The Locked System

Chapter 21

1 year later

" What are you saying!? " A redhead woman yelled with disbelief

" I said I will send Alyra to a magic school, that way she will become stronger and she can make new friends " A man with eccentric clothes responds her with a calm face

The redhead woman now makes an angered face " And that was your idea or someone told you to do it!? "

" It was my father idea he said that that school will help her a lot " The man with eccentric clothes

makes a sad smile " I don"t want her to leave too but is the best we can do for her "

The woman laughs mockingly " Haha! you take me for a fool! you think I didn"t notice how he looks me and how he prefers that b*tch of the Lockstar family! and now that she give born to a daughter everything will be worst " the woman makes an annoyed face

The man walks in front f her and he embrace her " Elizabeth, calm down you know that I love you more than anyone and I only wanted the best for you and my daughter Alyra "

Elizabeth begins to cry in the man chest and he says with a hoa.r.s.e voice" Then why did you marry her? "

He embraces her more tightly and says " You know why, my father wanted the connection with the Lockstar family to support or kingdom "

She raises her head to see him and with tears on her face she says " At least let me go with her "

The man makes a sad face and he says " I... I can"t I don"t know when I will become the king so I need you by my side "

Elizabeth hides her face on his face and she whispers" ... promise me that she will be okay "

The man kisses her head and says " I promise you "

The next day the little girl was sent to The Zypher kingdom, not like a n.o.ble just like a normal student of a magic and sword academy, she spent 15 years of her life on that kingdom becoming a great warrior after she turned 18 she finally can come back to her home

" h.e.l.lo father " A beautiful young woman with red hair and blue eyes smiled, she entered at the castle of the Lyrel kingdom where several maids, a middle age man with a crown, a young woman and a young man receive her with smiles on their faces the mads bow her heads

The middle age man with a crown approaches her and hugs her " Alyra! my beautiful daughter, you finally came back "

Alyra hugs her father with a smile on her face " Yes father, I"m back" after a few seconds they separate and Alyra turns to see the young woman and the young man behind her father "Hmm? who are they?

The middle age man smiles and he says " She is your sister Ellen you don"t remember her? "

" Nice to meet you sister!! " The girl named Ellen walked in front of Alyra to then hug her with a very happy face

Alyra surprises but then she smiles and hugs her back " Oh? hehe nice to meet you too sister "

The middle age man sees them with a smile and when they stop embracing each other he says " And he is your fiance " he points at the young man next to Ellen

" h.e.l.lo I"m Bennet of the Brywood family " he extended her hand to Alyra she shakes his hand but she could feel that he was caressing her hand in an unusual way

She became nervous and surprised at the same time then she came back to her senses " Eh? a fiance... but you never told me anything, ne-never mind where is my mother? "

" She has been sick so she is still in her room " The middle age man responds her with a sad smile

Alyra makes a worried face and she says " Can I go to see her father? "

The middle age man nods and says with a calm face " Yes you can, little Bennet and I will go to the Brywood family

Ellen raises her hand and yelled with worry " I will go with my sister! "

Alyra and Ellen began to walk toward the room of the sick queen on the way Ellen began to speak " So sister how old are you I"m 16 years old "

Alyra turns to see her with a smile and she says " I"m 18 just a few days was my birthday "

Ellen makes a surprised face " Eh? then congratulations sister! " she yelled with a smile

" Thank you! hehe " Alyra makes a sweet smile towards Ellen

" Can I tell you something? " Ellen makes a serious face

Alyra raises her eyebrows with surprise and she says " What? "

Ellen bows her head a little and says with a calm voice " I know that you don"t want to marry that guy Bennet I saw your face before "

" Ugh... " Alyra surprises and become nervous

" Don"t worry I won"t tell my father but if you want to cancel that marriage you need to become stronger than you are now maybe that convinces our father " Ellen smile happily

Alyra smiles sweetly again " Thanks for the advice sister I will train to be stronger "

When they arrive at the room of the queen Ellen says " Now I will leave I don"t want to interrupt your reunion "

Alyra opens the door with a face full of worry " Mother! "

A woman with red hair was in a bed she has a very pale face but when she sees Alyra she smiled " Alyra, thank G.o.d you finally came back "

Alyra approaches her with a face full of worry " Mother, what happened? are okay? Do you need anything? "

The queen smiles to then pat the head of Alyra" Hehe, calm down silly girl I"m okay I have only been a little weak, do you read my letters? "

Alyra smiles and grabs her hand with a smile " Yes mother every one of them "

Two months pa.s.sed after that, Alyra discovered the death of the mother of Ellen she went to see her after that but Ellen had already accepted her death.

