The Locked System

Chapter 68

An hour before Hayato arrived. Maya, Alyra, and Dye were searching for clothing shops in all the street

Alyra makes a wry smile as she sees from left and right " It seems that this kingdom really like adventurers "

Maya makes a smile and says " Yes, we have been searching for clothing shops for a few minutes and nothing, I"m dying from cold here "

" Well, I"m fine, why don"t we go to eat? " Dye said with a careless smile

Maya trembles from the cold again and says " Grrr, Dye you know that you and we are different, so you have to wait until we buy the clothes "

Dye makes a pout and says " Hmph, fine, but where we can find them? "

Alyra and Maya turn to see her and said at the same time " We don"t know "

They kept walking on the street until they arrived at an area where there are civilians and not adventurers, there they found the clothing shop, were Maya and Alyra choose what to wear, after a few minutes they left the clothing shop, Maya wears a white wool sweater that covers her black armor, she bought some black stockings too, those combine perfectly with her black skirt, her shiny armored boots and her Katana are the only metallic stuff that is exposed from her armor, she wears a black scarf too, Alyra wears the same kind of sweater, but his color is red, she bought stockings but those are white just like the scarf she wears, she wears her white armor and skirt just like Maya, and last, Dye, she only wears a light blue sweater above her school uniform, she was reluctant to use it at the start but Maya and Alyra make her use the sweater by force, they told her that seeing her like that, made them feel cold, at the end they remove their Akatsuki robes and now they carried them on a small bag

" With these clothes, I can barely feel the cold wind " Maya plays with her scarf with a beautiful smile in her face

Alyra does the same as Maya and says with a smile " They are made with a very soft material "

Dye jumps in front of them an puts a hopefully face " Now we can go to eat something? "

Alyra smiles and says " No, we have to go for Hayato first, we want to give him the black sweater we bought him "

Maya interrupts them and points to a jewelry shop " Hmm, not yet, let"s go there, first "

" Where? " Alyra and Dye spoke with curiosity and turned to see the shop

" Why there, Maya? " Dye asked with doubt, then she says " They sell something we need? "

Maya shakes her head and says " No, I want to buy something from there, while I was in the Ballack kingdom, I didn"t care about this, but now that I have the money and we have time I will take this opportunity " Maya shows them a beautiful smile

Alyra makes a face of doubt and says " What do you exactly want to buy, are you sure that Hayato won"t be angry if we use the money for other things? "

Maya makes mischievous smile and turns to see Alyra " Don"t worry he won"t be angry "

Alyra makes a surprised face and says " if you say so... "

" Come on, you can buy something too " Maya grabs Alyra"s hand and they walked to the jewelry shop with Dye behind them making a pout. The store has big windows letting see collars earrings, bracelets and rings, from a different type of jewels and colors, inside there are various sideboards with jewels of all type there a lot of women inside, all of them look from the n.o.bility

When they enter, a well dressed middle age woman approaches them and says " Welcome to the shiny moon, what brings this beautiful ladies here? "

Maya smiles and says " I want a necklace capable to store a small paint " and she puts her right hand under her sweater and takes out a small photo to then show her

The middle age woman narrows her eyes seeing the picture and says " Hmm, let me search for one of that size, but remember the smallest the necklace, the higher the price "

" That"s not a problem " Maya makes a happy smile after that the middle age woman leaves and Maya turned to see Alyra " Why don"t you search for something? "

Alyra makes a wry smile " I-I think I pa.s.s "

" Hehe, what about you Dye? " Maya turns to see Dye with a smile

" I don"t like those things " Dye has an uninterested face

Maya was seeing the photo with a lovestruck gaze, she didn"t show the photo to Alyra and Dye, she thinks " Maybe you changed on the outside but I will love you as equally as before " Then Alyra saw her and makes a face of doubt and she asks " What is that? "

Maya sees Alyra for a few seconds, but then she continued seeing the photo with a bright smile " You can call this a paint from my world, it has Hayato in it "

Alyra makes a surprised face and says hopefully " Can I see it? "

