The Locked System

Chapter 50

" Hayato, it was made by that princess you told me before? " Maya said with doubt

Hayato makes a serious face " Yes, but that"s not a priority, we need to separate here, you, Dye and Alyra, can go to find a boat that can take us to the Beast Continent "

Maya grabs Hayato from his collar pulling him close to her as she makes an angered face " Oh no! you are crazy if you think that you can separate me from you! "

Hayato sees Maya with a calm face " Calm down Maya, it will be for a few hours, Wade and I have something to do, in the meantime, you can ask Alyra about that princess, I didn"t tell you the full story "

Maya frowns and says reluctantly " …Fine, but… " she kisses Hayato again " Don"t you dare to die again "

" Again!? " Wade screamed with surprise, but he was the only one surprised, Dye had a curious face and a finger in her lips and Alyra had a pale face

Hayato makes a wry smile as he sees Wade " I will explain you in the way " " Maya... it supposed to be a secret, now I have to tell him about that " Hayato turns to see Alyra " What"s wrong, Alyra? "

" ... " Alyra had an incredulous face and she didn"t respond to him

" Alyra? " Hayato puts his hand on Alyra"s shoulder making her jump by the surprise

" Eh!? " Alyra screamed with surprise

" What"s wrong? you don"t look so good " Hayato makes a wry smile

" Hmm? sorry, what? " Alyra makes a sad smile, but only Maya noticed that, making her frown

Hayato grins a little and says " Go with them to find a suitable boat, I think you still had the money from the beast cores that we sold in the Ballack kingdom "

" Y-yes, but I don"t think it"s enough for that " Alyra said in a nervous voice

Wade gives a small bag with some silver coins " Then take this, is the last money that I have "

" Ok, then leave that to me " Alyra smiles a little as she grabs the small bag

Hayato smiles and says " Good when we have done with that, We will teleport where you are, using the sword that I gave to Maya "

" Now let"s go, I will guide you there " Wade said calmly and they left

Hayato and Wade separated from Maya Dye and Alyra. They began to talk in the way, Hayato explain to wade that he is a reincarnated person in this world, but he hid everything about his system

" It sounds really illogical, but after seeing all those techniques and the fact that you know the Heroes that"s enough for me to believe you " Wade said calmly

Hayato makes a grin " You are taking this so calmly "

" Well, any normal people that knew would be surprised, but I"m a little different from the rest " Wade said with a little pride

They kept walking until they arrive at a bad looking bar, the place was open in a way that the people that were drinking inside can be seen, there are at least ten benches and a few people with their weapons exposed, some seemed that they will faint from drunkenness

" Let"s enter and wait, he will found me " Wade says with a serious face

Hayato and Wade sit in an empty bench, all the people that were didn"t pay attention to them

Hayato makes a serious face as he sees the people around him when he says " You really think we can trust him? after all he is a demon "

Wade shakes his head with a grin " No, but I don"t have another choice, after all, he gave this powers "

Hayato makes a grin " If you say so, but how he will find you? "

Wade makes a small smile and says " He can know where am I tracking my powers "

" Hey, that"s not dangerous for you? he could try to kill you after this " Hayato made a serious face

Wade nods and makes a confident smile " I thought that too, so, some part of the deal we made is if he approaches me after we finish the deal, he will suffer the Tribulation of Treason and that will be his end "

They waited for around half an hour until two hooded persons sited in front of them, their faces can"t be seen, but when they raised their heads, they revealed their red eyes. One was a head taller than the other, they had greyish skins, Hayato and Wade could see that thanks to their exposed chins

The small Demon sees Hayato with curiosity and he says with a smirk " Who is he? you didn"t mention that you will bring a friend"

Wade has a poker face and he says with a calm voice" The same goes for you, who is he? "

The tall Demon gets up suddenly and a big pressure covers the entire bar, making all the people there scared, then he says with a calm voice " You dirty human, Who you think you are "

Hayato activates his Sharingan and Demoniac transformation surprising the demon a lot then he snorts coldly " Hmph, this is a deal between them, if you really want to interfere, with pleasure I will do it too "

The tall Demon makes a very serious face and says " Who are you? "

" Addanack sit down, he"s right, you and him, can"t intervene in this " The small Demon says calmly

" But my lord? " The Demon Addanack said with surprise

The small Demon moves his eyes towards him and says with a very cold voice " Now "

" Yes, my lord " The Demon Addanack sound very respectful toward him, then he sits down making that the pressure that was covering the bar disappeared. Hayato deactivated his Sharingan and Demoniac transformation

" Then, where is your part of our deal? " The small Demon said calmly as he was seeing Wade

Hayato takes out the big beast core from his inventory and then he puts it in front of the two Demons

" ...! " The Demon Addanack surprises but the small Demon only narrowed his eyes

" That"s s.p.a.ce magic! who the h.e.l.l are you human? " The Demon Addanack says with a very serious face

The small Demon gets up and he says calmly " Addanack we will leave now, our deal is over, now you can use the powers that I gave you without any consequences "

" Well, thanks for that " Wade makes a grin

The two Demons left the bar with the beast core being carried by the Demon named Addanack

Hayato makes a grin and he says with surprise " That was completely different from what I was expecting "

" Well, I don"t, now let"s get back " Wade said with a grin

Hayato nods and he stands up " I have the feeling that I will saw them again " then he puts his hand on Wade"s shoulder and they teleport, all the people in the bar had incredulous faces, but what"s important is the conversation between the two Demons


" My lord, why don"t we bring that human that had s.p.a.ce-time magic too? your sister will be very happy if you do that " The Demon Addanack says with surprise

" No, for that I would have to fight with all my powers, remember that we have to wake up those things after this " The little Demon responds calmly

" What!? he is that strong!? " The Demon Addanack had an incredulous face

" Yes, and also s.p.a.ce-time magic is not that special, but we have to take care of him, we don"t want any troublesome enemy, let"s go to the Diamond Temple first " The small Demon smiles coldly

" Yes my lord " The Demon Addanack makes an evil grin

The two Demons extended bat-like wings from his back and they fly away into the ocean


Hayato and Wade appeared in front of Maya, Dye, and Alyra. They are now in the docks in front of a medium size boat maybe it can carry 50 persons without any problems

" Oh! you were right! you can use the Flying Thunder G.o.d Jutsu, that explains the kanjis on my sword! " Maya made a happy face

" T-Then Hayato h-how was the deal " Alyra responded Hayato with a red face trying to not see him to the eyes

Hayato frowns after see her " Hmm? well it was completely different from I expected, but I think we will see them again "

" I already told you to don"t worry if he wants to die he will come " Wade made a confident smile

" *SIGH* Ok " Hayato sighs seeing Wade

" Hehe, then let"s leave, we will aboard to this boat, it will take us 5 days to arrive at the Monster Continent, here are the tickets for you two, you can tell us what happened when we leave " Maya has a big smile

The five of them went to the boat and after they give their tickets, they boarded the boat. It seems that now they had no money left, Hayato explains Alyra Dye and Maya what happen in the deal with the Demon and the three of them were very surprised, after that they went to their rooms. The boat has rooms for each one of them, the rooms are the same as the hostel of the Ballack Kingdom

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