The Locked System

Chapter 23

Hayato arrived at the entrance of the Lyrel kingdom and the knights that were guarding the entrance look at him with a lot of surprise when he walked in front of them

" It seems that they believe that I am that stupid Bennett, I have to act like him and tell them to guide me to the Brywood family territory "

The knights approached Hayato to questioned him with a surprised faces

" Young Master Bennett where are you been!? the whole kingdom has been looking for you! " The knight who is in charge of the gate looked at Hayato with surprise

" My uncles and I.... we have been attacked by a monster in the forest, both of them died trying to protect me, I was unconscious until a few hours ago " Hayato said with a scared face

" …!? so the Barons are really death! " The knights yelled in surprise

" Yes, now take me with my father commoner, I have to speak with him! " Hayato made an angry face

" Yes, young Master " The knight looks a little upset and Hayato notices that

" Sorry man, but I"m an a**hole right now "

Hayato in Bennett"s form was escorted by four knights to a carriage and they began the journey to the Brywood family territory, after a few hours Hayato was really bored

" Sh*t how many time will take until we arrive, my b*tt hurts already "

One hour later they arrived and Hayato got out of the carriage. He noticed that he was on the other side of the kingdom since he could see the back of the castle. He arrived at a big mansion with a wall surrounding the entire place and a big metal gate could be seen from where he is the walls had the symbol of an eagle and in the entrance there are two guards with a different style of armors than the knights he always saw, their armors are red in color and a lot fancier. When he approaches them they react in shock and began to run towards him

" Young Master Bennett you are alright! " One of the knights approaches him with a voice full of surprise

" Yes, where is my father? " Hayato responded calmly and he scans the insides of the walls. There is a huge garden in the entrance and it only had a wide path that guides to the mansion, on the path there are more knights like the ones that were in the entrance, they even have a few watchtowers on some parts of the wall

" He is in the dungeon with your mother and that person that we thought had murdered you " The knight is still surprised

" I"m alive you can"t see or what? but that doesn"t matter right now I need to see them now " Hayato acted angered towards the knight

" Yes young master, but where are the Barons who were with you? " The knight doesn"t surprise by Hayato"s anger and he made another question

" They are dead, so that"s why I need to see my parents, I have to explain what happened to them " Hayato says in a serious voice

" Ththat"s impossible! so they are really dead! " the knight was more surprised than before

" It"s true they were killed by a very powerful monster, now move I don"t have time to waste with you I have to... " Hayato was responding him when he heard something in his mind

[ " Quest 1:

Arrive where Wade is without killing any knights

reward: 10,000 System Points, 1x Senzu Bean

Time limit: 2 hours " ]

[ " Quest 2:

Let Wade fulfill his revenge against the Brywood family

reward: 5,000 System Points,

Time limit: 2 hours " ]

" Wow, two quests at the same time that"s perfect, I really wanted to kill all the Brywood family, but it seems that G.o.d wanted Wade to do that, well I think I just let them unconscious until Wade kill them all, Now I just to release him and let him do his vengeance "

*TING**TING**TING**TING**TING* a bell begins to sound from one of the watchtowers and the knights started to put out their swords

" The prisoner has escaped!! the prisoner has escaped!! " One knight arrived where Hayato was yelling

" What!? we have to hurry to help the Count and his wife! young master..... " The knight that was speaking with Hayato turned to see him and then he sees his big grin

" Well, well, who would have said it, I seem that I have underestimated you, Wade " Hayato was grinning without caring about the knights around him

" Young master.... what are you saying? " The knight frowns in surprise

*PUFF* Hayato undo his transformation and he was revealed as a masked man who had a black cloth with red clouds

" What!? who are you!? " The knight jumped backward by the surprise

" Let"s start this " Hayato said with a happy voice

Hayato activated his Sharingan and Demoniac transformation and he punched the knight in the face leaving him unconscious then he jumped and kicked the other knight in the stomach " Agh...! " the knight bounces on the ground a few times to never stand up again

" What!? an intruder!? WE HAVE AN INTRUDER!! " The knight who arrived later began to yell again more loudly this time

*TING**TING* the bell sounds again but it sounds a little different than before and a group of knights started to run towards Hayato

" d.a.m.n it, goodbye to the surprise factor "

Hayato approaches to the knight who yelled and he kicks him in the face the knight falls backward then Hayat focuses his in the arriving knights

" How many of them are, 32…. no 36 then let"s do it " Hayato counts the knights with his Sharingan and then he began to make hand seals " Kage Bunshin No Jutsu (Shadow Clone Jutsu) " *PUFF**PUFF**PUFF* 36 clones appeared on both sides of Hayato the knights stopped suddenly raising their swords with surprised faces

" Let"s beat them now! make sure to not kill any of them! " the clones and Hayato started to ran towards the knights and they began their attack

The knights activated various techniques but they are the same as the other techniques that Hayato seen before the exchange of punches began *TING**TING* sounds of punches in the armor and yells resonate everywhere *PUFF* sometimes the clones of Hayato disappeared when they were attacked from the back but after a few minutes all the knights were in the ground unconscious

*PUFF**PUFF**PUFF* Hayato undo the last clones and he started to run toward the mansion of the Brywood family, it was huge with 3 floors full of big windows, the entrance had two doors made of wood they look really expensive.

Hayato entered by destroying the door of the mansion with a tackle he was in a great hall that only have to wide stars at both sides and a few doors left and right. When he entered 10 knights were there but they seemed in a hurry to go to another place

" The intruder is still here! " One of the knights surprised and the rest of them made concern expression

" Let"s divide! Count Gerald is fighting the prisoner right now! he needs help! " A knight who has a Red and Golden armor ordered the others with a loud voice

" Yes, sir! " All the knights yelled at the same time and they separate in two groups, the leader and a small group left the great hall leaving five knights facing Hayato

" Just you want to stop me? you are not enough! " Hayato said with disdain

Hayato jumped in front of the 5 knights and he does two quick punches to the faces of the knights and both of then fall in their backs

" F*ck! Consecutive Slayer Slash! " " Speed Boost! " " Consecutive Slayer Slash! " The remaining three knights started to activate their techniques

Two knights attack him from both sides with their swords shining *SWOOSH* Hayato jumped and he made a round kick with his right leg *PAM**PAM* and he hits both knights one after another in the head leave them in the ground

The last knight tried to stab him desperately *SWOOSH**SWOOSH**SWOOSH* Hayato evaded every one of his thrusts and then Hayato grabs the left wrist of the knight with his left hand to then hit him with his elbow of his right-hand right his chin *PAM* and with that the knight fall

" That"s the last of them now let"s follow the others, I"m sure that Wade is where they went "

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