" I want to see it too " Dye makes a curious face

Maya makes a teasing smile and she puts the photo on her chest and says " Sorry but no, Hayato doesn"t know that I have it, so, if he founds this, he maybe will be angry "

Alyra says with pleading eyes " Please just a little bit "

Just when Maya was about to refuse again, the middle age woman arrived again, with a shiny little collar " Young lady, we only have this necklace that suits in what you want, its cost is 1 gold coin " The chain of the necklace has small diamonds in it, in the middle the necklace has a small sun that can be opened, the sun is made with silver

Maya makes a surprised face and says " It"s so beautiful! I will buy this one! " Maya gives a gold coin to the middle age woman and grabs the necklace, Maya opens the sun and puts the photo that barely fits inside, she put the photo at a great speed, Alyra hadn"t the slightest chance to see the photo but Dye could see it only just an instant but that was enough to her.

The photo that she saw had a very handsome young man, with grey eyes and short messy black hair, his body was very thin with only a few muscles and various small scars on his face, he had eye bags like a person that couldn"t sleep for a few days but he was smiling while he was painting a garage entrance but that smile transmits loneliness

Dye makes a face of doubt and thinks " That one didn"t look like Hayato, maybe he changed when he arrived here "

" Thanks for your purchase, I hope you come here again " The middle age woman bowed a little

" Hehe, see you " Maya smiles and they left the jewelry shop

Alyra makes an expression of concern " Now what Maya? We ended up spending 5 silver coins and a gold coin, I think we used too much "

Maya makes a carefree smile " Don"t worry, don"t worry, I will explain that to Hayato "

" Hurry! let"s go for Hayato! I"m starving right now! " Dye said with an excited face

They were walking on the street calmly until Maya stops with a very serious face she starts to speak loudly without turning around " I was thinking that maybe I was wrong! but it seems that you really are following us! what do you want!? " Maya turns around with a fierce expression, Alyra and Dye showed surprised faces and they turned to see behind them too

" Hmm, it seems that you have Sense Presence, you maybe detect us from the start " A woman answer. They are a group of adventurers 3 women and 2 men

The first man is tall he looks around 30 years old, he wears a complete silver armor just like the other man and one of the women, he doesn"t have a weapon just some gauntlets just like Dye

The other man is slightly smaller than the first man, he looks around 25 years old he has a spear on his back and his arms crossed making a confident smile.

The woman that spoke before wears a complete armor, she is a beautiful woman with red hair, s.e.xy body, and blue eyes but mediocre looks, she has a sword on her waist, she looks around 27 years old.

The other two women wear robes that cover their faces, their robes are one brown and one red, they had staffs from the same color as their robes

The redhead woman makes mockingly smile " Now that you have discovered, I will go to the point, give us all your belongings and come with us " Their partners begin to laugh

Maya makes a mockingly smile and says " Hmph, b*tch, go back to the brothel, we are not like you "

The redhead woman makes a happy smile but she sees them with cold eyes " Haha, you are very funny, but I have the authority to force you "

Maya makes a serious face " Then... " *SWISH* Maya and Alyra take out their swords and Dye raises her guard, " Force us! " the people on the surrounding sees them with surprise, but they didn"t do anything to interfere. Almost all of them are adventurers, some are making angered faces seeing the redhead woman

" Those guys are doing that again " Said a young adventurer

" That pervert prince " Said a female adventurer with disgust

Alyra looks at the adventurers out of the corner of her eye and she whispers to Maya " It seems that these people are very well known here "

Maya whispers back with a serious face " We can"t beat them, all of them are at the level of Dye, I hope that Hayato find our position "

" If that"s what you want " The redhead woman turns to see his partners with a smile and says " Robbie, you can handle the woman with black hair, Mya, Melissa you will support him " The tall man with complete silver armor and a spear, advances in front of the redhead woman

The tall man named Robbie sees the redhead woman with a smile " As you wish, boss, but I will hurt them, the prince won"t be happy about that "

" Hehe, that"s not a problem, we just need to deliver them " A woman with brown robe and staff walks beside the tall man

