Glaring sharply at the triumphant expression on Kralvane-senpai’s face, I reluctantly sat down in the seat opposite from him and began to eat.


(…… I can’t taste anything.)

I bit into my favorite hamburger, expecting to relish the normally exquisite taste. But today, it wasn’t all that delicious.

However, the cause was neither my taste buds malfunctioning, nor a mistake in the cafeteria chef’s cooking.


“…… is there something on my face?”

It was the fault of this man before me, the one eating his meal with an irritating calmness.


“I’ll let you know you have a very well-defined nose, mouth, and a pair of eyes.”

“Why yes, thank you.”

In spite of me including as much sarcasm as I could, his expression didn’t even twitch an eyebrow. That fair, blank face of his went back to eating the daily special in disinterest.

With that way of eating, do you understand why I’ve lost my sense of taste?

Well, as one would expect from a n.o.ble. His table manners were so impeccable it was terrifying.


“…… so, Kralvane-senpai, what business do you have with me?”

In the end, I couldn’t stomach this delicate atmosphere. So I’ve decided to cut lunch short!

In the first place we’re barely even acquaintances, so it was difficult for me to have a meal alone with him when he insisted.


“Isn’t it long and difficult to say ‘Kralvane-senpai’ all the time? You can use my nickname ‘Gil.’”

“I’m fine, thank you. Calling you by your first name would suggest a particularly close relationship, and that isn’t the case at all. My intention is that it’ll also never become one.”

I immediately shot him down, indifferent. But like he was one to back off.

The truth is, I just want to have an enjoyable lunch today! And preferably somewhere this man isn’t!

I get the feeling his eyebrows scrunched up just a little, but I’ll ignore it and ask my question one more time.

”Senpai, your business–“

“Meryl, just what exactly do you find so detestable about me?”


…… this time it was my eyebrows that reacted. They’re cramping from all the twitching convulsions.


“Senpai, I’ve hazarded a guess as to why I was called out today, but.”


”Please don’t call me by my first name.”

When I tried to emphasize the end of that sentence with all my heart, the despondent face he made showed he understood me that much.

But, he instantly reverted back to an expressionless face with a forced breath.


Hey, I’m the one that wants to sigh over here!


“I thought women were delighted to be called by their first names? I also dislike being called by my family name.”

“Then, please don’t call my name because I won’t say yours either. Your business is?”

“’Don’t call me by my name,’ she said…”


His reaction was beyond me.

As if he were at a loss for words, Senpai shut his eyes, listlessly combing his bangs from his face.


Like I’ve said, the one who wants to act that way is me.

Quickly state whatever business you have then, I want to go back to my peaceful daily life!

”Senpai, your business is?”

After the fifth round of stubbornly questioning him, there was definitely a resigned expression floating on his face this time. He heaved a deep, deep sigh.


“…… my business is the continuation of yesterday. I want you to properly hear me out.”

The noises of the cafeteria were lively, but little by little the clamor became distant. Simultaneously, I felt from him the presence of magic.

Hmm. If I’m not mistaken, wasn’t this a soundproofing barrier magic?

Whenever spells like this appear, I often don’t recognize them because we haven’t learned them yet. However, this situation right now is quite a thing to be wary of.

Or else, that thing from yesterday might… um. Shouldn’t I be on my guard from my surroundings right about now?


“You were ordering me to ‘give birth to your child,’ weren’t you? I’m sure I rejected you.”

“As far as hurling the topic of a child at you so suddenly, I was impatient. I’m sorry.”

Up until some time ago, those golden eyes were filled with an apparent lack of enthusiasm. But this time for sure, they were looking straight ahead and reflecting me in their depths.

Pointedly, he’s showing an earnest look.

“The issue’s extremely grave, huh. So, what makes my stomach so necessary for this?”

“Rather than your belly specifically, it’s your very nature itself that is important. By having s.e.xual intercourse with you, I’ll become powerful. And if it’s possible to own something that the significance of a person’s hard work, desiring that is simply natural. Don’t you agree?”

Even if you’re saying things like “it’s only natural,” I can’t sympathize with you. I’m too low cla.s.s compared to a n.o.ble of your status. But I will say this, though.


If you have to bother other people for the sake of becoming stronger, I’ll have to object to that kind of method!

Well, I guess a “commoner’s common sense” doesn’t apply here though.

”As thanks I intend on paying you as much as you wish, and should you desire something other than money, I shall grant it as best I can. I beg of you, I want you to try reconsidering this one more time.”

“Reward, huh…”

Venturing to make a sound, I place the fork I’m in the midst of using down.








it down.

The noise wasn’t supposed to be audible, but stares from our surroundings are currently gathering around.



It seems he doesn’t notice the significance of the words he muttered himself.

Ugh, enough! For all that earlier, this is why he’s despicable!

