Well, the first day of school began a couple of hours ago.

Currently the morning cla.s.ses have just finished. The school bell chimes, informing us that lunchtime is starting around now.


“Is Meryl Foster here?”



The rush of people swarming towards the cafeteria was interrupted by the appearance of Senpai’s beautiful form, which seemed to be too unsuitable for this ordinary lifestyle of ours.

Just as the cla.s.sroom erupted in confusion, everyone’s eyes converged on me.
Where the singling-out of one person out of a cla.s.s of forty was concerned, the natural options of escaping and such are absolutely nonexistent.


“Well, well. If it isn’t Kralvane-senpai, the fifth son in line for the prestigious Kralvane house. You have some official business with a lowly commoner like me, right?”

In the process of disregarding the inquisitive glances around us with sheer willpower, my whole face broke out into a near smile. Of course, what I said doesn’t contain the likes of good will at all.

I forced a disagreeable tone into my voice with all of my power.


“… what are you getting angry about?”

“Me, getting mad? Far from it. How could I, a person of humble birth, ever speak of something so awe-inspiring…? I just wish for you to quickly leave this place, that’s all.”

“I see, I wasn’t thoughtful enough. Let’s move to a spot elsewhere where just the two of us can grow more accustomed with each other…”

“I’m saying that I don’t wish to speak with you anymore.”


Although, it seems that things like sarcasm or cynicism don’t get through to this pervert at all.

Because of those extremely calm words that were returned, the smile that was affixing itself to his face crumbled in an instant.
Geez, seeing such an airhead moment like this is the most depressing thing.


“If you shouldn’t have any more business with me, please return to your cla.s.sroom. Otherwise, I’ll take my leave at once.”

“Wait. If that’s the case, then I do have some business. I beg of you, hear me out.”

“If it’s about yesterday’s topic, then I’ll have to respectfully decline…… w-wait, hey!?”

The instant after I declined to talk about the controversy from earlier, he behaved in a way I didn’t expect at all.




He lowered his head. A n.o.ble, doing that. Towards me, an undercla.s.sman and a commoner.

And what’s more, he was facing me directly in a formal bowing stance.


“S-S-Senpai!? Stop it, quickly raise your head please!”

Even under normal circ.u.mstances, everyone’s eyes would have already gathered together from this unusual event. But by no means were they expecting to witness something like that.

Whispers began to stir amongst the cla.s.sroom, with the commotion showing no signs of ending anytime soon – for how long it lasted I wasn’t sure.

Gimme a break, don’t you guys have other tasks to do besides watching me?! Do something else, why don’t you! I was only dragged into this against my own will, that’s all. Despite what it looks like, I have nothing to do with this whole shebang!


“Fine, I’ll listen to your story, I’ll listen! Hurry up and stop already!”

“Well then, you have my thanks.”


In response to me shrieking out such a plea, Kralvane-senpai gradually straightened out his posture at last as he raised his face. His thin lips formed a gentle arc across his face.

There was no calculating look to be seen on his face, or anything else indicating irritation or aggravation.


“Then it’s settled. As I thought, let’s go find a place somewhere close by where we can make our better acquaintances…”

“The cafeteria’s fine! For one thing, it’s just about time for lunch!”


It seems that no matter what I do, this conversation’s flow is inevitably building up to “just the two of us cozying up to each other” in a random spot somewhere… ugh, I really, truly want you to stop this already.


Something like only the two of us together right now – absolutely impossible.

Again, I’d like to reiterate something. Since our last encounter ended with me being pushed down, I don’t even have the spirit to hold myself together this time.

Even if Senpai is an esteemed aristocrat, a.s.suming if a chast.i.ty crisis is involved… Regardless of his dignified appearance and such, of course I’d be concerned like h.e.l.l!


“I guess I have no choice then, do I. Let’s go and quickly end this. Shall we?”

Semi-forcibly, I began walking towards the cafeteria in haste without waiting for Senpai’s reply.


Glancing back at the cla.s.sroom, I saw that Monica was still waving her hand in a salute. Her expression was as if she was sending a soldier off to war.



