Editor: Arch RequiemA King is a Man of the World


“Mizuki, was it? I’m Rudolf, the king of Zeburesuto. Best regard, will ya!”

I receive an order with a worthless name as “favor” from Maou-sama, and, ten days later.
There was an immoderately friendly young man inside the informed guest room.
The king’s eyes were of the same feature as his hair which was light brown; it was odd how he looked normal compared to the weirdos I had seen beforehand.
Rudolf’s presence was clearly different from Maou-sama and his overbearing impression.


This person should be the top of royalty. I’m not saying because of his mobu* face, but he seemed to be rather friendly with regular citizens.

Ah, is it this person who have planned the destruction of Seraglio?



“Firstly, I apologize……for bringing this kind of talk so suddenly.”


King Rudolf said while deeply bowing his head.
Whoa, whoa, I said still remaining on my seat, it looks bad when the king easily bows like this.
Well, after he brought trouble with him, it’s better to say nothing at all.
Since it’s a shameful affair for the country; normally they wouldn’t seek cooperation from another country.


“I think you heard it before but, please enter Seraglio and obliterate it.”

“Why destroy it?”

“Sorry, but that’s my true motive. It’s best to punish them before properly sending them off.”

“As for my charge on the case?”

“It won’t be a problem because it’s being prepared from them by all means. Even if they heard, I’ll crush it.”


I felt like I’m being use like a premise in the armed force. So, is that good?


“Once their parent’s household had been taken out? Wouldn’t it be more troublesome?”

“There is the part where a n.o.ble doesn’t want to make their family history into public knowledge. It’s also based on that reason, that the household can be crushed.”

“….Do you have the mind to crush them?”

“Of course!”


With his last comment, ‘of course’, he was smiling happily while raising his thumb.
My stress has somehow slightly risen.
Though it isn’t like Maou-sama’s attribute, it still wasn’t an excuse.

You stupid women, what the h.e.l.l did you got yourselves into? I had to destroy your family’s household too.
Shocked as I was when thinking about them, King Rudolf threw up a sigh and started talking.


“……Seraglio is a flower, a battlefield for women.”

“Well, I guess so.”

“After I dressed them up and flattered them beautifully, I didn’t know what kind of thing was being done behind my back.”

“As for it, it’s probably way beyond help.”

“And yet?!”


*Dan*! With all his strength, King Rudolf smashed the table.

“If the development of a faction involves shallow bullying and their parent’s household, then I’m done, I don’t want to be a part of any of that!  They only consider me as a piece of meat. And did they think the money that I was using to feed them is the country’s money? Isn’t it tax money?! Such good thing is wasted, don’t you agree?”

“Can’t you do something about it with your power as their king?”

“Impossible. I don’t have anyone to serve me to take out their group of people who seemed to think of this as a game and are aiming for me.  Isn’t it a suicide attack among other things when it’s a daily occurrence to establish the origin of dangerous love potions?”


Huh, aren’t you forgetting your original purpose? And now you only want to win?

Haa~……… I do not like this.

I rather not want to be a love rival, putting all my energy for the prize (King Rudolf).
A normal man like him doesn’t really attract a lot of women.
And plus, King Rudolf doesn’t seem like the type to brag about women wanting him.


“I felt so sorry for you, so possibly, when the situation is safe and good.”

“Thank you! The increased poison taster and guards have really helped me, but evil intention came out recently too.”

“Evil intention?”

“It’s the people who protect me. All the members are young, handsome, and able, but they……..”


“One after another, the guys become gynophobic, not hoping to see another woman. This will be disastrous since the aide for the next king are their sons!”


It is not a laughable situation. Because it’s their duty to leave their own bloodlines like the royalty, but theirs are different.
It had to be a sibling who inherited birthright to succeed, but if there isn’t anyone like that, then it will go straight to the eldest son.

But, whether the child can succeed in meeting the expectation or not, it can also be doubtful.
So when the father is able, their son would be disciplined since childhood to be the next generation’s aide candidate.

