The Locked System

Chapter 28

Hayato woke up and he stretches his body, after being in the same position a few hours he felt pain everywhere, he turned to see Alyra on the bed and he saw that she was watching him with an expressionless face and her mouth a little open

Hayato raises his eyebrows with surprise and he says with a smile " Since when did you wake up? "

Alyra is still lying on the bed and she smiles back at him " A few minutes ago " Then she made a solemn face and says " The training you did was satisfactory? "

Hayato shakes his head " No, it didn"t go as I expected "

Alyra raises her eyebrow with a cool face " Hmmm…. Hayato can I ask you a favor? " Then she spoke with sadness

Hayato surprises and makes a serious face " What is it? "

" I know that you wanted to deal with my sister, but please don"t hurt my father, he is a good person, I know I"m asking too much, after all the things you did for me, but please don"t hurt him " Alyra speaks with sadness

" Hmm? but how do you know that I"m stronger than him? " Hayato made a curious face

Alyra looks away nervously and says with a soft voice" I..I don"t know I just can"t tell that you have great powers.... unknown for me "

" ...Fine I promise you that but let me tell you something, maybe your father is a good person but he is an ignorant, he wasn"t capable to see how much you suffered in the hands of your sister, he didn"t even know the real reason of the why your mother died " Hayato spoke calmly first but he turned a little angry

Alyra was surprised after seeing Hayato"s reaction but she spoke a nervous face " It-It wasn"t his fault all that happened was my mistake, I should never have trusted her, just like my mother that never trusted her mother " She had a pained expression

" If you say so " Hayato stands up to then walk to the door " I will go now "

" Wait! Hayato! " Alyra yelled with hurry

" What? " Hayato turned to see her with doubt

Alyra speaks with worry " Beware with my grandfather, he maybe is old but he is the strongest person of the kingdom "

I keep that in mind, I think I will take Dye with me, your sister wll be in the Adventurers Guild " Hayato left the room leaving a dazed Alyra that was seeing the door with worry

Hayato walked in front of Dye"s room and the door was open again when he entered she was naked again

" *SIGH* again!? " Hayato put his right hand in his face

Hayato approached Dye and he covered her body with a blanket just to stop his raising l.u.s.t, then he covers Dye"s nose with his fingers and she wakes up abruptly

" Ah....! What are you doing!? " Dye moved her body and said with anger

" Come on we have something to do today, so put your clothes, I will see you outside of the Hostel " Hayato ignores her complains and turns around to leave

Hayato left the Hostel and he waited for Dye to coming out, after a few minutes she leaves the Hostel with her school uniform. She cames out making a pout

" Why did you woke me up like that!? " Dye said with a pout

" Sorry it was an impulse, don"t get mad would you " Hayato made a teasing smile

"Grr... Then where we will going " Dye shows her teeth to him and said with anger

" We... " Hayato stopped speaking when he saw a knight walking towards them " So he came " Dye turns to see at the direction were Hayato was seeing

" Who is he? " Dye asked with doubt

Hayato ignores her and says " Captain what bring you here? "

The knight was Captain Conrad, he didn"t respond Hayato until he arrived in front of him " Master, I found what you were looking for " The Captain whispered

Hayato frowns and says " Did you find everything? "

Dye sees them but she didn"t say anything

The Captain shakes his head " Not everything, master, but I found something that will serve you "

Hayato nods a little and he says " Let"s go, you can tell me what did you found on the way, we are going to the Adventurers Guild "

The three of them began to walk in a slow way and the Captain was the first one to speak

" Master, I entered the library of the castle, there it was a section only for the royal family even for me that area is forbidden " The Captain spoke with a small smile

" Then what did you do? " Hayato turned to see him with doubt

" I went sporadically, I didn"t stay more than 5 minutes each time, I use the excuse that I was patrolling, the first hours I didn"t find anything related to curses but yesterday at night I found a book hidden on the top, the book said the history of the kingdom but the cover was a trick, the real cover was under the fake one and that one had the symbol of the Lockstar family " The Captain made a serious face

Hayato surprises a little " So that one has the curses "

The Captain nods and says with a serious voice " Yes a lot of them, but that doesn"t make sense the Lockstar family is a famous merchant family the products they manage arrive at even the coast cities... unless " then he made a surprised face

