The Locked System

Chapter 59

Wade has a serious face seeing the platform and he says " I think that that guy is a bigger problem than I thought "

Hayato turns to see Wade with a calm face and says " Maybe, he didn"t use any boost techniques as the other guy did, but one punch to the chest was enough to leave him unconscious "

" That"s the problem, that guy Hugh wasn"t weak " Wade frowns and said with surprise

Hayato turns to see him with a smirk " You are not going to give up, right "

Wade makes a grin and says " Of course not, at least I will make him bleed "

" Ok, at least win the third price " Hayato made a grin and then the city lord speaks again

" We will take 15 minutes to rest, but first, I will announce the next fights, the first battle will be between Hayato Uchiha and Zayden Pierce " The city lord read a parchment again

" So, I will be the first to fight " Hayato feels that someone is staring at him, he turns to see to his left and he saw Wyatt, Zayden and a five more of their companions sending him murderous gazes, Hayato makes a careless face and he ignores them " His brother isn"t there anymore "

The city lord continues reading the parchment with a calm face " The next fight will be between Wade Blackwood and Lennox, I know that I didn"t mention a partic.i.p.ant, but thanks to the two cowards that left before, he will pa.s.s directly to the semifinals he is Wyatt Keller "

Wade snorts with disdain " Hmph, maybe they were expecting something like this, they are just a bunch of cheaters "

" And the final fight is going to be between Leon Grant against the young lord Zeran Heartblade, now rest " The city lord made a huge smile after he mentioned Zeran

The city lord sits and a knight arrive next to him with a few small with cards

The knight gives the white cards to the city lord " Here are the ident.i.ty cards that you asked city lord "

The city lord nods and says " Thank you, you can go back now " the knight bows and leaves

The captain smiles and says " You are curious about them, city lord? "

" Yes, I want to know one of them, but I don"t think that he can beat the young lord Zeran " The city lord makes a proud smile

" ….. " Kara clenches her fist

" Let"s see.... is this one Hayato Uchiha " The city lord starts to read the white card and when he finished he makes a surprised face " Unbelievable! 15 years old and he already is a level 10 Advance Super Magic Swordsman! "

The captain and Kara turns to see him with surprise, then the captain speaks " I knew he was strong but not that strong, he is even a Magic Swordsman and that"s already rare "

Kara turns to see Hayato with her little mouth open a little, showing her white pearl teeth and pink tongue, then she makes a sad face but after a few seconds she makes a serious face

" That kid has more strength than my daughter when she had his age " The city lord turned to see Hayato too and he shakes his head

The captain puts his right hand in his chin as he makes a curious face " He has great control of the elements of Fire, Wind, and Water to be able to create Lightning reinforcement, I wonder what kind of training he had "

Hayato was waiting with Wade when Wade speak " You have to fight against that group of idiots one after another " Wade turns to see Wyatt and his group

Hayato shakes his head and says carelessly " Don"t worry about them, what"s more, important is your two opponents "

Hayato and Wade waited until the 15 minutes pa.s.sed, on that time the rain stopped and the city lord began to speak again

The city lord gets up from his chair and says " Let the first partic.i.p.ants pa.s.s "

Hayato was the first one to climb the stairs and after a minute Zayden arrived in front of him with a mocking smile

Hayato raises an eyebrow and waits to the city lord to begin the battle

The city lord raises his left hand in front of him and yells " Start! "

Zayden raises his left hand above his head and yells " I forfeit! " he has a huge smile on his face

Zayden give up before Hayato began to move, Hayato makes a surprised face as well the city lord, then the city lord speak

The city lord has a calm face but he is trying to hold back his anger " Why did you forfeit? "

Zayden makes a self-mockery smile and says " I can"t beat him, but my young lord can, so, I just let him pa.s.s "

" ….Ok " The city lord said with a reluctant voice

Zayden pa.s.s beside Hayato and says with a mocking voice " Enjoy your last moments, my young lord will kill you " Zayden jumped out from the platform after that

Hayato has an emotionless face and he gets down of the platform, in the meantime, the city lord was very angry right now

" That f*ckin Keller family only because they are the most influential family here they think that they can do whatever they want " The city lord frowned as said with a cold voice

The captain says calmly " We can"t do nothing sir, let"s see what they had planned "

Wade turns to see Hayato and says " It seems that you didn"t fight again, but they may be had planned something "

Hayato frowns and says " Whatever they try, it will be useless " then he turns to see the special area " I"m sure of that thanks that I can feel everyone present here with the exception of the city lord and the guy next to him, they could be as strong as me or more "

" Now we will proceed to the next fight, so Wade Blackwood and Lennox please go to the platform " The city lord spoke again and Wade leaves to the platform, he and Lennox climb to the platform at the same time

" Come on Wade win again! " " Do your best Wade! " " Beat that big guy! " Maya, Dye, and Alyra screamed with cheerful faces

Lennox and Wade kept seeing each other with calm faces until " Begin! " the city lord yelled

" Come to me Thunder Flame! " Wade"s body emits blue light, some strands of his hair turn blue and blue marks appear in his body like flame tattoos, he runs like a thunderbolt towards Lennox destroying the ground where he was standing before

" ...!? " Lennox makes a surprised face and he raises his hands to protect his head *PAM* Wade kicked his left arm instead of his head, Lennox bent to his right side a little after the kick then *PAM* He punches Wade from up to down with his right hand slamming him into the platform

