The Locked System

Chapter 24

Hayato was running in the hallway where the other knights went till he heard someone speaking then he began to slow down until he stopped in a corner of the hallway, he leaned his back against the wall and peeps a little to see who was talking, they are the group of knights that he was chasing they were standing on an entrance, the entrance was emitting a blue light like a force field and in the center was a little blue scarab covered with the same blue light

One of the knights turned to see their leader " d.a.m.n, sir, this strange artifact sealed the door, we can"t enter to the dungeon right now " he spoke with a frustrated voice

" What a strange artifact, just by seeing this I have the feeling that the prisoner is more dangerous than we think, try to search for any vulnerabilty in that thing it maybe has one " The leader said with a serious voice

" Yes, sir " The knight that was closer to the entrance of the dungeon response and he begins to inspect the artifact

Hayato kept watching them around the corner of the hallway listening everything they say

" So the door is locked with that scarab, I think I should wait until they opened and then I will act "

Hayato waited for a couple of minutes more, then he heard the scream of one of the knights, he turned to see what happened

" GAAAAA!!! " A blue lightning covers one the knights and then he was sent flying a few meters, he almost reaches Hayato

" What!? Steven! " One of the knights yelled in surprise

" Check his condition! " The leader of the knights ordered the one who yelled and he approached the knight named Steven, he removed his helmet, then he put his hand on Steven"s neck

" He is alive sir, but unconscious, and he has serious burns in his hands and face " The knight turned to see his leader with a serious face

Hayato makes a wry smile " It seems that the artifact has lightning properties too, that thing is really interesting "

" F*ck! we never be able to open this door without the help of a mage " The leader yelled in anger and frustration then someone appeared behind them

" Then all of you are useless " Hayato said with a cold voice

" What!? you are the intruder I never thought that you will be here so fast! now I have to deal with you! " The leader turned to see Hayato in surprise but then he makes a serious face

" You must know at this point, that none of you can beat me " Hayato said in a calm voice

" Don"t be so! I"m different from all the knights of this place! " The leader said with anger

" Sir! what are we going to do with the door!? " The knight who was behind the leader said in worry

The leader doesn"t turn to see the knight but he responds in a serious voice " We left that for now! first, we have to take care of this f***ing masked man, put Steven on the wall! we have to go all out against him! "

" Yes, sir " The knight put the unconscious Steven on the side of the hallway and stands up

" Now, spear formation gentleman! " The leader yelled and stabbed the ground with his sword then he kneeled behind the sword

" YES!! SIR!! " The other three knights commenced to move, two of them positioned on both sides of the leader and the last one was in front of him, grabbing their swords with both hands in a position where the sword was in front of their faces. The three knights looked like statues in the same position

" What are these guys doing? " Hayato frowns under his mask but then " What is that?! " some transparent tentacles come out from the body of their leader, they started to surround the entire bodies of the three knights and when they are completely surrounded by them the leader closed his eyes while he was saying some words

" We Become The Fire! " A red light emerged from the tentacles, transmitting red energy to the knights, then their swords and hands started to shine in a black red light

" We Become The Wind! " The light of the tentacles changed from red to white color and the knights started to release white smoke from their bodies

" We Become The Stone! " Finally the tentacles change from white to brown color and the bodies of the knights were covered with a transparent rock like armor and finally the tentacles disappeared

Hayato scanned them with his Sharingan and he saw something strange " What is that? some kind of buff....? their energy is stronger than the princess "

" this is something no one aside of me in this kingdom can use, this technique... I was planning to use this when we arrived with our Lord, but I think you need to die right now " The leader was covered in the same form as the other three knights he raised grabbing his sword from the ground

" So what? " Hayato says with a calm voice

" Haha, so? that means that you are a dead my friend " The leader laughed in mocking manner when he stopped, one of the knights disappeared from his position and reappeared on Hayato"s left side and he swings his sword

*CLANK* Hayato raised his katana and blocked the attack from the knight, but he noticed that his katana started to heat up and change to a red color so " Chidori " he covered his katana with his Chidori and the katana started to turn to normal, but before Hayato thought to attack the knight, the other one appeared on his right and he did the same as the other one

Hayato jumped back but the last knight was already behind him. The knight tried to stab him but Hayato turned around quickly *CLANK* he changed the direction of the sword of the knight with a swing from his katana the leader appeared on his right side and he swings his sword from top to bottom, Hayato jumped back again, but he doesn"t evade the sword fast and he received a cut on his mask but the mask doesn"t break apart

" These guys are really strong, if I fight with them in this way, it will take me longer than I expected "

" You have really good skills masked man, but sooner or later you will reach your limits and then it will be your end " The leader said with a mockingly smile

" Haha, you think so? " Hayato moves quickly in front of the first to knights that attack him and he launched his katana to the air " Because I don"t, Rasengan Barrage! " two energy spheres appear on each hand of Hayato and he hits the chest of both of the knights *BOOM**BOOM*

" Grr (x2) " Both of knights clenched their teeth when they received the impacts, then they were sent flying against the wall and then Hayato caught his katana when it fell

" It seems that you are the ones that are going to get tired first " Hayato turned to see the leader showing his Sharingan through the mask

" A demon? well that doesn"t matter, that attack isn"t enough to kill them, hehe " The leader laughed again and the knights that Hayato attacked began to rise from the ground they don"t have any scratch in their bodies

" Hmm, that attack didn"t do anything?.... No, the rock like armor that they have looked completely different from before "

" Sir, if it wasn"t from that buff that we receive from you, we will be already in the ground unconscious or even death! " One of the knights that stand up from the ground said in a serious voice

" Don"t worry if we attack him together we can kill him even if we receive his attacks a couple of times! " The leader said in a calm voice and all the knights began to raise their swords

Hayato becomes serious and he lifts his hands ready to make hand seals but then *ZOOM* a sound came from the door of the dungeon and a handsome man with crimson hair and red eyes came out, he has covered with injuries, his armor is break in a few places and his face is covered with blood but that doesn"t seem his blood. When all of the knights saw the hands of the man they were completely shocked

" lord... " The leader said in a soft but surprised voice

[ " Quest 1 Completed!:

Arrive where Wade is without killing any knights

You received: 10,000 System Points, 1x Senzu Bean " ]

The man was Wade, he has two decapitated heads in each of his hands, one is the head of a black-haired woman and the other one is the head of a blond man

Wade raises the head of the blond man and he said with a mockingly smile " Oh! this? don"t worry, you would serve him in the other life soon "

" It seems that Wade has good strength, but I don"t think he can"t beat this four at the same time and the other quest isn"t completed yet, maybe the leader is one of Wade targets "

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