middle age man answered calmly

" Your majesty! Baron Andrew, Baron Allen and the son of Count Gerald are lost " The knight says in a hurry

" What!? tell me what happened!? " The middle age man stands up in surprise

" Your majesty, the three members of the Brywood family went to the forest to hunt some monsters, but they didn"t come back, Count Gerald send some of his knights to search them but they didn"t find anything yet " The knight answer to the middle age man still kneeling

" That"s very bad news, the little Bennett is the fiance of my daughter Alyra, let"s send some people to help them in the search " The middle age man orders the knight and then he says " The captain hasn"t arrived yet, you are in charge for now "

" Yes your majesty, I will leave now " the knight leaves the room in a hurry

" I hope nothing bad happened to them and the captain really takes his time, even if we didn"t find the one who caused the heavenly tribulation, he has more important things to do that protect a small village " The middle age man said with exasperation and he sits in the couch again

The princess Ellen arrive at a beautiful courtyard, on the sides are flowers of multiple colors, in the center there is a fountain with some rock benches around them and there it was a woman with a white and red hair tied in a ponytail, she wears a white long dress that remarks her figure, she doesn"t turn around to see Ellen but her body is far better than hers, that caused great anger in Ellen

" Hehe, h.e.l.lo beautiful sister! " Ellen says with sarcasm and a mockingly smile

"..... What do you want now? " A beautiful voice sounds, but it contains a lot of hate in her, the woman doesn"t turn to see Ellen she has her head bowed looking at the flowers

" Hehe, I want to pa.s.s some time with my big sister Alyra " Ellen laughs with disdain

The woman turns around showing her face, half of her is covered with her hair, making impossible to see her left side, but her right side is very beautiful, she has a light purple eye with a white eyebrow, and cherry pink lips. The right side of her face can be described as perfect

" I prefer to pa.s.s the time with the pigs than with you! " Alyra said with anger

" Hehehe, you are so funny sister, you know, I pa.s.s some time with your fiance, he really wants to marry you " Ellen says with a mocking expression

" Ha! who wants to marry that perverted b.a.s.t.a.r.d! let me tell you something, you and he make a great couple, you two are pieces of sh*t! " Alyra says with hate but *PAM* Ellen punched her in the face, Alyra fell to the ground with her face first " Ah... " she opens her bleeding mouth with pain, she suppers her body with her hands and tries to stand up but before she stands up, Ellen puts her feet in her back

" You better train sister " Ellen says with a serious expression

Alyra bites her lip and small tears began to form in her right eye " I never going train in my life again! " She yelled to Ellen

" Hehe, if that"s what you want I don"t care, now I want you to stay in your room until the rest of the day if our father goes to visit you, you are not going to lend him see you, you understand the consequences of disobeying me, right? " Ellen stamps Alyra"s head to the ground and she leaves. Leaving Alyra in the ground bleeding from her mouth and nose

Alyra stands from the ground slowly, she cleans her b.l.o.o.d.y face and clenched her fist and bites her lip in frustration then she leaves the courtyard


Hayato wake up a little late, he was sleepless, he spent almost all the night training his Rasengan.

When he gets up from his bed, he approached the window. He can see some knights running toward the entrance in a hurry

" Now what are they doing? *YAWN* well whatever, I think I can make a mission before the captain of the knights arrive " Hayato scratches his head and he starts to prepare to leave the hostel, he first went to Dye"s room

" Hey Dye let"s go, we have things to do " Hayato knock the door of Dye"s room but there is no answer, after a couple of minutes Hayato was angry and he tried to open the door, he found out that it was unlocked so he opens it

" WHA... " Hayato was impressed of what is he seeing. Dye was completely naked again, the clothes he gives her are all over the place, she was sleeping in a fetal position, showing her perfect round b*tt and pink v*gina lips, her arms are in the middle of her big br**st with her n***les erect

Hayato would be lying if he says he wasn"t excited, he walks closer to her and he puts the blanket over her " She is the first woman I see naked I almost lost control when I saw her " then he left Dye"s room leaving her

Hayato walked to the reception and he told the receptionist if she sees Dye she told her that, he went to make a mission, so she had to wait here for him and then Hayato left the hostel

Hayato entered the Adventurers Guild to make a mission, Hayato notices some wanted posters, it seems that someone is looking for Bennett and his uncles, the reward for finding them is 10 gold coins

" Hehe, it isn"t even a day after I kill them and they already searching for them, they seem from a very important n.o.ble family " Hayato smiles a little then he ignored the poster, he continued looking for missions until he saw something that called his attention

{ Requirements: Kill the orcs and rescue their prisoners in the Fire G.o.d Mountain

Location: Fire G.o.d Mountain

Difficult: AAA

Info: Some orcs attack a merchant caravan and kidnap women with them.

Watch out the orcs have trolls with them and some goblin champions

Time remaining: 12 hours, the orcs have the tendency of r*pe and kill the women after they eat

the men

Reward: 5 Gold coins if the prisoners are alive, 1 Gold coin if they not }

" Umm, this mission has a time limit and the pay doesn"t look bad, well I will make this one "

Hayato take the mission paper and he was ready to go to the mission

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