The Locked System

Chapter 29

Hayato and the princess left the Adventurers Guild and outside a luxurious carriage with a bunch knights in white horses were waiting for them, Hayato and the princess walked side by side to the luxurious carriage

" The curse could be inside the carriage I have to inspect it with my Sharingan but... " Hayato turns to see the Knights that surrounded the carriage, two are driving the carriage pulled by two white horses, there are 4 knights in front of it and another 4 behind it all of them with their own horse

" I have to be careful with them, it seems that the red eyes are a distinctive part of the demons " Hayato walks a little faster to the carriage and then she turns to see the princess with a gentle smile and his right hand extended

" Let me help you princess " Hayato kept his right hand extended until the princess grab it

" Thank you " The princess smiled sweetly and she grabbed Hayato"s right hand and then she entered the carriage

Hayato smirked and when she gave him her back he activated his Sharingan scanning the carriage in a second

Hayato smiles satisfactorily and he enters the carriage " It seems that the curse is not here she must have put it somewhere in the castle "

Hayato sat at the other side of the carriage, wanting to stay as far as possible of the princess

" Hehe, don"t be shy Hayato, I want to stay close to you " The princess gets up and she walks until she sat on Hayato"s left side

" ....! " Hayato surprises and he makes a nervous smile but inside he was rolling his eyes " Sh*t! "

" Hayato…. " The princess whispered in a soft but alluring voice, then she slowly embraces Hayato"s left-hand putting it between her breast

The princess brings her head close to Hayato"s neck and she kisses Hayato"s neck " Chu... Hayato.. " she whispered again

Hayato moves his head a little to the right separating himself from her

The princess sees that but she laughed a little " Hehe, what"s wrong Hayato? you didn"t like me? "

" Is not that, you make me nervous, princess " Hayato didn"t turn to see her when he talked hiding his annoyed face

" Then I think I will hold back a little " The princess smiled but she kept embracing Hayato arm

Hayato and the princess arrived at the castle after a few hours and they left the carriage.

Hayato observed the castle more closely, it has the form of a medieval castle, so it wasn"t really special to him, the only thing that called his attention was the little Dragons in the huge garden on the entrance of the castle, there are about 6 of them, they have spiky red scales, very sharp teeth and all of them were with a knight on their backs

" Dragons! they look really amazing " Hayato smiled Happily

The princess turns to see Hayato and she approaches him " What"s wrong Hayato? Do you like Wyverns? "

" Wyverns? " Hayato made a doubtful face when he turned to saw her

The princess smiles and says " Yes, they are different from the Dragons... Their size is really small compared to an adult Dragon "

Hayato makes a happy grin " Oh I see "

" Hehe, come on let"s go " The princess laughed and she grabbed Hayato"s left hand pulling him to the castle

The knights that bring them here were still walking behind Hayato and the princess

" You can leave us " The princess turned to see them and said with a serious voice

" As you wish princess " The knights bowed their heads and walked to the entrance again

Hayato and the princess entered the castle, it was bigger compared with the Brywood mansion, there are a lot of decorative armors and paints on the walls

" Welcome back princess!! " They were received by a lot of maids all of them with their heads bowed

" Come with me Hayato " The princess hugs the left arm of Hayato again ignoring all the maids

" ...Ok " Hayato raised his eyebrows when she was pulling him into a corridor with a lot of hurry

" You don"t be so shy Hayato, you will be part of my family later " The princess smiled sweetly with a blushed face

" Eh! what!? " Hayato screamed with surprise

" eh..hmm..I think... I think I like you " The princess turns to see the floor and say in a soft voice " Since the first time I saw you I thought you were the one an only for me "

" Eh? " Hayato raised his eyebrows again with a face full of disbelief " You got to be kidding me so this is the trick she will use "

" Mou, don"t stay silent like that, say something " The princess made a pout when she turned to saw him

" ...….. I…. feel the same " Hayato evades her eyes and he say in a soft voice " Ugh, this is difficult "

" I don"t know what I would have done if you had said no " The princess smiled widely showing her white teeth

" Haha " Hayato laughed nervously

" We finally arrived, this is my room " The princess smiled and she turned to saw Hayato

" Your room princess? I thought we will see the king? " Hayato said with a face of doubt

" No, I wanted to have some time alone with you " The princess bowed her head with a very shy face, then she turned to see Hayato with a seductive face " You don"t want to? "

" Here! it must be here! there is not time to scan the room I have to do this now "

" EH!? " The princess opens her eyes with shock, she even took a few steps backward

" What"s wrong princess? are you feeling unwell? " Hayato asked with doubt

" Eh? it"s-it"s nothing I thought I saw something really strange " The princess shook her head while she was smiling nervously

" Are you really ok princess? If you want to rest alone I will leave " Hayato made a wry smile

" No I"m fine, let"s enter " The princess kept smiling nervously when she entered her room with Hayato right beside her

When Hayato and the princess entered her room, the princess approached Hayato with a seductive smile on her face

She started to lick Hayato"s lips " Mn... mn... *LICK* " she opens Hayato"s mouth forcefully with her tongue until they were interlocking their tongues

The princess put her hands around Hayato"s neck hugging him tightly, she gently caresses his hair and they separate " Hayato hug me tightly " She said with a l.u.s.tful face and a hurried breath

