The Locked System

Chapter 60

The lightning reinforcement that covers Wyatt looks the same as Hayato"s Raiton Chakura Mōdo (Lightning Style Armour) but the difference lies on the color and the lightning, they are clear white and the lightning moves frenetically almost unstable

Wyatt points at Hayato with an evil grin, then he says " You will die for the humiliation you caused to my brother! No one disrespects the Keller family! " *ZOOM* Wyatt disappears from his position, Hayato saw that and *ZOOM* he does the same *BOOM* Hayato and Wyatt clashed their fists sending a shockwave from the impact

Wyatt makes a mockingly smile when he was in front of Hayato " I knew that you can keep up with me, but how long you can do it? "

" ... " Hayato didn"t respond him, he sends a punch towards Wyatt"s face, Wyatt jumps back evading the punch and Hayato chased him *BOOM* *BOOM* *BOOM* they clashed and clashed all over the platform sending shockwaves every time they clashed

Some of the spectators only see shockwaves and a blue light chasing a white light all over the platform

" What is this!? " A young man said with amazement

" Those of the Keller family are helping him! I will stop the fight right now! " The captain made an angered face as he gets up from his seat

The city lord turns to see him and says with a calm voice " Captain, we can"t do nothing against the Keller family, let"s just hope that that young man can win also he looks like he is hiding his true strength "

" Those are the kind of guys that you want me to marry? " Kara said coldly

The city lord turns to see her and says calmly " No, with someone of Keller family, that"s for sure "

Kara talks with sarcasm " And the others are different " then she makes an angered face " You know that they only came here for one thing "

The city lord sees her daughter with a calm face " Look kara, all of this is because of you, I know what are you thinking but the winner will make you happy, I promise you "

Kara bites her lower lip in frustration and she turns to see the platform again

Hayato and Wyatt keep clashing around the platform until " Raiton: Rariatto! (Lariat) " Hayato traps Wyatt"s waist with a lariat when he was jumping then *BOOM* " Ugh "he slams him to the ground, creating a small crater. Wyatt vomits a mouthful of blood and he is bleeding from his back a lot

" It"s over! well done Hayato! " Maya yells with a happy face

" Raiton: Rariatto! (Lariat) it"s a simple technique so is not so difficult to learn it "

Hayato was about to kill Wyatt but his body starts to blink with white light and he stopped bleeding then shows Hayato a confident smile and he jumps from the crater taking some distance from Hayato

Hayato sees Wyatt with surprise, Wyatt looks tired behind that confident smile but then another light blue light covers his body and he looks like the start of the fight, without injuries and full of energy

Wyatt makes a cold grin and says " You really are strong, but you will never beat me, your destiny is to die, hehe "

Hayato turns to see outside the platform " Another two, one healing him and the other giving him more stamina, that one was the one who helped them before? Is he a Reinforcerer? " Hayato saw them aiming their hands to Wyatt waiting for helping him " Now is a 6 versus 1 "

Wyatt laughs maniacally " Hahahaha, let"s make this more interesting, Blazing Warrior! " his body starts to change with his veins pop out in all of his body, his eyes shine and his muscles increased in size, Hayato frowns after seeing his body change " His body can"t stand that kind of power, he looks like that man of the Brywood family " then Hayato surprises again, Wyatt blinked again n that white light " He will use that Light Mage to cure him while he is on that state.... d.a.m.n"

" Raaa!!!! " Wyatt runs at very high speed and *PUM* he hits Hayato from up to down with both fists slamming him against the ground

" Gah " Hayato grinds his teeth and tries to stand up but before he could Wyatt grabs his right leg with his right hand and *BOOM* " Haha " *BOOM* he slams him repeatedly on the ground

" Hayato!! " Alyra screamed with worry

Maya turns to see her and says with a confident smile " Calm down! he hasn"t even started yet "

" What do you mean? " Dye makes a confused face

" Just watch " Maya makes a wide smile and she turns to see the platform

" Grr " Hayato protects his head with his arms, Then he stretches to grab Wyatt"s hand and then " Chidori! " he cuts Wyatt"s hand

" AAAAHHH!! " Wyatt takes a few steps back grabbing his right hand

Hayato stands up and sees Hayato with a calm face " His Lightning armor is so weak "

" What are you doing!? Heal me faster!! " Wyatt screamed with anger at his companions and he blinks faster making his bleeding stop " F*cker!! I will skin you alive!! " Then he runs against Hayato

*PAM* Wyatt sends a punch to Hayato"s face but covers his face with both of his arms *PAM* *PAM* *PAM* *PAM* Wyatt kept attacking Hayato with his fist and legs, but Hayato stopped every one of his attacks

*PAM* " Ugh! " Hayato kicks Wyatt in the stomach before he attacked again making him retreat