The other woman walked beside them, she wears a red robe and a staff, she sees Alyra, Maya, and Dye with indifference and says " I prefer to do this quickly, the prince pays well for women like them "

" Thomas, you will take care of that woman with white and red hair I will handle the other one, let"s begin " The redhead woman spoke with a calm voice and she runs against Maya

The brown-robed woman rises her staff pointing at the tall man named Robbie " Earth and Wind Reinforcement!! " her staff shines with a brown and white light. the tall man was cover by a transparent rock armor and his fists emit white smoke

" Let"s start this! " Said the tall man smiles seeing his hands and Dye appears in front of the tall man and she punches his left temple *PAM* the man takes three steps to his right and frowns " You b*tch, you are stronger than I thought! " The tall man sends a punch to Dye"s stomach but she covers her stomach with her arms *PUM* " Grr! " Dye retreats from by the impact and she turns to see the tall man with anger then she jumps against the tall man again but before she can arrive *BOOM* a small fireball explodes in front of her face stopping her, Dye turns to see the red-robed woman with anger

Meanwhile, Maya was fighting the redhead woman and Alyra with the man with a spear. Maya and the redhead woman were having a duel with their swords *CLANK* *CLANK* *CLANK* " Now I can see why do you have such confidence, you are a Magic Swordsman but you are still too weak compared with me, Great Strenght Boost! " The redhead woman smiled and she sends a kick towards Maya right ribs *PAM*

Maya falls to the ground releasing her sword " Ack! " she puts her arms on her ribs *COUGH* *COUGH* " and spits some blood as she coughs

The redhead woman approaches Maya and grabs her by the hair with a mocking grin " See, you are still weak, If only you had obeyed me! " She kicks Maya in the face this time

" Ah... Light Sword! " Maya creates a light sword on her right hand and she attacks the redhead woman

" Wow, hehe " The redhead woman jumps back evading Maya"s attack, Maya frowns and grabs her sword

On the other side, Alyra was fighting the man named Thomas and their fight was like the others *SWOSH* *SWOSH* *SWOSH* *SWOSH* The Spearman attacks Alyra with thrust after thrust after thrust, Alyra is shining with a green light as she is evaded some of his thrusts. She has cuts in all the parts of her legs and face " Earth Wall! " Alyra jumps back a little as a wall appears in front of her, blocking Thomas strikes

" Strengthened Thrust! " Thomas yelled behind of the wall and his spear shined with a red light, then he attacks the wall with his spear *BOOM* The wall was destroyed by the impact but he didn"t stop there, he keeps moving until he stabbed Alyra"s stomach " Ugh... " Alyra falls on her knees and raises his left arm and " Fire..ball " the fireball explodes sending Thomas flying back

Thomas stabs the ground with his spear and shakes his head. He didn"t suffer great damage just some parts of his clothes and armor are a little burn. Thomas shows a confident smile and says " Auch, it seems that you are a Magic Swordsman, but don"t overconfident, I didn"t want to kill you with that attack, I guess I have to be more careful " Alyra stands up again with her left hand on her stomach and her sword on her right hand

They kept fighting like that for a few minutes, the attacks that Maya and Alyra used were pure Magic, but none of them caused a great effect in their opponents, Dye tried to transform in a Divine Beast but Maya stop her, it seems there are a lot of adventurers around and they could attack her for her beast core.

" Ah... " Alyra fell again and she puts her hands on her stomach stopping the bleeding one more time, she turned to see the other battles and when she turned to see her left a body comes flying and hits her in the face " Ack! " Maya was sent flying by an attack from the redhead woman she impacts Alyra face and fell on top of her body

" I"m sorry... " Said Maya with a soft voice, she gets up with the support of her sword. Alyra just stands on her knees, Maya saw her and uses Light Magic to cure her stomach, her white light blinks a little to then stop, Maya looks tired and says " With this, your life won"t be in danger "

" Dye is equality with them, but they are 3 vs 1 " Alyra responded with a tired face. she has her face covered with blood