Alyra kept training every day to cancel her marriage she really doesn"t want to marry Bennet she felt that he has something wrong, sometimes Ellen joined her training they discuss the rivalry that their mothers had before and she told that it was the time to end that

But one day something happened that changed the fate of these two sisters

" NOOO!!! " A scream of a young woman can be heard

Alyra heard that scream and she immediately recognized her owner " Ellen!! " she went to the place where she heard the scream using speed techniques when she approached a door again she heard the scream " NO! PLEASE STOP! " Alyra kicks the door and she entered with a panicked expression

She saw her fiance Bennet ripping the clothes of her sister with a face full of l.u.s.t " YOU b.a.s.t.a.r.d!! LEAVE OF HER!! " Alyra grabs Bennet from behind and she throws him to the other side of the rooms

" How dare you to do that!! " Alyra makes a face full of hate and she puts out her sword " Ack....!! " but when she was about to attack him she felt a stabbing pain on her back " What....? " Alyra started to feel weak and she turned to see behind her

" Why? " Alyra saw Ellen stabbing her back with a knife covered with a purple liquid

" Hehe, that really work I never thought you would fall in my first plan, you really are naive sister " Ellen makes a mockingly smile and she takes out the knife from Alyra"s back

" ... " Alyra falls on her knees feeling really sleepy then she falls completely to the ground unable to speak or move

" Aw.. that hurt, you were right she came " Bennet walks next to Ellen with a paned face then he turns to see her " Now can I have my reward " Bennet sees Ellen with a grin

Ellen makes an annoyed face and she says " Not now you fool, go to your home, I have something to do " Bennet looks surprised but he still leaves reluctantly after he left Ellen kneels next to Alyra

" You know I never saw you as a sister the same goes for that maid you call mother she is just lucky to be here, my mother always wanted to kill you two but now she is dead I think I have to do it for her " Ellen makes a beautiful smile

" ..... " Alyra sees her with doubt

Ellen sat on Alyra"s back and she continued speaking with a smile " Hehe, I think I know what are you trying to say, the trued is that I shared the hate that my mother had for you two, my father always showed more love to your mother than mine and that is something I always hated but if you die at least I will happy and don"t hope to anyone came to help you all the knights in the castle are in my side "

" ... " Alyra narrows her eyes with anger

" But I can"t kill you two without alerting my father so I thought that maybe I can kill you slowly but... " Ellen kept smiling until she felt Alyra moving under her

" Uh..... " Alyra trembles a little

Ellen sees Alyra with surprise " It seems that the effects of the poison are pa.s.sing fast, you really are stronger that"s why I thought it will better if I do this... " Ellen removes the hair from Alyra"s neck-tossing it to the side " This f*cking red hair you and your dirty mother disgust me " Ellen grabs Alyra"s hair with disgust then her right hand shines with a purple light then she grabbed Alyra"s neck

" Ugh....! " Alyra makes a pained expression and she began to feel that something is happening to her body

" You can feel it, haha this is me draining your powers hahaha! " Ellen makes a crazy laugh and her right hand began to blink faster and faster and after 10 minutes Ellen removes her hand from Alyra"s neck

Ellen stands up seeing her hands with a very happy face " Hahaha, yes now I"m an Advanced Great Magic Swordsman " Ellen turns to see Alyra that was fighting to get up

" How... dare you... you will pay for this... when my father knows " Alyra has a tired face but she made an angered expression

" Hehe, I don"t think you will tell him anything at least if you wanted that your mother lives " Ellen makes a mockingly smile

" What...? " Alyra made a surprised face

" Tell me something, you really thought that she was sick? she has been like that for years you are more foolish than I thought " Ellen surprises with a smile on her face " I was the one who put her on the bed "

" You b*tch!! " Alyra grabs her sword from the floor and she points to Ellen

Ellen smirks coldly and she says " Oh no! I can still kill her from here the curse that I put on her let me do that! "

Alyra puts down her sword slowly " Grr... what the h.e.l.l you want, I know that you don"t want to kill me "

Ellen sees Alyra with disdain " Hehe, I want all your powers if you keep training I will keep your mother alive "

" ....fine " Alyra responded reluctantly when she had her head bowed

Ellen walked to the door and she turned to see Alyra before she left " Oh! one more thing you better don"t approach our father if you do I will kill her in an instant "

When Ellen left Alyra turned red from anger, clenching her fist with a lot of strength making her palms bleed " Grr!!! "

A half year pa.s.sed by and Ellen kept draining the power of Alyra to the point of exhaustion, Alyra"s hair changed in some places from red to white even her eyes were affected, her right eye is light purple and her left eye is light blue

Alyra was full of despair and a day she tried to search help from her father only to be caught by Ellen and she burned all left side of her face with fire magic, but for some reason, Ellen didn"t kill her mother that made Alyra really suspicious

A day before she met Hayato

Alyra sneaked to the room of her mother just to find an empty bed, she started to panic and that"s when she discovered the truth


" That happened but Yesterday...yesterday...i..i found out that she killed my mother more than half year ago… father thought that it was the fault of a disease… but I know it was her…. the maid who told me that was close to my father so she knew what he thought about that…... I will never forgive her…. even if my father tries to protect her…. I"m going to kill her… but now she is too strong, so for me is impossible to beat her " Alyra clenches her fist and cried with frustration and sadness until Hayato approaches her and hugs her surprising her a lot

" It"s ok Alyra I"m going to make you stronger and when you surpa.s.s her you will have your revenge " Hayato pats her back

" You will help me…. with that too….. " Alyra cried in the shoulder of Hayato and she returns the hug

" Yes you are my partner now so I will help you with that " Hayato spoke with a confident voice

" Thanks... Hayato... " Alyra cries with joy this time and she hides her face in Hayato"s shoulder

" I"m your partner too, so don"t leave me behind " Dye embrace Hayato from behind surprising him, Alyra doesn"t seem to be aware of Dye, she still was hugging Hayato

" This world, this world is worse than the other one, I will never show mercy to anyone that threatens my life here " Hayato has a really cold face

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