" ....Ha! " Wade uses his hands to stand up quickly and *PAM* he kicks Lennox"s chin, making him take a few steps back

Lennox runs and grabs Wade"s shoulders. Wade grabs Lennox"s forearms in respond, Wade tries to push Lennox out of the platform but it was useless " This guy is strong " Wade punches the front parts of his elbows from up to down making him bend his arms, then he kicks his stomach with both legs at the same time, but Wade didn"t even move him this time " Hmm? what? Did he increase his body strength? " Wade made a shocked face to then jump back

Lennox touches his stomach then he turns to see Wade with a calm voice " That really hurt, but is not enough to defeat me "

" You really are strong, but I haven"t started yet " Wade begin to run towards Lennox again and he covers his fist with a blue flame that emits lightning " Lightning Fire! " *BOOM* Wade punches Lennox again as he protects his body with his arms making an X, he resisted Wade"s punch but he was seriously burned in both arms

" Ack... " Lennox makes pained expression but he extended his arms to grab Wade"s head, then he raised him from the ground

" d.a.m.n, he has a lot of endurance " Wade grabs Lennox"s hands but he slams him into the ground repeatedly at least 10 times

" Ugh! " Wade was bleeding from his face after Lennox releases him, Lennox grabs Wade"s legs and he tries to throw him out of the platform " Argh....! no! I"m not done yet! " Wade stretches at the last moment and grabs Lennox"s right hand and with his left fist he punches Lennox"s face with his blue fire again *BOOM*

" Grr! " Lennox release Wade and he retreats back covering his face, he shakes his head a few times, it seems that the punch that Wade gives him made him dizzy " Raa!! " Lennox runs against Wade this time but his huge body made him slower than Wade

" Grrr " Wade"s body began to emit blue fire and he runs against Lennox and *BOOM* A huge explosion occurred when they clashed, raising dust and sending pebbles in every direction and from the cloud of dust a body comes out at great speed until it hits the magic wall, when the dust dispersed they could see Wade standing on the center of the platform and Lennox laying unconscious outside the platform

The city lord stands and yells " The winner is Wade Blackwood " the spectators began to shout with excitement

Wade walked to the edge f the platform and sees the unconscious Lennox with doubt " Why he didn"t use any technique, he is a cripple!? no, it"s not possible, I have to ask him later maybe he will tell me "

Wade gets down of the platform and some Light Mages approached Lennox to began to cure him, Wade approached Hayato and he asks the same thing that he thought before

" He is not a cripple, I can feel his energy, maybe he is a different type of fighter, you said before that you only knew a few categories of this continent, maybe he is from those you didn"t know " Hayato saw Wade with doubt

" I will go to ask him when he wakes up " Wade made a happy grin and he walks towards Lennox, after that the city lord spoke again

" This will be the last fight before the semifinals, is going to be between Leon Grant and The young lord Zeran Heartblade " The city lord spoke with happiness

Leon and Zeran jump at the same time to the platform, they are partners but it seems that Zeran wants to beat Leon, the combat didn"t last long Zeran punched Leon on the stomach and he falls unconscious, then his other two partners came to take him away

" Haha that"s what I expected from him a punch and all over " The city lord made a happy smile

" Well, let"s see if he can win the next two battles " The captain responded with a small grin

" I"m sure that he will win " The city lord makes a confident smile

" .... " Kara stay still watching Zeran coldly

The city lord gets up from his seat and says " Since the next partic.i.p.ants didn"t fight before, we don"t have to wait, now Hayato Uchiha and Wyatt Keller go to the platform, is your turn to fight "

" Hayato! beat him like the other idiot with the same surname! " Dye screamed with a mockingly smile

" Yes! we know you will win! " Alyra screamed nervously

" That"s the man that I love! and the future champion of this tournament! " Maya screamed something that made the people around her turned to see her

Hayato climbed the platform and he approaches Wyatt that has a murderous look in his face

" Now let the semi-finals beg..... " Before the city lord finished speaking Wyatt screamed

" I have to ask you something city lord! " Wyatt screamed in the direction of the city lord

" Now, what he wants? " The city lord has an annoyed face when he heard Wyatt

Wyatt makes an angered face as he was pointing Hayato " I want a fight of life and death against him! can we fight like that!? "

" ....!? " The city lord surprises and the spectators began to make a fuss. Maya, Dye, Alyra, and Wade have serious faces

" W-We can"t permit something like that " The city lord spoke with a surprised face but before he can say something else Hayat speaks " I accept the fight! " Hayato has a calm face but his answer caused a sinister smirk on Wyatt"s face

The city lord surprises and says " ....!! But young man, you know what it means, right? the fight wouldn"t be ended until one of you is dead "

" If that"s what this loser wants, let us fight like that " Hayato made a serious face as he raises his guard

" *SIGH* Then let the fight of life and death begin! " The city lord yelled and Hayato activated his Raiton Chakura Mōdo (Lightning Style Armour)

" Hmph " Wyatt smirks coldly and some transparent tentacles started to surround his body very fast they are Red, White, and Blue

" Those tentacles I saw them before, don"t tell me!? " Hayato turns to see Wyatt"s partners and they are in the same position as the guard of the Brywood family " So, that"s why he didn"t get tired before, they helped him and now they are doing it again openly "

Then Wyatt screams " Lightning Reinforcement!! " and he starts to emit white lightning from his body just like Hayato

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