Yet right now, there isn’t any problem for anyone to become an aide even without getting an education or having a blood relationship.
When the most powerful aide disappeared, what will happen then?


“Oh wow… is the next king having trouble finding aides?”

“……..In the worst case, I make them study abroad, and has no choice but to capture potential aide candidate.”


“As for promising prospects, even from any other country, we aren’t likely to release them”


Ah, so that’s what you meant when you told me to destroy Seraglio.
To smash the obstructive n.o.bles and arrange the minimum environment to lighten the burden on the next generation a little.


“Before such a parental love, they will soon become gynophobic.”

“No. No. No. That would be a problem! Look, it’s a duty! An obligation!”

“To tell you the truth? I sometimes think that I should let you ruin the whole thing and then a private representative will do politics without a monarch.”

“Un~…..I can understand the feeling.”

“Is that so, then you do agree!”


*gashi* King Rudolf suddenly grabbed my hand.


“I didn’t say anything about agreeing! Do not bring me into an agreement in hope of ending your country!”

“The country isn’t over! I’m just setting up a new era!”

“Then will you rely on another country?! If private leadership is used, it might be invaded!”



So, the circ.u.mstances which can’t be done even if I think about it are these; Deteriorating relationship with other countries.
Because blood is flowing to overseas through marriage with foreign countries, the imperial family and the n.o.bles had a wide connection,

If I advocate a righteous cause when such guys have fair blood relationships and do a takeover, how will it turn out?

King Rudolf dropped his shoulders and heaved a sigh deeply.


“I’ll certainly lose as the private leader without support.”

“Probably will—because there is it, I think that it is impossible too.”

“The administration policy of the country is stormy let alone diplomacy first too…I can’t take sides with a friendly country.”

“Erushuon highness, as I guessed for, they don’t have that…..So true. Who in their right minds would want to become the hero(=sacrifice)?”

“Ah, so you are a person who doesn’t dream to be a hero?”

“That is difficult to say when faced with a real problem. It’s up to five years old children that yearn to become a hero, that is, until they are faced with reality.”


The biggest problem would be if a friendly nation disappears.

Now that I’m living in a monarchy country, I can’t support a civilian-led country, if I involve my country, an eye isn’t the only thing that will get hit.

In certain stories of heroes, ‘After that, the heroes are so and so has created a new country’, but the reality isn’t so sweet.
Even heroes of ‘justice’ with the results that knocked down the country which is clear ‘evil’, spend a life on ground hardening.


It’s thought that it is good to evaluate the connections with authority and with other countries which can be improved when heroes’ lovers are princes and princesses as well.

In other words, political marriage. It’s business, bu-si-ne-ss!

Children, I very am sorry that I disturbed a dream, but this is what you call reality.

Just off-subject here, but my impression when I heard of the Little Match Girl when I was young is ‘money is very important’  leaving my parents amazed.

If there is money, don’t you think it’s less harder to do things?

If there is money, I don’t have to escape reality by dreaming about something better?

A match is not sold before it and hey, then the story won’t begin.
It’s the difference in whether it’s caught emotionally whether it’s caught realistically, and impressions are a big and different story, aren’t they?

Oh G.o.d, first of all.


“I understood! I exterminate fools with every effort and will cooperate with the plan!”

“Thanks you! I say, it feels like we had become good friends!”

“You think so?”

“Aye! And uh, just Rudolf is fine. I’m usually refined in speech only when visiting relatives. Now we have become comrades”

“Ok, Thank you.”


I exchanged a handshake firmly and laughed. The guards faces twitched, but I ignored it.

Maybe it’s odd for a general conversation between a proposer and a cooperator of a Seraglio destruction plan (execution charge).

I mean, probably King Rudolf is the same kind as me.

Is the person sent here, a friend of Maou-sama’s?

As for that, I won’t have any room to move since it came from strict royalty. Now what?


Tomorrow, I will be departing to Zeburesuto by such reason.

Well, what’s going to happen?

Tl’s note:

mobu:  Normal or generic looking background character that’s not even worth being a supporting character because they’re basically filler. In short, this:

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