" Yes, if it weren"t for their numbers... " Maya said with frustration and sees the adventurers that are watching them fight " There isn"t any Knights who interferes? no, these b.a.s.t.a.r.ds have the principle behind them, we can only expect help from Hayato "

The redhead woman walks next to the man named Thomas and says " Let"s knock this two to go help Robbie " She smiled at Thomas, then she turns to see Maya " Oh! by the way, thanks for this necklace " The redhead woman smile sweetly

Maya sees her with surprise and starts to search under her scarf in panic " You b*tch, when did you take it!? "

The redhead woman makes a mockingly smile " In the last attack, see you are really slow "

Maya clenches her fists with anger and yells " You are going to regret this!! "

The redhead laughs out loud while grabbing her stomach " Haha, and how will we regret this? You two are now on the ground helpless and the other girl will be like you soon "

Maya makes a face full of hate " My husband will kill you all " then she shivers and smiles " He is here " A huge lightning blow sound comes from a crowd of people


Hayato finish his transformation, he was releasing so much energy that everyone turned to see him with astonishment, Hayato takes out his katana and " There are five of them, two men and three women, I will kill that guy that is fighting Dye first "

*ZOOM* he jumps against the tall man that was fighting Dye. When the tall man heard the tumult, he turns to see on his left and he saw Hayato"s cold eyes, he opens his eyes widely and *BOOM* Hayato hits him with his right hand using all of his strength *CRACK* Hayato felt his skull fracturing and the tall man bounces a few times on the ground

" .... " The tall man is trembling with a lot of blood coming from his head and his eyes white, the light that was covering him disappeared. Hayato jumps against the tall man and *BOOM* he hits his head again making it explode, the blood of the tall man splashes over Hayato"s face

[ " Bing!, You receive 1500 System Points " ]

" ROBBIE!!! " The red-robed woman yelled with surprise, Hayato turns to see her with very cold eyes, then Hayato sees the brown-robed woman and he extended his left hand aiming at her and " Chidori Eisō (Chidori Sharp Spear) " Hayato stabbed the chest of the brown-robed woman, their partners had incredulous faces the adventurers began to disperse after the second death, but some others stayed to watch

The brown-robed woman falls with a huge hole on her chest " Mya!! " Screamed the man with the spear and he runs to his partner, leaving the redhead woman that was in shock

[ " Bing!, You receive 1500 System Points " ]

Maya starts to laugh softly " Haha, I told you "

" b.a.s.t.a.r.d!! Great Fireball!! " The red-robed woman yelled with anger and she sends a huge fireball to Hayato, he doesn"t move from where he was standing, making the red-robed woman smile evilly and just when the fireball was about to reach Hayato he swings his katana against the fireball

" Full Counter " The fireball changes his direction towards the red-robed woman and all the people that see this had expressions of disbelief. The red-robed woman was in shock " Move!! " Thomas tackles the red-robed woman out of the way of the fireball *BOOM* the fireball explodes destroying a building behind them

" What the F*ck! how can he send you back your attack!? " Thomas has incredulous expression seeing the destroyed building, he stands up and grabs his spear, he retreats his spear a little aiming at Hayato and he says " Die! Long Thrust! " Thomas runs leaving a yellow trail, his spear shines with yellow light and *CLANK* *CRACK* The spear breaks at the contact with Hayato"s Raiton Chakura Mōdo (Lightning Style Armour) Hayato retreated back by the impact, leaving two lines on the ground where his feet were, then he sees the man that is at least 30 cm taller than him with scorn " What the fu..!! " Thomas sees his spear fall in pieces

" Thomas!! fight without your spear!! " The redhead woman arrived behind Hayato with a nervous face and starts to attack Hayato with her sword " Sharp Senses! Consecutive Slayer Slash! " The woman eyes shine yellow and her sword shines red, she swings her sword at Hayato"s back *CLANK* The sword makes Hayato retreat a little. Hayato stabilizes his body and now he focuses his attention on the redhead woman, he sends a punch to the redhead woman, the woman evades his punch with difficult, making Hayato smile

" I will end you!! Blazing Warrior!! " Thomas runs towards Hayato gain to attack him with his fists. Hayato starts to evade his attacks like he was moving in slow motion

