The Encounter ・ The Fight ・ Premonition of a Flag



‘Accidents are inherent in life.’

This was the second time I thought that since coming to this world.

Also, as I said, I don’t wish for a flag to rise, this is not a game. My life is not a game to joke around with!


This is an important thing, so I will say it again, I don’t want it.

Since now that magic can be used in this world, flags are less like love flags and more like get hit and death flag ones.

…..Is treating this as an accident ok in this current event?





It all started about 1 hour ago.

I, as Sensei’s attendant, was jolted while in the carriage responding to a house call in a neighboring village with Sensei. Sensei, a doctor who uses his healing abilities often, patrols the remote village regularly. It wasn’t because there is a shortage of doctors. It is because the poor villagers know a lot about medicinal herbs and only needed help for serious injuries. Thus, they wanted a serious doctor rather than an unskilled one.


“I can handle it, since this village is near the forest.”

“So, why the regular visit?”

“Would it be possible for them to just recover when you treat it? This isn’t a scary situation where farming and hunting can’t be done for a villager who’s sick.”


Working in a situation where you’re not rich enough, but can still get by = being hungry.

Even if there isn’t any money, I can live somehow, but without my daily bread and food, my chances of survival decrease. Unlike in a town, a village is more like a self-sufficient living, like a store that has all it needs, but to me, that’s scary.



“The villagers themselves must hunt and gather for their food…”


The doctor looked at me with regret and stared off into the distance.

Yes, I know. I have to learn to live with it.

In this world, the true problem is hunting.

It’s not that using magic to kill animals off is a problem for me. The problem is…the dismembering work.


“If a girl can’t handle meat, you can’t become a bride!”


Several days ago when I was so bold, the auntie who taught me told me that while laughing uproariously.

First, it began with a small rabbit, then later escalated to a fake bear.

I swallowed a scream remembering the memories of the b.l.o.o.d.y knife.

…It was a good thing I got used to it. If I had suffered from a trauma and kept screaming continuously, gradually, I won’t be able to live.

Ah, I turned around and peered inside the carriage; it was the bear that got killed just this morning. I shot it with a freezing magic by reflex while trying to find a rabbit, so it wasn’t my fault. And since it was a special case, I was transporting it with much effort.

Because I applied to the bear a ‘maintain state’ spell, it’s still fresh! Tonight’s dinner will be bear pan. The rest of the meat will get dried and preserved.


“Is it normal for a woman to hunt a bear?”


Very straightforwardly, the doctor kept it short.


“Nope, that fellow was just special. Usually the women hunt birds and rabbits.”



Sensei, did you regret having to trust a partner like me?

It was time when such talk happen.





In the direction where we were just going, we heard the voice of a person and the sound of metal. I stopped the carriage and we both stared at each other.

I didn’t want to keep going straight in and get involved in this turmoil. No, n.o.body may want to be concerned in a fight with a carriage carrying a bear.


“What should we do…”

“Well, I should help if the traveler is getting attacked. But…”


“I can’t fight.”


He gave me an apologetic face.

That means I had to fight. Well, I could fight, since I did kill a bear, right?

Uuu…but will I be able to use magic on a person?


“It’s fine, my control is perfect. I can heal myself if I’m not dead.”

“What if a piece of you come off?”

“Then it’s my fault!!”


Although I said that, it was such a terrible thing to say to Sensei…

Am I somehow used to this kind of situation? I answered in a question a little too practical and businesslike.

Oh, but.

I can, at least, help someone.



“Okay, I’ll go.”


The voice came fairly close to the center of the forest. Perhaps, if I ride the horse, I can escape from the fight without having to leave the forest. But then, the carriage might be thrust into the interference.


“*sucks in breath* Sensei, I will intercept here. While the other side is distracted, please protect the person running away.”




I said this to Sensei while getting off the carriage.

It was a rather vague way to say, but it was inevitable. After all, we can’t determine who is bad. Or pursue carelessly and let the criminal escape in the process.

