The Locked System

Chapter 30

Hayato walked near the window on the princess"s room, he started to observe the outside of the castle and he saw several groups of knights walking around the perimeter of the castle. They seemed unaware of what happened inside the princess"s room

" What I thought was true, no one will come to help her, that gives me a great opportunity to escape "

Hayato turned to see his right where the princess is and says with a careless face " Whatever you did to isolate this room will help me now "

" .... " The princess is completely immobilized but she can make very soft sounds

Hayato walked near the paralyzed princess and he took the blanket that was under her pulling it in a swift movement

" Well princess I have to go now, I hope you can sleep well " Hayato said with a cold smile

" ….. " The princess had an angered face

" Don"t be so angry I think your face now goes very well with your personality, hahaha " Hayato makes fun of the princess one last time and then he put the blanket on her face

Hayato stretches his right hand and his Akatsuki clothes appeared, he put on the Akatsuki clothes and Tobi"s mask too and then he began to walk to the door but he stopped before he left the room

" Princess, I want you to remember that this isn"t the last time we will see each other when the time comes, I will be present on the last day of your life " Hayato said with an emotionless face and he left the room

" If I had known that no one will come to help her, I wouldn"t have burned the door with the Amaterasu " Hayato was a little upset

" I need to find a lonely knight, I will knock him out and transform in him, that way I can leave without any problem "

Hayato walked on the hallway, but he didn"t see any knights after a couple of minutes but then he felt a change on the air and makes him stop

" Hmm? that was really strange I felt like I leave a big bubble or something like that, that was the cause of why they didn"t hear her? but how I didn"t notice it before " Hayato turned to see behind him, but he didn"t see anything strange " Well, whatever " Hayato turned around and he walked again after he was about to leave the hallway he heard some knights speaking at the end of the hallway, so he slowed down his footsteps and he moves towards them carefully

" Did you hear? someone sent a bag sealed to his Majesty, no one can open it to see if it"s dangerous to his majesty, the captain said it was sealed with magic, I don"t understand what he means about that, but we have to go there and protect him for any threat " One of the knights said with curiosity the other knight next to him

" I think it"s magic used to identify to check the receptor, a friend of mine received a package like that, he said it was to prevent someone else from stealing the content " The other knight answered

" Ah, so that"s what"s he meant eh, our Majesty wants to open the bag in about ten minutes from now then he will send some knights to investigate who are the culprits of killing the Brywood family yesterday " The first knight said incredulously

" Yeah, it seems that two persons left the scene, it seems that they were the ones who attack the Brywood family, some witnesses saw them leaving the mansion of the Brywood family very fast " The knight responded the other one with a serious voice

" They could be the killers, I wonder what happened with the heads of the Count and his wife, even his personal guards were decapitated " The first knight responded in fear

" Yes, they are crazy and powerful, attacking and making that to the Brywood family, is like making the entire kingdom their enemy, now let"s leave we don"t want to be late " Both knights turned around to leave but when they turned around Hayato hit them on the neck and both knights fell unconscious

" So a bag, I think the bag is the present that Wade sent to the king, hehe, I better see his reaction, it could be fun " Hayato makes hand seals and " Transformation "*PUFF* Hayato transformed into one of the knights then he grabs them both and he returns to the room of the princess to throws them inside

" Then let"s go, I hope to find some knights that can guide me where the King is "

Hayato returned to the hallway and he begins to search for some knights. He was walking until someone called him from behind

" Hey! what are you doing, you have to go to the throne chamber " Hayato turned around and he saw a knight using a golden armor, the style is the same as the other knights but the golden color makes the knight completely different than the others

" Are you hearing me? " The Golden Knight asked with a cold voice

" Sorry, I think I"m lost again the castle is so big " Hayato bowed his head with shame

" Hmm? so you are new, it"s ok, come with me we have to get there before his Majesty. He ordered that every knight on the castle went even the royal guards need to be there " The Golden Knight said with a calm voice

" Sorry for the trouble " Hayato said with an ashamed voice

" The armor that he uses seems very strong, maybe he is some kind of special guard, I will try to gain some information "

" Sir, what can I do to become a knight like you? " Hayato asked with curiosity

" You mean a Royal Guard? you should already know that " The Golden Knight said with suspicion when he turned to see Hayato

" Oh, well I thought that maybe there is a shortcut or something like that " Hayato said with a nervous voice

" There are no shortcuts in becoming a Royal Guard, you have to show your strength to the previous King and if you have lucky he could choose you to become one " The Golden Knight said with pride

" That means that Conrad is in a rank inferior to him, maybe he is even stronger than Conrad, he is part of some special unit? "

Hayato and the Golden Knight walked deeper into the castle, they climb some big extravagant stairs and then they arrive at two big wooden doors with eagles carved in a very detailed way on both doors

" Let"s enter, our Majesty should arrive in a couple of minutes " The Golden Knight opens one of the big wood doors and there the throne room was is a very big area with columns in each side, only the center doesn"t have columns because there it was a long red carpet and on each side of the carpet was a lot of normal knights there should be around 50 of them. the Golden Knights were near to the throne there are 9 golden knights, 5 on the left side of the throne and 4 on the right side

" Go to your position " The Golden Knight said coldly and he walked leaving Hayato standing there, The Golden Knight joined the other Golden Knights at the right side of the throne

" Understood " Hayato played along and he joined the Knights at the right side of the carpet

After a few minutes of standing still, Hayato was bored to the bone

" Oh man, if I had known that this will be so boring, I would have left from the beginning "

A couple of minutes more one of the Golden Knights yelled

" Our King has arrived!! " When the Golden Knight yelled, all of them kneels in their positions, Hayato took a few seconds to react, but he kneeled too

A middle age man entered from a door that was occult next to a column on the right side of the throne. The middle age man has black short hair and blue eyes, he has a very build body and he is very tall around 6"4"" ft (1.93 meters) he is wearing a golden armor with a red mantle, he has a small golden crown it doesn"t look too fancy.