They begin to kiss again in a very pa.s.sionate form " *LICK* mn... mn... "

After a few minutes, they stop their kissing session but they keep embracing each other both of them look desperate for more, the princess pull Hayato next to her bed and then she pushes him down into the bed, she sits on his waist and they continued kissing session

"Ha... I.. I can"t wait anymore Hayato " The princess said with a lewd face

" Are you sure you wanted to do this? I really hope that you didn"t regret this later " Hayato said with a serious face

" I"m 100% sure " The princess smiled sweetly and she gets up from the bed to then she walk slowly far from it, she turned to see Hayato and on her face, a sinister smile began to grow

" I will never regret this " The princess said with a sinister face

*BOOM* The room started shin in purple color and two pentagrams appeared one appeared on the roof above the bed and the other one under the princess"s feet

The one above the bed is bigger and shined red and the one under the princess"s feet is purple. They have a different style of writing but one thing is sure that is something that Hayato can"t understand

" Begin!! " The princess yelled with a malicious face and the room reacted to her voice

*ZOOM* the pentagrams shine intensely *BOOM* they exploded and a current of energy began to move through the air

" Hahahaha!! look at all that energy!! hahaha!! it will be mine now!! " The princess laughed like crazy

Hayato says calmly " I really doubt it "

The princess makes mockingly face and she laughs again " Hahaha!! what are you saying?! commoner?! are you blind?! or...…!? " but she saw something different and she reacted surprised

The princess saw Hayato standing in front of her showing his red eyes and she was on the bed, their positions have been reversed

" Wha..wha..wha... " The princess was speechless and her face is full of disbelief

Hayato says naturally " This power will mine, not yours "

Hayato makes a mockingly smile when he saw her and started to yell

" No, no, no, nooooooooo!!!!! " The princess tried to leave the bed but *BOOM* " Kyaaa!!! " an explosion makes her fall on the bed again

*ZOOM* The energy started to move towards Hayato

" Syt can I absorb this energy "

[ " No, but I can turn it into System points for you " ]

" Good " Hayato extended his arms and the energy surrounded his body

Hayato absorbed the energy that was surrounding him and then

[ " You received: 10,000 System Points " ]

" Only this? is not what I expected "

The room began to back to normal and the princess was really furious

" You b.a.s.t.a.r.d!!! " The princess jumped from the bed ready to punch Hayato

" Hmph " Hayato grins coldly and he crosses his arms, he activates his Demoniac transformation and *PAM* the princess"s fist lands on his face but it was like a breeze to him

" What"s wrong, princess you can try it again if you wanted " Hayato smirks coldly

" d.a.m.n you!!! how did you escape my transference formation!!?? " The princess yelled with anger taking a few steps back

Hayato laughs mockingly " Haha, I never escaped your little trick "

" Then how!!?? " The princess screamed with frustration

" You were the one fall on that trick, I just moved on the little pentagram.

The moment before we entered this room it was the moment that everything started, You should"ve seen yourself kissing and embracing the air, it was so funny, haha " Hayato made fun of her

" Grr…. a*hole! you will pay with your life for this!! " The princess grind her teeth and clenched her fists

" I told you before, no? don"t regret it later, now " Hayato made a cruel face and he closes his left eye until blood comes out

" What are you doing!? " The princess said with fear seeing all the blood that was coming from his eye

" Amaterasu " Hayato opened his left eye abruptly

" KYAAAAAAAA!!!! " The black flame appeared right on princess"s face, she hits her face with her hands trying to put out the fire in her face but her arms now are covered with the black flame too "NOOOOOO!!!!! " She began to roll on the floor with fright but nothing worked she only spread the black fire all over the floor on now all of her body is burning

" Kyaaa!!...kyaaaa!!... " She kept screaming with a lot of pain until

" Enton: Kagutsuchi (Inferno Style: Flame Control) " All the black fire moved toward the door blocking it completely " The knights maybe heard her "

" Geck!... " Hayato covered his eyes for the pain he felt

" All the techniques that Sasuke had with his Mangekyou Sharingan were unlocked when I bought the Mangekyou Sharingan but all of them hurt a lot, just one more and I can leave this place "

Hayato walked near the unconscious princess to then grab her from the neck raising her until they were face to face. She had her face deformed and all of her hair burned, Hayato shakes her trying to wake her up

" Hey! wake up! I not done with you " Hayato kept shaking her but there isn"t any response, so

" I say wake up! " *PUM* Hayato hits her stomach and blood started to came out from her mouth she opens her eyes slowly

" Why…… " The princess said with a wake voice but she still has her face full of anger " You...already….took… "

" Let"s say that... I"m returning you a favor, now let"s end this I have to go, Oh! before that thanks for your powers, princess " Hayato said with a smile

Then he made eye contact with her and " Genjutsu: Sharingan " The princess stayed completely paralyze, she can"t even move a finger " Now, you can"t move or scream from help until I leave this place, I don"t trust that you will be unconscious until a left this place "

" I don"t want to use the Tsukuyomi, she would fall in a comatose state and if that happened Alyra couldn"t take revenge from her "

Hayato throws her to the bed and he dispersed all the black flames from the Amaterasu

" No one came to help her despite all the screams she made, I think she sealed the room from noises somehow, now I have to leave this place, I will try to escape here without any conflict "

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