I scowled at the question mark seemingly appearing on Senpai’s face. And this time, I’m the one mirroring his deep, deep sigh from earlier.


“That way of thinking is absolutely detestable. Something such as rewards or money… The truth is, things like those aren’t a problem.”

“Then what’s the problem? As one would expect, I can’t undergo cosmetic surgery for my face, but my interactions with you are all with sincerity……”


“That is, what you’re proposing is essentially falling in love, getting married, and doing things after that, right? You know, those types of important events can’t just be settled with things such as money.

“I don’t want a settlement. Why? Because all of this stuff that’s going on – like our discussion right now – won’t happen more than once. Finding another person, connecting with them, and then, after falling head over heels in love myself… I want to give birth to their child.

“To people like you, it might be the case where 『that sort of bargaining relationship』is normal. Perhaps it is. But to me, who hasn’t received a n.o.ble’s education among other things, that society…


That way of thinking! Without even considering it, I don’t want to get involved at all!”


To make sure that my point comes across to even this airheaded man, I firmly and distinctly enunciate my words.

I want to try marrying out of love and bearing my beloved’s child. Ordinarily, isn’t that an obvious desire? And as for the ordinary me insisting on it, is there something bad about it?


“Why do we have to get married? Come now, where marriage is concerned, it’s fine if we cover up these matters in advance, right? In terms of child custody, the Kralvanes will……”

“You’re absolutely the worst!”


…… I made an effort to convey my intentions to him, but it appears to be that we’ve been consistently thinking along parallel trains of thought.

As a result of that reply which showed an excessive difference in social values, this time I’ve unintentionally stabbed the tip of my fork into the table.

Despite the soundproofing barrier, the students’ glances turned toward us as I trembled.

However, that type of thing isn’t worth worrying about.


Unbelievable. Unbelievable, unbelievable, unbelievable!!


“Unbelievable! Give me a break; just who do you think I am?! The child I’ll give birth to in the future is mine! And to s.n.a.t.c.h away such a thing like that – even if you’re a n.o.ble, I’ll absolutely, positively, never let you!”

“If you happen to be with me during the time you bear a child, then will it not also be mine?”

“That’s why I’m saying it’s also unpleasant! I already said I won’t have a child except with the person I fall in love with, so no matter how much money you stack up, my relationship with you will never turn out that way! Absolutely never!!”


Completely forgetting the likes of the other person sitting across from me, I screamed out in my heart.

a.s.suming if divine punishment were to be doled out with my actions, I don’t mind. I just insisted on an important matter to me, after all. That’s it.

I didn’t say out loud the abusive words swirling around in my chest, but overall it’s still a level of control you’d want to be praised for.






My shoulders shook as I drew in a deep breath. Even so, I didn’t remove my gaze. I furiously keep glaring with all my might.

I don’t understand; why are you getting angry? Those golden eyes seemed to eloquently indicate towards me.

Neither shaking or swaying, I simply keep observing him with those eyes.


“……………………… ah, ‘ssat so.”






But, after several seconds had pa.s.sed…

That is, for some reason… his face beamed with a strange and extremely delightful look.


“Wha, what is it?”

“Meryl, there isn’t a man you’re currently in a relationship with right now?”

What is he suddenly talking about this time?

I can’t really read his intentions, but I’m bothered by the… questionable transformation of his facial expression. In some respects, the fact that he’s looking this glad is unusual.

I wonder what it is?


“There isn’t, but what about it?”

“Then, how about a person you’ve fallen in love with?”

“Why’re you going as far as to ask about that type of thing…?”

“It’s an essential matter.”

As he was asking these questions in a much more sober tone of voice compared to some time ago, I’ve unconsciously faltered back just now.

I was scowling at him in fury earlier, but ever since his look switched to an increasingly serious one I found it difficult to meet him in the eye.


This d.a.m.ned uselessly handsome guy.


“…… there isn’t one yet, but this has nothing to do with you, right?”

“So there isn’t then. I’m relieved.”


Large hands come forward at once to grasp mine.

I immediately try to escape, but despite this both of my hands are regrettably caught in a tight grip.

“Meryl, fall in love with me.”





“…………… excuse me?”

“For a man you like, not only would you permit him to get intimate with you, you would also willingly bear him a child. Then, if you fall in love with me, there wouldn’t be any problems!”

As he said that, I saw his smiling face for the first time.

That’s enough dazzling out of you, thanks.

I completely believe, with no hesitation at all, that all of these sparkles radiating off of him are enough to blind a person.


“Thus, I’d like for you to see me as a target in that way.”

“…… hey, you. As I thought, aren’t you insane?”

That’s why, that sparkly, repulsive way of acting… er, rather, I managed to escapethat with all my energy. And I’m 100% not to blame.

© 2024