" His facial features resemble more Ellen than Alyra, I think Alyra looks like more to her mother "

The king arrived at the throne but he didn"t sit down he just stood in front of the throne

" Raise, we all know what happened to the Brywood family now, we need to found the culprits for killing them to bring them to justice " The king said with a soft but powerful voice

The King turns to see the Golden Knight that was with Hayato before " Captain of the Royal Guards, Bring the bag that was sent to me "

" Yes my King " The Golden knight leaves the room by the same door he entered with Hayato and after a few minutes he arrives with a big brown bag that was blinking in a blue color

" Here it is my King " The Golden knight puts the bag in front of the king and he kneels

" You can go to your position Captain " The king said with an emotionless face and he extended his hands towards the bag but he was interrupted by the Golden Knight

" My King, with all respect, are you are planning to open it now? you"re not going to wait for your Royal Father? " The Golden Knight said with surprise

" No, I don"t think this bag is dangerous, so, he doesn"t need to be here " The King said with a fearless smile

" But my King, we have been ordered if something happens, we have to tell him " The Golden Knight said in a solemn tone

" Hmph " The King only smirks with confidence and he touches the bag *CRACK* the blue blinking cracked and exploded in little blue particles, all the Golden Knight were ready to jump in front of the king to serve as human shields

The King opens the bag and he turns white for the shock then he introduces his hands in the bag and he puts out the head of a blond man

".....Gerald " The King said with a sad voice, seeing the face of the decapitated head

All the knights on the room had shocked expressions, they can"t believe what they are seeing

" Your Majesty! that"s Count Gerald!? " A Golden Knight approached the king and said with astonishment

" .... " The King doesn"t say anything, he just handed the head to the Golden Knight and then he puts both of his hands in the bag again putting out the head of a black-haired woman

"..... Beatriz too " The King was more astonished than before then he took the bottom of the bag and he empties it slowly causing that more heads began to roll in the room

All the knights in the room were alarmed except for one of them, Hayato, he was very peaceful

The king observes every one of the heads that are in the floor, he seems to recognize them " Even Gerald"s personal escort is here, this was sent by the culprits " The King said in a grave voice

One of the Golden Knights walked toward the bag and grabs a small letter cover with some blood " Your Majesty! there is a letter here! and it says that is for you "

" Let me see that " The King grabbed the letter and began to read it in a soft voice " If you don"t want this to happen again, you better control the crimes of your n.o.bles " The King began to make a serious face and he says " The culprits know the Brywood family, maybe if we investigate deeply we can find them, interrogate the surviving knights, maybe they can describe better the appearance of the culprits "

" Your majesty, all of them haven"t wake up, they seem to be beaten by someone with unrivaled strength, they still didn"t show any signs of waking up " A knight approached and said with a solemn face

The king sees the Knight with surprise " What!? Then the culprits must come from another kingdom, sabotage maybe? " he makes a thinking face

The Captain of the Golden Knights approaches and he bows a little " My lord we can"t be so sure yet, we need to investigate more "

" Good idea Captain " The King extended his right hand and orders all knights present " Send Light Mages from the temple to heal the surviving knights, they can wake them up from their slumber "

" Yes, my King! " The knights bowed their heads and then someone else enters the throne room causing all the knights to turn to see him and they saw an Old man when they saw him they kneeled quickly " Welcome my Lord! " All the knights yelled at the same time Hayato only kneel unknowing who was the Old man that had entered

" Son, you know who attacked the Brywood family " The Old man entered the throne walking on the carpet ignoring all the knights, Hayato saw him and surprises he didn"t have the body f an old man the only thing that looks old is his face because his body looks very strong, the old man has a long white beard, short white hair and he is wearing a golden armor without protection in his arms that shows his very strong arms, he is like an old version of the King

" So this old man is Alyra"s grandfather she said he is really powerful "

" Father I… " The King bowed his head a little but he didn"t finish talking when the Old man says

" That decapitated heads are from the Brywood family? " The Old man said with a cold voice seeing all the heads dispersed on the carpet

" Yes, father, the culprits sent the heads to us, I think they were enemies of the Brywood family " The King said with a nervous voice

" *SIGH* I promised my old friend that I would take care his son, but now his son is dead " The old man started to release his killing intent stunning everyone there, then he turned around to see the knights

" Alyra was right, this Old man is very dangerous, for the moment I"m not his rival "

" Who are you? " The Old man said in a very cold voice

" He is talking to me? " Hayato acted naturally but inside he was surprised

" I"m speaking to you, the last knight over there " The Old man said coldly and all the knights turned to see Hayato

" d.a.m.n it, I shouldn"t have come here, it was a stupid idea, now I have to fight my way out of here "

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