The Locked System

Chapter 58

" The next fight will be between Darrell Hughes and Zayden Pierce " After the city lord spoke and two young men climb to the platform

Darrell looks around 18 years old he wears common medieval clothes with a silver armor that protects just his chest, He has brown hair and brown eyes, he isn"t handsome but he isn"t ugly, he is just a normal guy

Zayden looks around 25 years old, he wears a brown armor with of a blue sun in his chest, he has black hair with yellow eyes, he has a scar from his right eyebrow to his left cheek, he has an aggressive look on his face, he looks more like a bandit than a knight

" Hayato, the guy named Zayden was with those n.o.bles " Wade whispered after Hayato arrived next to him

Hayato sees the platform and says calmly " Let"s see what he can do "

" Begin! " The city lord screamed but just before they fight the two young men discussed something and then the guy named Darrell raised his hand above his head and yells " I forfeit! "

" Are you sure? " The city lord asked with doubt

" Yes " The young man said with a sad voice and he jumped out from the platform

" The winner is Zayden Pearce! " The city lord yelled and soft slow applauds could be heard on the benches

" Hmm? " Hayato frowned after seeing the young man leaving with a sad and frustrated face

" And there it goes another one, my friend, you saw the face of that young man, the other guy just told him a few words and he left. Tch those stupid n.o.bles " Wade frowned as he said coldly

The young man named Zayden turns to see Hayato just as he was descending from the platform, he made a face full of hostility

" So they are after me now " Hayato shakes his head with a cold grin on his face

" *SIGH* That guy name Zayden, is one of the personal guards of Wyatt Keller, so that young man needed to forfeit if he wanted to live after this day " A man on the benches said with a troubled face

Another man next to him shook his head as he said with a sad voice " Poor guy, the Keller family is the greatest n.o.ble family of Shokan city, thank G.o.d he forfeited before they made something to him "

Alyra was listening to the men on her right, then she turns to see Maya that was on her left

" You hear them? " Alyra whispered to Maya

Maya makes a wry smile and whispers " Yes, I think we ended in a trouble situation, Hayato will not contain himself even if they threaten him "

" Then we need to be ready to fight!? " Dye turned to saw them making a bright smile

Maya nods and laughs " Haha, I think so, let"s just wait and see what happens " they turned to see the platform again

" The next battle will be between John Mason and Ben Rogers " The city lord spoke again, but the young men didn"t even climb to the platform, the two young men raised their hands and yelled at the same time " I forfeit! "

The city lord surprises and he stands up with a face full of anger " Are you making fun of me! then why did you come to the tournament!? get out of here you f*cking cowards! "

The two young men leave the center of the city with their heads bowed, the spectators are confused but when they knew who will be their next opponent and some shook their heads

Wade makes a solemn face and says " This is becoming repet.i.tive, now some even don"t want to fight "

Hayato shakes his head " I almost feel bad about them "

The city lord starts to speak coldly, it seems that he was still angry " The next battle is going to be between Wyatt Keller and Liam Dixon! "

" It"s the brother of that thrash I beat before " Hayato smiled coldly

" Hayato, I think that guy Liam was with that dangerous guy Zeran " Wade frowned seeing the two young men climb the platform

" I see, then maybe this time we can see a fight " Hayato smiled a little and turns to see the platform

Both young men removed their robes when they arrive at the center of the platform

Wyatt looks around 20 years old so his brother must have the same age, he wears the same type of armor as his brother a brown armor with a sun in his chest, he has brown hair and green eyes and the same face as his brother it seems that they are twins.

Liam looks around 24 years old, he wears a green armor that only had protection on his chest, arms and legs the rest is just are bright black clothes, in his chest, he has the symbol of a blue Wyvern, he has red hair and yellow eyes but he is a little less handsome than Wyatt

" Began! " The city lord yelled and the young man named Liam ran towards Wyatt with great speed

" I"m sorry but I can"t disappoint my young lord! " Liam has a serious face then " Great strength Boost! " Liam"s fist started to shine with an orange color and his body was blinking in an orange light

" Oh, yeah!? then why you didn"t give up before the fight started! " Wyatt smiled coldly as he raised his guard " Great Speed Boost! " Wyatt"s body began to shine with a green color

" Raa! " Liam jumped forward before he arrives with Wyatt *BOOM* he hits the ground with his right fist, Wyatt jumps doing a pirouette forward and when he lands behind Liam, he makes a smile but *SUISH* Liam kicks behind him with both legs, supporting both hands on the ground