" What"s wrong? " Hayato frowns with doubt

The Captain shakes his head and says " I need to investigate this more, if I"m right this could change the kingdom "

" No, this is where it ends your investigation " Hayato spoke with a cold voice

" But why master? " The Captain turned to see him with shock

Hayato speaks in a calm manner " That f*cking princess is crazy so if she discovers you not only your life could be in danger I think that she can do something to your family "

The Captain turns pale from the fear " ...! y-yes I think I will stop but what are you going to do? " he spoke with a nervous face

Hayato speaks with a cold face " I will deal with her today, but that"s not important, now tell me what kind of curse she will trie to use "

The Captain makes a thinking expression and he says " Is a Dark Magic ritual, the person who is targeted need to enter to a spell in the form of a pentagram "

Hayato raises his eyebrow with surprise " So is not so complicated "

The Captain grins and says " Not so, the spell can become invisible to everyone except for the one who made it and it can be put it on the floor r the roof of every building that"s what it makes it dangerous "

" Hmm... " Hayato made a thinking face " So the problem is not how it works but where it could be "

The Captain speaks again " Now master, we almost arrive I have to go I don"t want her to see me with you "

Hayato nods and says " Ok, but one more thing I will leave the kingdom I"m planning to go to the Ballack kingdom "

The Captain surprises but then he smiles " Ok, master, I hope that when you return you can clean up this kingdom "

" Yes " Hayato grinned and the Captain left the place

" Let"s go " Hayato turned to see Dye and she nodded

Hayato and Dye arrived at the Adventurers Guild when they arrived Hayato was very surprised after seeing the Guild Master talking with the princess Ellen

" Oh, h.e.l.lo kid! good timing the princess here wanted to see you " The Guild Master said with a little smile when he pointed to the pretty girl in front of him

" Oh! h.e.l.lo Hayato! " The princess Ellen said with a happy smile and she hugs Hayato very tightly

" …!? H-h.e.l.lo princess good to see you again " Hayato said with an incredulous voice

The princess says sweetly " I bring the level stone that my grandfather uses, so now we can use it in you, hmm?... who is she? " She turned to see Dye with a curious expression

" She is Dye, she is my partner, say h.e.l.lo to princess Ellen, Dye " Hayato said with a little smile when she turned to see Dye

" …..h.e.l.lo " Dye said in a cold voice

" Now, let"s go! " The princess just smiled at her and she left together with the Guild Master toward the empty room were they tested Hayato"s power before but Hayato and Dye stay behind until Dye spoke

Dye turned to see Hayato and she says in a serious voice " Hayato you know her, right? "

" Yes, she isn"t what she looks " Hayato grins a little to her

" She has greed in her eyes when she saw you and that applies to me, I noticed some kind of scanning power coming from her " Dye had an angered face, no the usually angered face she uses

Hayato nods with a serious expression " Hmm, Dye I will handle her myself, here, go buy something to eat for you and Alyra " Hayato gives a golden coin to Dye

" Ok beware with that woman " Dye grabbed the golden con and she left the Adventurers Guild

Hayato walked at a private room in the Adventurers Guild and there the princess and the Guild Master were waiting for him

The princess says with a pout " Hayato what take you so long? hmm? where is your partner? " She turned to see behind Hayato

" She had something else to do, can we start now? " Hayato spoke with a little grin

" Okay kid, then put your hand over this stone " The Guild Master pointed to a rock in a table, it has the size of a human head, Hayato put his right hand on it and *SHIN* the stone started to shine and next some strange symbols come out from the stone floating above it

" Wow!! th that"s amazing!! " The Guild Master babbles with surprise

" ...….!!! " The princess surprised opening her eyes and mouth widely but after that, she had a smirk

" You are an Advance Super Magic Swordsman!! " The Guild Master said happily

" That"s good? " Hayato ask with doubt

The Guild Master had a big smile on his face " Of course it is! in this kingdom you are in the elite of the elite, you have the same strength as the princess, right princess? " He turned to see the princess

" Eh! ah? yes! you are amazing Hayato! " The princess said with a nervous tone but she showed excitement

" Hmm? I see, then what now " Hayato asked calmly

" You have to come with me to the castle! we have to see the king! " The princess said with a happy smile

Hayato smiled and he turned to see the Guild Master " Ok, lead the way princess, goodbye Guild Master "

" See you later kid " The Guild Master smiled widely and they leave the room

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