The Lone Dragon

Chapter 32

The panicking boulder/ dragon/ blade of gra.s.s immediately disguised itself as the cutest little fox it could possibly be and just threw itself into Eluraa"s arms quietly and purred. "What the h.e.l.l man?" Jian Tan almost shouted.

"Ok enough of all of this. I am not sure what just happened. But I am feeling extremely drained. Let us move to a new location and wait till day break to further discuss about this", Eluraa packed her things in the xenon and started walking towards a nearby ginormous tree.

The duo followed her and luckily the rest of their night was pretty much eventless. Near the break of dawn, it was Jian Tan"s and Shi Meng"s turn to be on the look out, while Eluraa was fast asleep. "What the h.e.l.l ?! Why does she look like this ?" Jian Tan exclaimed loudly and brought Shi Meng"s attention to the sleeping Eluraa.

There she was. Sleeping with a pained expression on her face. But still gloriously breath taking. One look at her and Shi Meng immediately recognised her. So all along, Eluraa had been that mysterious girl. He had briefly seen her, for a fleeting moment, during the initial selection combat tournament rounds. And then she disappeared.

But here she is again. Just who is this girl? Why is she shrouded in so many mysteries? And why is she hiding? Shi Meng chuckled to himself, "Hmm I really am so weak" and continued with his lookout duty. Jian Tan on the other hand, actually tried to poke Eluraa a couple of times, to make sure she is real and alive.

And ... ended up waking her. "arghh.. ughh.. What.. where.." Eluraa woke up with a start. She still couldn"t finish processing last night events. At the least they were all still unharmed. Help should definitely arrive shortly. They did manage to send the signals out on their xenon.

"Hmm.. why are you both staring me?"

Though, they did earlier see her without any disfigurement spells, they still couldn"t help but stare at her. Eluraa"s deep blue eyes and her long golden hair, made her look like an angel. Looking around and trying to find that idiotic fox, Eluraa suddenly noticed her golden strands of hair. "What !? No no no.. ", she slowly realised that she wasn"t under any disfigurement spells now.

"Ya.. About that.. You kind of look different now." Jian Tan added. Eluraa was startled and immediately tried casting her disfigurement spells. But for some reason, she couldn"t muster any mana. She again felt completely drained and trying to cast these simples spells actually stressed her quite a bit.

"Hmm.. Just what the h.e.l.l is happening ?!" Ignoring the two guys in front of her, Eluraa immediately checked her stats on the xenon.

Name: Eluraa; Affinity: White; Level: 2

Kill count: 8; Contribution points: 8

t.i.tle: Academy student

Currency: 10 silver

Health: 500; Mana: 500

Health regeneration rate: 300/per hour

Mana regeneration rate: 300/per hour

Physical Strength: 300; Soul Strength: 300

Stamina: 300; Agility: 300; Vitality: 300

Focus: 300; Intellect: 300

Sword mastery- duel swords: Stage one

Bow mastery: Stage one

Secondary skills: Alchemy Beginner

Equipped: None; Armor: None;

Haste: None; Critical strike: None; Versatility: None

Beasts bound: Dragonling (Level 0)

"s.h.i.t! What the heck happened to all my stats ?! I literally had all the mana and mana related stats as infinite and all that is gone now? Just like that? Just how much of a bad luck can one single person take !!!! And what the f.u.c.k is up with this beast? So this shape shifting weirdo is actually a dragonling? And how is it related to my innate mana?"

"And oh no no no. How are we supposed to survive now? Am I going to die just like that? Any of these magical creatures can now crush us like an insect? What are we going to do? I can"t even cast multiple spells or anything like that to keep us safe."

Eluraa immediately tried casting a concealment spell on herself. But, to her dismay it only lasted for a minute. Shi Meng recognising her panic stricken behaviour, gently patted on Eluraa"s back. "Hey calm down. What is wrong? Are you hurt somewhere? Are you feeling fine?"

Taking a minute, Eluraa finally calmed down and accepted the reality. So what is the big deal ? All of this just means that she is now in a levelled playing field with everybody else. And they have already sent the xenon rescue signals 6 hours ago. So technically, all that she needs to worry about, right now, is their survival for the next couple of hours or so. Help should definitely arrive before that.

Eluraa then, helplessly informed the duo about their current situation, "I can"t explain it well to you guys. But we should be extra careful now. I am unable to cast powerful spells or guard all of us right now. If we encounter beasts, like we did last night, it is definitely going to be a deadly, life or death, fight with everything we have, sort of battle. We are in real danger right now. I am sorry."

Smiling bitterly, Shi Meng tried to comfort her, "Don"t worry about it". Pausing for a while, he further added, "So, I am a.s.suming this is related to the dragon or the fox thing which appeared yesterday? Are the effects permanent? I am only asking because, I owe you my life and if there is anything I can help with, to make your situation better, please do not hesitate to ask."

Eluraa smiled gently and thanked him. "Oh that reminds me. Where is that f.u.c.king fox now ? Are you going to show up or do you want me to threaten you again ?", Eluraa exclaimed loudly.

A small blade of gra.s.s was shivering next to her, "s.h.i.t. f.u.c.k this b.i.t.c.h. Look at her att.i.tude. I got cheated and she is angry. Where is the justice here ?! Though, her energy reserves seem to be a bit drained out, she does look fine otherwise. So why the h.e.l.l is she angry ?!

"She even got me, the great, to be her slave. Ahhhhhh. f.u.c.king druid freaks. All of this is because of you guys. I am going to burn you all alive when I grow up and get my strength back. None of this is my fault. It really is not my fault."

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