Let’s get Ready

After I accepted the ‘request’.

“It doesn’t matter if it’s just a little, I’m hoping you can at least dance”

“…..I look forward to working with you.”*


The female instructor harshly glared at me, as if to say, ‘If I can do it, then YOU CAN DO IT.’

*Fuuaaa* Is this because of Al? Is he one of your aims?

Al was somehow smiling wryly too.

It would be a problem if I can’t really dance when it comes to a ball, so first, I am studying in a dance cla.s.sroom.

Mr. Satan knew well when he chose Al as my partner………I must not step on his foot.


At the moment, the female instructor was showing us an example of formal dancing while I was being exposed to her jealously since we were up next.

Ugh, please do not scowl at me! As I noticed her staring at me, I felt really uncomfortable!

I’m only doing this for work! Why am I being glared like this?

“She is staring♪”

In response to the expectation, Al came closer and her eyes almost bulged out from glaring too much.

“It’s okay, I’m here with you.”

Ugh, is Al in high spirits drawing me closer to him? This is on purpose, isn’t it?!

Ah, the female instructor accidentally stepped on her partner’s feet. Ha ha, Al, that’s slightly mischievous. Fine, I don’t really care anymore♪.

Well, we are next.

But such a bad instructor, she’s going to let a beginner like me dance without even explaining the proper steps.

Her partner wanted to say something though in the end, he didn’t get to say anything.

I a.s.sumed it was because of the social position or that he was just scared.


“Do as you can, I don’t really mind.”

“Ah…yes, I will do my best.”


Like an appropriate knight, he a.s.sists well in leading.

Thank you Al, you’re quite the gentlemen.

For the time being, I self-declared that I’m indeed a beginner.

Okay, seriously this is really the first time that I danced, so it’s usually impossible.

How can I dance this well…….


“O…Oh G.o.d? Was I this good….?”

(…Can I really dance this well?)

The reason may lie on an online game where I’m one of those hardcore gamers.

The state of online games at that time is, most of them let gamers experience something like living in the game; a type of virtual reality.


Although you don’t suffer fatal injuries and don’t change in reality, you can still experience it.

But there’s an age restriction when it comes to the amount of blood shown during battles.

The technology is used for military training, and it isn’t a level as ‘a mere simulated experience’.


Therefore, even though I said I acquired the skill in the game, it’s something my body has learned in real life. Of course, it is only limited to the real world, but.


There was a skill called “dance” in it. Needless to say, it wasn’t used regularly.

Yet, when a.s.sociating with an NPC with a high status, a n.o.ble; it became a required skill to have. If I don’t have that, then it would be a problem when connections are made for a dinner party of an aristocrat’s invitation hosted by the country. During those times, I have to leave work personally.


Naturally, to become chummy, making friends with the upper cla.s.s is absolutely necessary.


*Fuua*……….. Also good memory was needed to practice for a rise in skill level.


The muscle quality in combat-based guild! I heard the training (exercise) that was done will make guys lose light in their eyes.

The guys who had watched such a scene seems to have watery eyes so I took the training into consideration.

Oh, as a result, I learned it with skill acquisition→body, and even in reality, I can dance…. The reason which is so.

Also the reason why I am so smoothly familiar with magic is that I lived in the game.


It’s just … … the skill ‘dance’ is dark history to me.

In circ.u.mstance of requiring the dance skill, I was already registered as a male character in the game but wanted to know the female part of the dance.

It is a bleak sight even if my character has a feminine appearance.

Because it was useful in an unexpected place, it was good….. Yup.

“You’re quite good. If you dance like this, then it’s a relief.”

“There’s been a lot of…..yes, I can dance.”


Feeling relieved, I smiled at Al who look slightly disappointed.

Don’t pursue this too deeply, I can’t explain it to you that I had learned this skill in a special environment.


“I guess I was taught by a great person. It was very easy to do really.”

“Is that so…..”


My partner was a fellow from the beta release, he was a good guy.

But the situation wasn’t like a BL relationship, it was more of a cold relationship between dance partners that are both men. (Though one was technically female)

Since it is a situation that can cause a misunderstanding, I wanted to remain silent. Please let me be a clam.*

“You know, I’m kinda jealous of the partner you danced with.”

Regardless, Do-Not-Ask!!



It’s said to be necessary.

Well, to say it’s impossible to go as I am, but need to wear a custom-made dress and personal embellish.

The main reason was because I’ll be going in an environment of kill or be killed, so it was essential for the dress to be coated in magic.


Huh, was it possible for the dress to establish magic?

It seems that it became fixed with a spell of bewitchment which draws anything to come to it.

If it was a ‘voice’, it would have disappeared in a moment, but I think it’s the use of ‘character’ which continues the effect of repeatedly drawing itself.

In other words, you wouldn’t need a spellcaster for the barrier to be fixed there.


Usually, for the magic of this world, a spellcaster must be there. It was proper since the origin of the magic was the spellcaster. The simple edition to which a letter was sent is also relevant to this.

But naturally, barrier and transition portal exist here. This means it can let you contain a magic formation and a spell inside a fairy stone that is built to last as an exception.


The fairy stone can also be used as a source of power for other magic items. In short, fairy stone = battery.

Of course, it depends on the quality of the fairy stone and the level of the operation, but magic items are still quite expensive.

There seems to be an overwhelmingly few engineers who can produce it.



Oh…..well, it would be so, wouldn’t it?

It is this situation right here where learning by heart and learning it by feeling it.

Even if it’s explained, processing using magic can’t be understood. Don’t you have any choice but to make them succeed with basic efforts?