" You don"t know who are you messing with " The redhead woman said with a calm face while she was attacking Hayato but her hands were trembling

" Then why are you shaking? " Hayato said in a mocking way

The woman raises her eyebrows with surprise and she keeps attacking Hayato with her sword, but every one of her attacks was evaded by Hayato

" You will never defeat him! " Alyra yelled with confidence

" Grr! Great Fire Prison!! " A fire dome twice the size of the one that Kaori used before covers Hayato, the redhead woman, and Thomas

" You have just condemned your companions " Said Maya with a smile

" SHUT UP!!! " The red-robed woman raises her staff aiming at Maya and a ma.s.sive fireball appears " Great Fireball!! "

Alyra and Maya clench their teeth trying to stand up, Dye starts to run slowly towards them " d.a.m.n! I will not arrive in time! " Dye makes a desperate face and some of the adventurers that were still there started to escape from the place, then Hayato appeared in front of Maya making the red-robed woman open her mouth with shock

" That stupid dome isn"t soundproof, you idiot! Full Counter! " The big fireball went back against the red-robed woman

" s.p.a.ce Magic...No...*BOOM* KYAAAA!! " The big fireball explodes at the contact with the woman and she disappears leaving only a crater

[ " Bing!, You receive 1500 System Points " ]

" All this f*ckers worth the same " " Alyra, Dye stay with Maya, while she had that sword I can teleport to help you " Hayato said without looking back

" Okay Hayato, but the woman, the leader stole a necklace that I bought before, please bring it back " Maya puts an anxious face, Hayato turns to see Maya with doubt but when he saw her face he nods without asking

After a few seconds, the fire dome disappears revealing the two adventurers. Thomas turns to see left and right searching for the red-robed woman " Where is Melissa!? " Asked Thomas to the redhead woman

" She is probably dead " The redhead woman was shaking seeing Hayato

" But how!? don"t tell me that the moment he disappeared he killed Melissa!? " Thomas made an incredulous look then he put a face full of anger and yelled to Hayato " You mother f*cker!! now you done it!! we are part of the faction of the prince Reid!! we are AARank adventurers, he will never let you go alive! "

Hayato has a carefree expression an says " Maybe It"s true that he will try to kill me after this but at least you two will not be alive to see it " Hayato makes a small grin and throws his Katana to them, both of them look at the katana with serious faces and they evade it jumping in different directions " A*hole! " Thomas makes an angered face and when he turns to see where Hayato was, he makes a scared face

" Yes, that was a distraction " Hayato voice sound behind Thomas, Thomas turns around in panic and *SWOOSH* Hayato cut him from up to down with his katana covered with Chidori, the body of Thomas start to spread in two halves that then fell in two different directions

[ " Bing!, You receive 1500 System Points " ]

" ..... " The redhead woman opens her mouth and eyes with fear, she begins to shake more than before

*ZOOM* Hayato appears in front of the redhead woman and he begins to scan her with cold eyes, the redhead woman takes a step back but Hayato grab her from her chest armor and says " Where is it? " The woman knows what he wants and she grabs the necklace from her neck to then takes it off quickly to and give it to Hayato

Hayato takes the necklace and throws the woman on the floor then he puts her on her knees

The redhead woman has an angered face with some tears in her face " W-What do you want to do? I"m the favorite woman of the prince Reid, i-if you do something to me, he will hunt you! "

Hayato makes a face full of boredom and says " I already hear that from your friend and one more thing I doubt he will like a corpse " Hayato extends his left hand to the side and he makes his Chidori making the redhead woman shake with fear then Hayato smiles at the woman and says " What you did was a huge mistake "

" STOP!! Leave that woman and leave now!! " Someone yelled behind Hayato, the redhead woman makes a confident smile towards Hayato

Hayato turns around to see and he sees a group 20 knights guided by a very handsome young man, the armors of the knights are dark blue they had different types of weapons, some had spears and others swords. the young man that guides them looks around 20 years old he doesn"t have a helmet like the knights but he wears the same type of armor, he has black hair and green eyes

