The Lone Dragon

Chapter 3

Fatty was drooling all over at the mere sight of Eluraa and smacking his lips, he approached her stealthily. The frost panther lazily lying next to her noticed this and snorted loudly. Though, the panther was tamed and friendly, it was extremely loyal and could bring about a strong aura when needed. The fatty immediately got frightened, turned tail and ran back to his home. He was extremely angry and ordered his men to keep eyes on Eluraa. Though Eluraa"s parents were simple and poor, that didn"t mean he could easily take advantage of their daughter. After all, there was his father governing the village with extremely strict rules. His body guards spied on her and reported back to the fatty next couple of months. He concluded that once a month Eluraa visited the village river front with her father and meditated there for the whole day. Cultivators were their weakest when they are meditating. They are completely oblivious to everything else and focussing only to sensing and strengthening their bond with the elementals. Fatty decided that this was the best opportunity to drug Eluraa and kidnap her. But still there was a big problem – the frost panther.

Soon, it was time for fatty to take action. Eluraa and her father went to the village boundary as usual and Eluraa started her morning rituals. For some weird reason, she was particularly feeling anxious and ominous that morning. Soon, she shook that off, calmed her mind, patted the loving panther and started focusing on the ethereal connection she felt. Though her talent seemed to be ordinary, she didn"t worry much about it and simply enjoyed the joy of cultivating. She was very excited about the hunting trip she had planned with her father the upcoming week and this was her very first trip after obtaining a hunter license. Ignorant of the h.e.l.l that day would become, she continued enjoying the sensation of the elemental. Fatty and his men slowly encircled her and the panther. He first ordered 2 of his men to ditract the panther and draw it away from Eluraa. This task was given to Reshan, the family"s oldest bodyguard. He was a strong and skilled hunter, boasting a few successful magical creatures hunt including the mountain lion. Reshan skilfully drew the panther away, leaving Eluraa unguarded. Truthfully, Reshan was extremely embarra.s.sed to carry out this mission but he knew his young master and he was indebted to his family, so he had no other choice. Fatty slowly approached the enchanting beauty, already dreaming about ravishing her to his heart"s content. However, Eluraa suddenly sensed danger and opened her eyes. She couldn"t get her heart to calm down that morning and hadn"t fully entered the meditative state.

Fatty immediately ordered his men to capture her and hold her down. Eluraa was stunned for a second and realized what was happening. She was already very wary of the village fatty and had heard rumours about the few missing women from the village. She panicked and started running and calling out for the frost panther and her dad. Before long, two st.u.r.dy men blocked her path and she saw the corpse of her beloved panther. Eluraa was shocked to her very core and the gravity of the situation dawned on her. She almost lost her conscious and with her last bits of strength tried to successfully release the freezing spell. As a water elemental cultivator, she had tried numerous times to successfully summon her spiritual connection and cast a spell but had never succeeded. But in this very grave situation, it looked like she finally had a chance and was able to bring out her potential and cast the freezing spell with all her strength.

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