And another is “magic addition to the costume” with the special material by which the clothes took on the magic in itself. So a fairy stone wouldn’t be necessary because the cloth formed into shape where the magic can lodge itself there.

Particularly high ranking people wear this to prevent any a.s.sa.s.sination.

But…………..this is expensive. When unskillfulness is done, a n.o.ble’s house is built.




“Hmm, the estimated dress size is extremely good.”



I didn’t have any memory of anyone measuring my sizes.

Who is the person that made this? …………Was it the black knights who were led by Klaus?

From where are the black knights so skillful?

Even if normally working, did everyone hand-sewn this night after night?!


‘Because she said she is a mage from the beginning, I preferred the black one.’ I don’t think lord Satan understood well when he said the color black; it was designed as a low-cut mermaid dress.

Seriously, wouldn’t this give a mental image of a witch? Are you treating me like a CEO for evil?

I had become the exact appearance of a villain! Now to fully become a villain, I need to destroy Seraglio.

And with the personal accessories that I went through the trouble of making.


Oh yeah, it seems to be right to called it as “majutsu“* and not “maho“.*

Because if it’s “maho”, it’ll refer to a whole, so it can’t include attack magic in the magic items.


Surely, if a target can’t be specified then it’ll be impossible, dangerous even.

So I added the effect of a barrier and purification, which will only affect the one equipping it.

And another reason was because of the pride as a craftsman.

Klaus said,


‘The technique to incorporate the method won’t be a sign of endurance if anyone can do it.’


And it is. The difference between a mage and a magician……was something I want to know.

And, as for my work,


Name: Bracelet of Valhalla

Manufacturer: Mizuki

Effect: Healing, purification, and universal barrier


This was exactly a replica of what can be equipped in one of the online games from my world, but the materials are different even though the appearance was the same.


The decoration was made on the fairy stone to make it fit in the silver bracelet, so it wouldn’t be too conspicuous.

When imagining with the thought of ‘establishing a magic formation’, doesn’t it make the magic item look completed?

Using magic on the silver and on a fairy stone within the process had attached an effect, wouldn’t this be almost the same as a production skill?


A drop of blood from the user to the fairy stone will make it exclusive to the owner and be recognized in a healthy state.

Even if I get worn out, injured, or get poisoned, the bracelet will activate immediately using healing and purifying magic.

Since the feeling was more of a ‘return to original form’ of the person themselves, it was somehow different from regular healing and purification magic.

The comfort of the real deal for status rise in resistance of poison, paralysis and sleep, was in fact, invalid. That was the best part in a game when producing in the guild.


The status rise was impossible, so doesn’t that apply to poison being invalidity too, then the purification effect….uuuuu, reality is harsh.

It was impossible to have an item with a clear image of understanding the shape / performance to do the magic that I can’t use.

I should have been able to use purification magic of this world but— ultimately, would the poison instantly disappear?

If this is embodied, then it would be ‘poison invalidity’.


The method of transferring poison from the body or disa.s.sembling the poison and changing it into some harmless substance, those, I can do.

These were the only purification magic taught to me.

By the way, it was generally targeted as a medicine because it treats ‘poison’ as ‘an alien substance which the body ordinarily doesn’t have’.

Nowadays, I had realized that games with potions or antidotes which have realistic values had tremendous worth.




“Hey, how did you do this?!”

“Eh, did you add it with the usual magic?”

“That’s not true! I had never heard of adding another magic!”


That~? There’s no..? Seriously?


The status rise of accessories with more than one resistance ability aren’t unusual in the game world.


“Is it impossible?”

“It usually is. Because there is a problem with regards to the attribute and the affinity, the task is difficult to make.”

“When it is difficult, was it because you probably repeat the magic that it got rejected?”

“It is that, but………when we were about to repeat the magic and after we did repeat the magic, it got overwritten.”


Did that mean it was one magic per type of magic item?

Hmmm, is this originally an impossible task to do?


“We don’t have any clue if we can apply more than one magic.”

“I see…..their common sense says ‘I couldn’t multiply the magic’ and interfere with it when making items.”


So was what Sensei said ‘I can’t do it simply because I have the common sense of this world’ really true?

After all, I don’t have their common sense about this world, and despite it being from the game world, I was able to really do it because I knew that it can be equipped, and that this was the real thing.


In other words, I shouldn’t make it so carelessly in this world.

Oh, the group of black knights was slowly looking at the bracelet ever so carefully.

It was something the engineers are worth getting so absorbed about.

I understand. I’ll only make it for myself and some specific people.



“Uhm…can you return it to me pretty please?”

“We want to see it a little more!!”

“…………………do as you like.”


The studious and enthusiastic black knights, that’s mine.

You better make this time good because I’ll be taking it when I return…..shall I work?

Author’s note:

The chapter talk about how the protagonist with only magic make an imaginary product which was average from the world of game into an almighty magic items.

TL’s note:

“I look forward to working with you.” -> yoroshiku go negai shimasu

There isn’t an exact translation on this but considering this situation, I translated it like that since she was going to dance with Al and getting ‘teach’.

“Please let me be a clam.”

A saying, doesn’t want to said anything about it, shut as a clam.

“majutsu“魔術 and not “maho“魔法

The reason if asked about the different is based on last kanji with 魔術 (majutsu) meaning technique, so having control over something which is why Mizuki said it majutsu then maho. And with 魔法(maho) which mean ‘the law or rule’ explaining the reason when Mizuki said it more of a whole so magic attack couldn’t be included.

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