The academy’s cafeteria is a splendorous, extravagant s.p.a.ce. With people constantly mentioning its name and great reputation everywhere, I want to apologize to the other neglected places on campus.

The vaulted ceiling and chandelier-style lighting really allow a person to feel as if they’re in a cla.s.sy luxury suite.

Both the tables and chairs are elaborately hand-sculpted with the highest quality wood. The basic shapes may be simple for sure, but the feeling you get from using them is one of dignity.

Universally the most popular thing to do is to take a seat by the windows. Some main points include the warmth of the sun shining through the gla.s.s, blanketing a calm and private s.p.a.ce with a comfortable atmosphere. Quite a bit of greenery decorates the area as well.

Actually, wherever you look, every s.p.a.ce in the cafeteria is also sparkling clean and peaceful.

Around the time I first enrolled, every time I went to have a meal here I used to breathe out a sigh of wonder.


In this well-maintained environment, the meals they serve are also great delicacies.

The menu, too, lists an almost innumerable amount of options featuring the best, most expensive ingredients – the value of 500 silvers(※ approximately 500 yen)more than exceeds a fair price.

The truth is, the first thing I thought was great upon coming to the academy was this magnificent meal environment. There are students who have also realized the wonders of this place, saying that they don’t want to ever graduate.


“So, Meryl, your order is?”



“Since I’ll buy for myself, feel free to go first.”


But with this, thanks to the perverted man standing next to me, I was able to enjoy a meal to my heart’s content today as well.


I’m sorry to say that I’m not able to enjoy the significance of this moment, though. Nothing but sighs escape me.

Well, if it’s true that only the outer appearance of this man is abnormal and nothing else… I’ll at least want to say thanks for the meal.


While we’re currently waiting for our orders, I could sense the girls’ hot gazes flying back and forth from here to there.

That is, regardless of what school year people were in, there’s always a sense of yearning present for this man along with a ton of adoration. Well, my hopes are that this sight is a feast for their eyes.

A beautiful man is a beautiful man – and perhaps for the average person, it’s difficult to understand the sheer amount of labor and effort required from getting involved with one.


“For your convenience, I’ve lumped both of your checks together.”

“Excuse me, but please make my order separate from this person’s.”

Be that as it may, for me to have that kind of a working relationship with him – the concept just doesn’t exist.


When I bluntly disregarded the cashier’s good (but misguided) intentions, Kralvane-senpai’s eyebrows knitted together. His mood seems to have plummeted as a result.


I bet popular men don’t think they’ll ever be rejected. Hah, serves you right!


“At least let me treat you to a meal. It concerns a man’s pride.”

“If it’s like that, then kindly go ahead and find another girl. The reason is that I don’t want to accrue anymore debt and the like from you.”


His eyebrows increasingly furrowed together in a certain mood. It looks like that chilly, cold-hearted exterior doesn’t suit a gentleman like you, huh.

Well, you might say it’s all just a n.o.ble’s pretense though. After hearing the body of yesterday’s proposal, I can say with confidence that I already hate being treated like a woman by this guy.


“…… hey, wait, Senpai?!”



As I was preoccupied with spitting out insults and so on in my head for several seconds, the tray holding the food I ordered vanished from my grasp.

What the heck, taking it as he pleases as if it’s no big deal! The natural culprit is, of course, the perverted Senpai who was standing next to me. Lifting the tray right above my head, he briskly began walking away.


Hey, what’s up with that long-leggedness and those wide strides?!


“Please return my lunch!!”

“Once we’ve reached our seats, I’ll return it. Look, we’re going.”


Expressionlessly, he somehow seemed to effortlessly glide across the floor while balancing both trays at once.

I chase after him in haste, but the overwhelming difference between our steps means that no matter what, I can’t catch up.


“I told you to give me back my lunch!!”


People’s gazes were collecting toward us as we ended up in an unproductive game of tag. This unpleasant situation went on until, in the end, he settled in a nice, sunny seat at the far corner of the cafeteria.

Furthermore, before I even became aware of it, the money I had for the cost of the meal today remained unused in my uniform pocket.




…… I’ve been had.

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