Wyatt evades the kick of Liam " Wow! haha! " and he laughs mockingly, Liam turns around quickly and he keeps attacking Wyatt sending quick punches that are aiming to his head, *SUISH**SUISH**SUISH* but Wyatt keeps evading them, making swift head movements

" He almost reaches the limit of the technique, when that happens I will use my Greet Speed Boost to kick him out the platform " Liam has a sly smile on his face

" What? are you thinking that I will become tired? let me tell you something, I can keep up like this for half hour more " Wyatt made a huge smile surprising Liam, then Wyatt crouches evading Liam for the last time and his body emits an orange light " Greet Speed Boost! it"s over!" *PUM* " Ack! " Wyatt punches him in the stomach and almost immediately he made a round kick *PUM* he hit his face and he was sent flying until he fell next to Zeran. Wyatt is seeing Zeran with a confident smile

The spectators yelled after the fight ended " The winner is Wyatt Keller " The city lord yells

Liam turns to see Zeran with his mouth bleeding and says " I"m sorry young lord "

" .... " Zeran turns to see him coldly and then he ignores him, Liam bows his head making a sad face

" That was strange, Hayato, normally the Greet Speed Boost had a short duration, but he increased the duration somehow " Wade said with a serious face

" Hmm " Hayato nods and thinks " What Wade said has a point, but I really don"t know much about the techniques they used "

In the special area

" Hmmm " The captain was frowning seeing the group f the Keller family

" We lost too many partic.i.p.ants thanks to them but at least they show us an entertaining fight, I just hope they don"t cause us too many troubles in the next fights " the city lord said calmly

" .... " Kara sees the group of the Keller family without interest

The city lord gets up from his sit and says " The next fight will be between Wade Blackwood and Isaac Poole "

Wade makes a wry smile " Well, then I will fight a normal guy, I was hoping to fight those n.o.bles or one of their dogs "

Hayato shakes his head and laughs " Haha, good luck my friend "

Wade climbs the stairs to the platform and his opponent too. Wade"s opponent is a young man that wears a leather armor that protects his chest, he has green eyes and blond hair he looks around 21 years old

" Beat him! Wade! " Dye screamed with a cheerful voice

" You can make it! " Alyra screams with Dye

" Finish him quickly! " Maya uses both of her hands to scream louder

" Began! " The city lord said with a powerful voice

" Blazing Warrior! " The young man named Isaac screamed and his body began to shine with a red light, then he sees Wade and says " I"m sorry but she will be mine! " Isaac starts to run towards Wade

" Haa…. " Wade sighs with boredom and some parts of his hair turned blue, and when Isaac punches him with his left fist Wade stopped it with his left palm open, making the red light disappears

" What!? " Isaac yelled with surprise and he tried to release his hand from Wade"s grip

Wade shakes his head and he turns to see the beautiful woman in the special area " I really don"t know what is so special about her, my friend is surrounded with girls as beautiful as her "

" You don"t know? " Isaac said with surprise

" Hmm? " Wade makes a face of doubt when he heard him

" I got you! " Isaac smiled and sends a kick aiming at Wade"s stomach

Wade evades him effortlessly and he punches him on the face " Ack! " Isaac covers his bleeding face and then Wade grabs his legs throws him out f the platform. Isaac hits the wall made by the Light mages and with that, he loses

" The winner is Wade Blackwood " The city lord says with a calm voice

The spectators yelled joyfully again

" Another quick fight! " A spectator makes a surprised face

" Yes! but you saw that that guy canceled the boost of the other guy! " Another spectator made a happy face

On the special area

" That guy has a really strange technique, I never saw something like that before " The captain has an intrigued face

" I felt I saw something like that before, but where? " The city lord makes a face of doubt then he shakes his head and gets up from his sit " The next fight will be between Lennox and Mark Campbell "

The only shirtless young man climbs the platform, he has a very strong body, but his face looks so young, around 19 years old, he only wears black pants and black sandals, he has long black spiky hair that arrives at his shoulders and some bangs in front of his face, he has grey eyes and his face is full of scars just as his upper body

The other young man wears a green armor with a blue Wyvern on his chest, he is a head smaller than the shirtless young man but he looks older, around 23 years old, he has blue eyes and golden hair

The city lord reads his name again and he turns to see the shirtless young man " Young man, you are Lennox, right, you don"t have a surname? "

the shirtless young man turns to see the city lord and says calmly " No, I don"t have one "

