The Locked System

Chapter 10

Everyone in the room have a incredulous expression, except for one young man, Hayato he have a careless expression, as if he didn"t care

The princess turns to see the Guild Master " So what happen Guild Master? " She asks with a face full of doubt

The Guild Master puts his right hand in his chin and he speaks " Well i never see something like that, but i think the Level Stone doesn"t have the ability to read his category " He turns to see Hayato " Kid, you have me very intrigued "

" So, that means that we cannot now his category " Said the receptionist who was next to the Guild Master

" Maybe we can " everyone turns to see the princess " My grandfather have a Level Stone of bigger size, he scan my category with that one, maybe with that we can know, if i ask him to lend it to me for a bit "

" That means, that he is in the same category as the princess, even if he looks so young " the Guild Master looks at Hayato with a shocked expression

" That"s right " The princess say with pride, but Hayato could see something else in her eyes

" Haha, that"s envy princess?, but your eyes shown something else, I wonder what could be " It was a feeling that Hayato had never experienced, but he know that wasn"t a good feeling

" Well, before i go to see my grandfather, i like to spar with you Hayato, what do you say? " The princess smiled sweetly to Hayato

" Ok , princess " Hayato responds with a shy smile

" That"s something i like to see, if you don"t mind princess, i like to see the spar " The Guild Master asks for permission to the princess

" It"s okay you can come, we leaving to the training ground " The princess smiles a little and the four of them leave the Adventurers Guild

After a couple of minutes they arrive to the training ground, when Hayato sees something that makes his opinion of the princess worst

" Well, i almost feel bad for that guy, almost " Hayato watches Bennett still unconscious in the ground " But i never think that the princess didn"t even care a bit about him, this woman is really special "

The princess just smile a little " Oh, i forget about Bennett, Guild Master could you.. "

" As you wish princess, Steve take sir Bennett to the temple and ask the priest to heal him personally " The guild master orders the receptionist that was with them before. The man starts to walk toward Bennett and puts Bennet in his shoulder then he finally leaves the training ground

" There is a lot of things that i didn"t know about this world, but in 2 more days that wouldn"t be a problem " Hayato grins a little

" Ok, let"s begin, hehe " the princess makes a mischievous smile. She starts to walk to the other side of the training ground, she takes out a slime sword with her left hand leaving her right hand empty

" If what she say is true, this will be a hard battle, i don"t want to use my Sharingan and my Demoniac transformation, first i will find out what she want with me and next i will return her the favor " Hayato puts out his katana and he stands in guard

" Show me something interesting kid " the Guild Masters take his distance and next he yells " BEGAN!! "

" Fire Wall! " The princess rises her right hand and *POW* A firewall appear and starts advancing towards Hayato

Hayato surprises a little, but next he began to make hand seals and then " Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu ( Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu ) " A big fire ball destroys the fire wall and keeps moving towards the princess

" Speed Boost! " The princess do a quick jump to her right and *BOOM* the fire ball explodes leaving a crater in the place where she was

The princess and the Guild Master have their mouths open, but the princess starts to grin coldly for a second

" I don"t finish yet! " Hayato appears in front of the princess and he kicks her stomach with his left feet, she blocks the kick with both hands, but she retreats back a few meters and then she rises her sword again

" Consecutive Slayer Slash! " Her sword starts to bright and she began to attack again

" Chidori! " Hayato covers his sword with his Chidori *CLANK* *CLANK* *CLANK* Their swords collide again and again, but the sword of the princess begins to lose its brightness.

She looks at her sword and then she jump backwards

The princess makes a great smile " Haha this is fun, let"s start again, Wind Slash! " a wind blade appear and goes straight to Hayato"s head

" ...! " Hayato bows his head, dodging the wind blade, only a few strands of his hair were cut in the process " HAA! " Hayato jumps toward the princess rady to cut her with his katana

" Wind Reinforcement! " The sword of the princess was cover in a thin layer of white smoke

*CLANK!!!* the two swords collide causing an expansive wave

The princess smiles sweetly at Hayato " Hehe, you are really strong, for now, let"s end this here " The princess eyes are like before but this time Hayato feels the sentiment stronger than before

" This woman, what exactly want for me. Well that doesn"t matter, now i know that she is more weak than me, i only need to find what kind of power have her father and grandfather "

Hayato and the princess goes near to the Guild Master and he smile to Hayato

" Hahaha, you are really strong kid, even more stronger than me " The Guild Master hits Hayato"s back several times

" So, i will go now, Hayato , it maybe took a couple of days to bring the stone, so in the meantime you can ask the Guild Master for missions " The princess turns around and leaves the training ground

" Come with me kid, i will find you a mission " Hayato and the Guild Master return to the Adventurers Guild they climb the stairs and they approach to the Mission Board

" Well, kid with your powers, i recommend you to take the mission of kill a Bandit Group near the city " The guild master hands over the mission instructions from the board to Hayato

" Let"s see…. " Hayato starts reading the mission instructions

{ Requirements: Kill the bandit Leader of the l.u.s.ting Bandits

Location: Near the woods of Lyrel kingdom ( Ask the gate knights for more info.)

Difficult: AAA

Reward: 1 Gold coins }

" What means the triple A " Hayato ask the guild master

" Normally all the guild members are evaluated and they receive missions depending on the qualifications they have for example: E rank adventurers, D rank adventurers and so on till arrive to the S,SS, and SSS adventurers. With the power you display, you are an AAA adventurer so you can do that mission " The Guild Master smile a little

" So, there is more powerful people here? " Hayato ask in a surprise face

" Not here, but in other kingdoms, now take this " The Guild Master hands over a little purple card to Hayato

" What is this " Hayato takes the purple card

" This will recognise you as a member of the guild, if the gate knights don"t let you enter, just show them this, now go " Hayato leaves the Adventurers Guild and he start walking to the entrance of the kingdom

" Syt why they can"t scan my power with that Stone"

[ " Your energy is different from everything they now, thats why, but whe you know every power level i can make your energy look like them " ]

" That"s awesome Syt, now let"s go for some easy Sistem Points "

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