Hayato deactivate his Chidori and faces the knights, making the redhead woman smile more

" Now leave! " One of the knights said with anger

The redhead woman stands behind Hayato and whispers" I will kill those women when you left them just you wait "

Hayato smiled again and *SWOOSH* he cuts the head of the redhead woman with his katana. the head of the woman falls with a face of disbelief and her headless body and begins to shake on the ground

[ " Bing!, You receive 1500 System Points " ]

" How dare you to do that!! I gave you an order!! " The knight that was next to the handsome young man yelled with anger " Knights!! get ready your weapons!! " and the knights aim their weapons at Hayato

Hayato smiles and he walks next to Alyra, Maya, and Dye, the three of them look really tense with the situation

" Wait, captain " The handsome young man stopped the knight that yelled before and they lowered their weapons then the handsome young man looks them with a calm face and didn"t say anything

Hayato kneels in the middle of Maya and Alyra with Dye standing near them " How are you three? "

" This blood is under control, so don"t worry " Said Maya with a lovestruck gaze

" Yes, I"m the same as her " Alyra made the same face as Maya

" Just a little tired " Said Dye with a brightly smile

" Good, here is the necklace that you wanted " Hayato gives the necklace to Maya and she grabbed in a flash surprising Hayato then he says " It must be very important to you now "

" It has a picture of you, but it looks very different " Dye makes a thoughtful face, Maya sees her with panic

" Maya don"t tell me, you... " Hayato turns to see Maya with surprise and Maya bows her head with shyness avoiding Hayato eyes " *SIGH* We will speak about this later, can you two walk? "

" I think we can only stand " Alyra responded with a smile and Maya nods with her head still bowed

" I will help you then " Hayato puts their arms around his neck and then he supports them by grabbing their waists, Maya and Alyra had red faces

" Follow me, Dye " Hayato starts to walk with Dye behind him and Alyra and Maya supporting their bodies against his, they ignore the prince and the knights as they are walking to the entrance of the kingdom

" Hey! stop right there! you have to answer for all the destruction you made! " The knight yelled with anger again

" Send me the bill! " Hayato said coldly and he keeps walking. Dye, Maya, and Alyra chuckles after they hear him

" Grr, You... " The Knight was about to say something but

" Let"s go, captain, our business here is finish " The prince turns around and leaves towards the castle

" As you wish my lord " The knight calms down immediately and he follows the prince with the other knights behind him

After walking for a few minutes they arrived at the entrance of the kingdom, where Hayato showed them the mission that he got from the Vice-Guild Master

" I told you a good mission, not a dangerous one " Maya made a worried face

Alyra makes a concerned face and says" Yes, the Banshee is a very dangerous monster, even for you Hayato "

" Maybe " Hayato smiles but then he makes a serious face and turns to see Maya " But for now, can you show me the necklace again, Maya? "

Maya shivers in surprise and she bows her head with embarra.s.sment again


On a hostel near to the castle. a handsome young man and a knight were talking in a private room, they were seated in a round table drinking coffee, the knight doesn"t have his helmet anymore revealing a middle age man with yellow hair and blue eyes

The knight makes a surprised face " My lord, then that guy had the protection of the guild? "

" Yes, I saw the collar that only a few adventurers have, that old man from the guild must saw something special in that guy " The handsome young man nods and drinks a cup of coffee

" I see " The knight makes a serious face and says " But he killed 5 AARank adventurers and all of them are from your faction "

The handsome young man put the cup of coffee on the table and says carelessly " They were p.a.w.ns, but is a shame that he killed Clarissa in front of my eyes, she had a good body and she did a good job bringing me beautiful women "

The knight makes a grin and says " Then what now my lord? "

The handsome young man stands and says with a proud smirk " My brother won"t be a problem anymore, tomorrow he will have disappeared and I will be the king when my father dies, for the moment keep a track of the movements that that guy does, the women that were with him were fine beauties, when the time comes we will put a price for his head and those three beauties will be mine " The young man leaves the room with the knight behind him

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