Chapter 6
Chapter 6 – A World That Has Nothing to Do With Me


“I heard it for the first time from a person who tells you to fall in love with yourself. I wonder if I have that much confidence.”

“I cannot find anything good except for my face, but it is rather a turn off.”

Fortunately, it was self-study in the afternoon after lunch. My lunch almost never remained in my stomach after I was almost mentally scarred and I would like to thank my absent teacher sincerely. Monica’s gentle hand strokes my head that rests on my desk while staring at the sandwich I bought from a shop.

Ah, I’ll heal myself. Recovery, recovery ……

“Well, you’re right. He may have been good with that personality.”

“What good?!”

At that outrageous remark, a “hmmm” was carelessly stuck on my throat. What good points does that pervert possess? Thanks to him, I seem to dislike even the “n.o.bility”.

“None. Hey, if he is a cool person as his outward appearance, he will absolutely tell you the reason, won’t he? If you guys talk, you will soon find out that you are being hated. What do you think if you are normally persuaded with your lack of experience in amatory affairs?”


How? If you are asked with seriousness, you have no choice but to fill in words. Thanks to my love experience value of zero. On the other hand, he knew the perverted stuff but can only appreciate the appearance.

If that useless handsome man seduced me normally……

“Oh, no…… Perhaps he can’t be denied.”

“And so, you’ll follow him merrily and then carelessly toss you away.”

“Toss away?!” The worried reply that I answered back was mixed with a sigh.

Tossed away….. It may be true. I could easily imagine it. As much as it is, because it is a partner that you do not have a connection with.

“I joked yesterday and said that I was a palanquin set with jewels [1]. I really wanted to talk seriously. Meryl, do you think commoners can become wives of aristocrats?”

“Well, that…”

“Kralvane seems to be an aristocrat family that looks at the pedigree. If you are not a known magician, do not have a big record or a special talent, you are going to be refused at the front door.”

“W-Wait a moment! I’m not interested in the Kralvane family from the very beginning.”

“Yeah, right. But honestly, it is better to be turned away at the gate than be tossed away.”

She gently strokes my head, who hurriedly denied. But the eyes behind her do not look cheerful at all.

“What are you saying? If it is better to be turned away at the gate, then what will happen?”

“As that fortune-teller says, if you can really give birth to a wonderful child, that is troublesome.”

I felt the tension in the air. It looks like it is a serious matter.

While I placed the sandwich and corrected my posture, Monica flashed me a bitter smile.

“From what you guys talked about yesterday, the Kralvane family now desires a child of an excellent magician. If the child that Meryl gives birth to is the one, I would like to get more things out of my mouth. That family will not make you his ‘wife’.”


Does that mean that the law will work in reverse in this case? Because in this Rosevita Kingdom, a man is not permitted to have more than one wife. Although a woman is allowed to do it once, I rarely ask. If we talk about the basis of marriage, it is a one-on-one match


Originally, this country tended to value women and the “Queen” was on the top of the politics all along since the foundation of the country. Well there is no difference in the rights of the people, and it is not something that you usually care much about…

Is the law useless to warn off unfaithful men?

“It is the daughter of a n.o.bleman that is welcomed as a ‘wife’ and made public. A woman from a good family that will suit the Kralvane family. That’s how aristocratic marriage works. Your child will be adopted and will give him or her the last name of Kralvane.”

“As I thought, they will take away my child from me?”

“No. Do families give up ‘wombs’ that can produce excellent children? You will be kept and killed. You cannot possibly go out of public as a ‘child-bearing tool’.”


I wanted to argue, but no words came out of my mouth. Involving or troubling myself with the pervert, did we not talk about that?

“To enter a n.o.bleman’s prestigious family, in order for ordinary people to involve such things, an appropriate ability is required. If you do not possess it, you cannot stand on the center stage.”

Monica’s hand gently wraps my hand. I was slightly trembling to tell the authenticity of the story.

“Meryl, I like you. I wish for your happiness because you are an important friend. I definitely do not want you to have a life that is worse than a mistress.”


“That’s why I’d like to thank my seniors who told me everything.”

“Yeah… It could be I was fortunate that he was like that.”

While she held my hand, she laughed weakly. Monica seems to be more depressed than the concerned person. Because she is really kind.

“Thank you, Monica. I’m sorry for making you worry.”

“I can only gather information, you know? I don’t know about the truth why that senior approached you. But be careful. Because it is not just a simple threat.”

“Yes. I’ll completely ignore him from now on.”

That’s right. As I understood such dangerous reason, neglect is a natural defense measure. It does not matter if I am involved, but you can report the time of the crime yesterday, right?

“If escaping is futile, you may want to consult Barrett-sensei.”

“Barrett-sensei? What department is he again?”

“Magical art engineering. He has not taught us yet, but he is the strongest and famous teacher in our school.”

I see. Certainly, this teacher of this academy seems to be effective for aristocrats and prestigious families. This is the highest academy of the country’s supreme magic. It may be nice to consult before doing something again.

“I hope it will end without mishap as much as possible.”

“I really hope so, too.”

The deep sigh disappeared at the sound of the bell as the end.

Truly, truly, it would be nice to have a peaceful life starting tomorrow.


[1] 玉の輿 – Palanquin set with jewels = money and social status gained by marrying a rich and powerful man

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