Hayato runs again against Wyatt *PUM* Ahg!! he punched him on the face making him fall on his b.u.t.t, but again he is being healed by his companions

Hayato makes a serious face seeing Wyatt " that"s all you got "

" Grr! " Wyatt grinds his teeth as he sees Hayato with hatred

" You can heal every time but I only need one attack to kill you, Raa!! " Hayato yells and his hair stand up more than before and the lightning increases his size " I will prove my full power Raiton Chakura Mōdo (Lightning Style Armour) in this guy "

Wyatt has a scared face seeing Hayato " Y-Y-You are not an Advance Super Magic Swordsman!! you are at least an Earth Magic Swordsman!! "

Hayat appears behind Wyatt in a flash " ...!!!??? " Wyatt didn"t have the time to react when Hayato raised him from the ground grabbing him from both sides of his waist

" What!!?? " Wyatt moves and screams in panic and " Raigā Bomu!! (Liger Bomb) " NOOO!!!! " Wyatt screamed one last time before Hayato slams him into the ground *BOOM* the ground exploded where Hayato slammed Wyatt after the dust cleared Hayato was seeing Wyatt"s dead body, the only thing that remains from Wyatt are his legs and waist

[ " Bing!, You receive 1500 System Points " ]

" Nooo!!! young master!!! " Zayden jumped to the platform and he approached to the crater that Hayato made

Zayden saw the destroyed body of his young master and he turns to see Hayato with anger " YOU b.a.s.t.a.r.d!!! YOU KILLED HIM!!! " Zayden takes out a sword from his waist and he rushes towards Hayato, his partners move too

"Chidori Eisō! (Chidori Sharp Spear) " Hayato stabs Zyden chest with his Chidori and he says " He was the one that wanted this kind of battle, blame him for being so weak " then he moved his hand from left to right cutting him in half and then he did the same to his partners, his Chidori penetrated the light wall made by the Light Mages, but he cut just the ground under the benches

[ "Bing!, You receive 1200 System Points" ][ "Bing!, You receive 1000 System Points" ]

[ "Bing!, You receive 1100 System Points" ][ "Bing!, You receive 1000 System Points" ]

[ "Bing!, You receive 1100 System Points" ]

The spectators near them screamed in terror seeing all of them being murdered in an instant

Dye makes an excited smile " What happened!? he became stronger in an instant! "

Maya responds her with a proud smile " Is thanks to that lightning armor that surrounds him, he can become stronger just by increasing the amount of energy he uses, amazing, no? "

The city lord gets up from his chair with a shocked face " Young man you didn"t have to kill them "

" Then I would have let them kill me? don"t make me laugh, announce the winner already " Hayato saw him with a cold face, then he gets down from the platform

The city lord sighs " *SIGH*....The winner is Hayato Uchiha " and he sits again

" That young man is ruthless! he killed those members of the Keller family like they were nothing! " A man in the benches said with a startled face

" Yes, but now he will be in a lot of trouble, even the city lord can"t save them from the fury of the

Keller family " An old man near the man shook his head

The people on the benches kept talking with incredulous faces

On the special

" The Keller family lost one of his two successors and the strongest one of the two, now that boy will die inevitably " The city lord shook his head an said with a face of pity

" d.a.m.n it! he could have been someone exceptional! And all because a selfish young man from a n.o.ble family thought that he was better than him! " The captain narrows his eyes and said with anger

Maya makes a sweet smile and shakes her head " Oh, my love, you have been always so impetuous "

" Now we have to fight after this, but I couldn"t expect less from him " Alyra makes a wry smile

Maya turns to see Alyra and Dye " You two have your weapons with you? "

Alyra points at her waist as she smiles " Yes, I have my sword with me "

Dye shakes her hands in front of her face " I have my gauntlets! "

Hayato went to his previous position and Wade was already there. Wade has been healed by the Light Mages, so he doesn"t have blood in his face anymore

Wade makes a wry smile when Hayato approaches " Well, my friend now that you killed them in a public place, everyone will know who did it, you have a plan? "

" No, they started it, maybe we have to exterminate another n.o.ble family " Hayato grins a little and shook his head

" Haha, that would be a shame my friend, haha " Wade said with sarcasm and laughed happily

" The next semifinal will start now, Wade Blackwood and young lord Zeran please go to the platform " The city lord speaks with a calm voice

" Is my turn now, good luck in the finals" Wade makes an excited smile

Hayato grins and says " At least punch him one time "

Wade was the first to climb to the platform and after a couple of minutes Zeran climbed the platform he has a face full of disdain seeing Wade

Zeran snorts and says with a cold voice " Hmph, another weakling, this will end quickly "

Wade raises his guard and some his hair turns blue and his body began to emit a blue fire with lightning then he says with a grin " I"m not going to give up until I see you bleed! "

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