In other words



‘You shut up the ferocious person, and arrest the quiet one.’


Was what it meant.

Protection = Capture. Even though it’s the same conduct, there is a minute difference. The word is strange, isn’t it.


“Then, it’s had begins.”


I got down on one knee, palm on the ground, and set up a trap five meters in front of the carriage.

(The barrier, five meters ahead will protect against any physical attack.)

What will happen if I don’t just do a barrier from above, hitting the people riding the horses, but also a physical attack from on the ground too?

The answer was simple, the riders will fall.

I felt sorry for the horses, but all the members tumbled down at once.

They all fell magnificently, trying to avoid the trample of the horses.

…as long as it doesn’t pin down the horse.

We approach the master of the voices.



“That was…!”

“d.a.m.n you…”


And they said so on and on, beaten and bruised.

Oh, the mischievous sense of accomplishment had succeeded!

The victims’ beautiful clothes were all very neat and orderly. Two people dressed in a white cloak and blue uniform? They were all older guys.

The remaining five were covered in all black up to their faces.


“Wow, too obvious! Anyone can see they’re suspicious, Sensei.”

“Truly…to attack two knight out in the open.”

Even today was a normal operation for the master and pupil, us, who have time to spare. Though I was more impressed with the knights’  template clothing than I am with the tense atmosphere.

Possibly, the uniform members knights. In my heart, I agree with what Sensei said; it’s foolish to attack these knights!


“Yes, yes, is this the way to pa.s.s to get to the village? Can you be quiet please?”


After being puzzled about what I said, they stood up and began to get quiet.

The entire black squadron (spontaneously naming it) readied their weapons and watched us.

The knights ran towards us and clung onto me…..


“Help me!”


They harmonized.

Needless to say, Sensei and my face went stiff.

And I.


“Th…this is your first word?, You USELESSSSS KNNNIGGGHHTTSSS!!!!!!”


I yelled, accidentally hitting them on the head.

…’help me’ really?

To me, a civilian and a woman? Do you understand the fact that I don’t even have a weapon?

Am I’m a shield to cling onto, is that what I am?


If it’s an Otome game, by doing something important it raises a flag for A, but this!

Is this, some kind of flags? Death…not a love flag?

Did I get pummeled and drop into what’s supposed to be like the effect of the suspension bridge*?

Knight…knight…Is this reality?

Oh, the setting of the game and story is a spitting lie…!

Didn’t the knight of the guild properly protect his companion?!  Do I have to be like everyone and yearn for the knight?!

…No, no, guys like this are s.h.i.t.


“That is the mission.”

“Thank you!”

“But do not keep clinging me, don’t make a civilian be your shield, and absolutely don’t try to run away to the carriage!”

“We’ll leave it to you”


Sensei coldly murmured that the knight shamelessly even said such a thing.


“You don’t even have a speck of shame do you, how will the crown prince reacts to this.”


With a snap.

The knight hardened for some reason.

Oh? Sensei, what did you say? Why did they all suddenly froze up?

Well, I’ve got to do my job.


“Sorry, did I leave you unattended?”



Uh-oh, I got glared at by the entire squadron.

Of course, they would naturally be angry~…with me freezing their leg in all.

Even if they try to harm me, the attacks will only be bounced off by the barrier.

Oh-ho-ho, be very afraid! Now let me take you out.


“I need you all to be stunned first. So please, clench your teeth~ ♪”






I snap my finger once.

Simultaneously, all the people dressed in black showed a condition of being hit in the pit of their stomach with ‘something’ and collapsed.

Being hit with compressed air should be painful enough.

Moreover, there doesn’t seem to be a direction to where it came from so they wouldn’t be able to stop it. Considering it though, I don’t really understand how this spell would work since there isn’t any knowledge of air in this world.


“Now then, let have a little talk?”


I smiled.

The knights’ complexions went pale and they gave me a strained smile back.

a.s.shole, young girls and guys admire and look up to you, this is retribution.

And does a young lady like me have to set this condition for you?



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