" Can I know why? " The city lord surprises and makes a face of doubt

" I"m an orphan " Lennox responds carelessly

The city lord makes a wry smile and yells " Oh! I see, then Begin with the combat! "

" Tch! get out of the platform before you get into trouble! " The young man named Mark said with disdain

Lennox closes his eyes and shakes his head " Sorry but I can"t do that " then he opens his eyes abruptly and he began to run at high speed towards Mark

" What!? " Mark yelled in surprise and then Lennox grabs his head to slam him into the ground *BOOM* " Argh! " Mark screamed with pain

" You should give up, I don"t want to hurt you " Lennox has a calm face as he still was grabbing Mark"s head

" Grr! how you dare to raise your hand against a guard of the young lord Zeran! Blazing Warrior! " Mark shined with a red light and he kicked Lennox on the stomach, freeing himself from his grip

" Hmm... " Lennox makes three steps back and turns to see Mark with a calm face

" Die!! " Mark makes a flying kick but " What!? " Mark surprises when Lennox evades him and grabs him from the leg

" Haa! " Lennox threw him taking advantage of the momentum *PAM* Mark hits the platform stopping himself from falling out of the platform

" d.a.m.n you! " Mark yelled with anger and he jumps to attack Lennox " HA! " Mark hits him everywhere but Lennox has his guard making an X, every time that Mark attacked him he doesn"t do anything, he kept attacking for a few minutes until

" Get out of the platform, Mark! " A young man yelled below the platform

Mark turns to see him making a surprised face " ...!? But my lord...! "

" Now Mark! " The young man was Zeran he has a very angered face

" Yes my lord " Mark makes a scared face and he jumped down the platform and when he approached Zeran he spoke to him

" You are useless, you can"t even beat a commoner, get outta here, you are no longer a knight " Said Zeran with a cold voice, he didn"t even look at Mark

" But…. " Mark became pale

Zeran turns to see him, releasing some killing intent surprising those who were near him and he says " Or do you want me to kill you "

" ...… " Mark trembles in fear and he turns around to leave

" Well that was unexpected, the winner is Lennox " The city lord said with a calm smile even after he saw Zeran act like that

The spectators were speechless but in the special area

" .... " Kara clenches her fist with anger seeing Zeran

" We have seen some amazing young men so far, but now we will start the two last combats " The city lord spoke with a happy face

Wade grins and turns to see Hayato " You see that, that guy is really strong "

Hayato nods and says " Yes, I"m impressed "

The city lord makes a smile and says " Now Leon Grant and Max Collins go to the platform "

A young man with brown skin and black hair was the first to climb the platform he wears a green armor with a blue Wyvern in the chest

A few moments later the other young man climbs to the platform, he has red hair and green eyes, he wears an armor that protects all his upper body with the exception of his head

The fight was the same as the n.o.bles versus commoners, the young man named Max surrendered before they started, but this time he was very happy, it seems that the other young man paid him for giving up

The young man named Zeran didn"t even care about the result of the fight when the young man named Leon arrived near him with a small smile

This time the city lord didn"t say something about the guy who surrendered, on the contrary, he has a huge smile seeing Zeran and his group

" Now the last fight before we pa.s.s to the next phase, it"s going to be between the young lord Zeran Heartblade and Hugh Allen " The city lord spoke with respect when he talks about Zeran

Wyatt whispers Hugh before he climbed to the platform " Use your knife to injured him "

" As you wish young master " Huge nods and he walks to the platform

Zeran was the first to arrive at the center of the platform but this time he removed his black robe, he wears a golden armor that protects his chest and legs, his arms are completely uncovered showing his strong arms, he has the same blue Wyvern symbol in his chest

Hugh arrived after Zeran removed his robe he wears the same armor as his partners, he has black hair and purple eyes Zeran is taller and younger than him, he looks around 24 years old

" Start! " The city lord yells with a smile

" Show me what you have! " Hugh puts a hand on his pocket and " Blazing Warrior! " his body emits a red light but

*PUM**CRACK* " Ugh! " Hugh didn"t even have the time to take out his knife, Zeran was already hitting him before he can move, the punch was strong enough to cause some cracks in Hugh"s armor

Hugh lies on the unconscious platform when the spectators began to yell like crazy but what sounds more are the women screaming Zeran"s name with love and admiration

" Hahaha, the winner is Zeran Heartblade " The city lord makes a very happy laugh

" Hmm? that guy has the same strength as me but... " Hayato makes a serious face

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