Preaching and Punishment are Needed


“So, if you’re really knights, shouldn’t you refrain from doing such shameful behavior?”

I said with a laugh and a smile as the knights sat in a seiza* style. The villagers, who were making a distant circle around us, nodded in agreement.

Present location, Genoa Village.

This strange scene began about an hour ago.

After that.

I threw the squadron dressed in black into the carriage, rolling them up in a large, rough bamboo mat. With that, we then safely arrived at our destination. The knights’ arms, restrained to the carriage, ran like horses. The speed of the carriage dropped considerably due to the extra baggage on board, so it shouldn’t be a problem for the knights.
Sensei understood this and acted as if nothing had happened at all, convinced that this treatment was right. Though the baggage increased, don’t you feel sorry for the horse? Baggage meaning the 5 criminals wrap in the bamboo mat. As for that… thing.


“……Knights, your worth is lower than the laboring horse. Do not expect human rights. Since it’s not a great distance, run, workers.”


Once I arrived in the village, it turned out that the knights and their attackers were causing trouble here too.


“The knights kept constantly complaining when they were staying at the inns.”


What did he expect in such a remote village?


“When those fellows attacked, we protected everyone.”


Thank you, and did the knight escaped then?


“I got threatened when I asked where they were running off to…so I don’t know anything else.”


As a result, more people got injured because of these two, so Sensei’s silence got scarier.

…Knights, and the black squadron; are you prepared?


“I got used as a shield. Do you want me to preach to you?”


I said to the knights with a smile, while the people around me noisily nodded in agreement.


“First, sit down with your knee bent. This is called seiza, and is a traditional way to sit. Next, lay both hands in front and lower your head.”


This will be the way you apologize, by kneeling.


“We are knights! Such mockery is….!”
“You can do it, can’t you?”
“We can kneel if it is a n.o.ble.”
“I say do it.”
“…..If you can’t apologize, I can make your bodies meet the expectation….”




Is that alright? …They both looked at each other before saying.


“I’m sorry!!!!!!”


They yelled the apology and kneeled on the ground like stiff bricks.

Human, being honest is the first step. If they don’t want to give a poor impression of the entire knighthood, they should apologize now.

You guys, that should be easy to understand in your book of knights, don’t you think?

The recognition of a power relationship is clear.

Me >>>>> (obstacle wall) > Black Squadron >Themselves
I’m very happy that they can understand it without me doing it for them.
Eh? In this heat of the moment, I forgot, but what’s with the social status?
So, the knights care more about the n.o.bles than the regular civilians?
And are the knights apparently n.o.bles themselves?
I, a person from a different world, who didn’t recognize this kind of treatment, didn’t fear their power or lese majeste!*
I’ll ambush them with intelligence, physical strength, and luck, and even add in magic too if I had to.
I don’t know how the cla.s.s systems turned out this way, but based on my feelings, this will become a personal priority of mine. In a sense, ignorance can be the strongest a.s.set.

So these two fellows, who is behaving accordingly as knights, preaching to them won’t be necessary. But there are other ways to find faults in them.


“Let’s move on to lecturing you ♪”
“Oh, will you be the one to apologize now?”


I didn’t like how these knights responded; do you think this a public performance?
Because I’ll make them fully understand not to commit the same mistakes again.
Talking about such a thing, a villager who had been quiet spoke up.


“Hey, what are you going to do to those fellows?”
“Those fellows?”
“Those people dressed in black.”


Ah, I completely forgot about them. Oh, right, they were at the scene of the crime too.
But, because I didn’t hear the knights’ missions, these black bandits can’t get arrested, but I can still punish them.
How will I punish them, I idly thought while I glanced at the bear being skinned.
It was very pleasing to see this, I was hungry to have some food.

Bear…covered with blood………
Yep, I came up with an idea.


“I will paint these bandits with the blood of the bear and hang them overnight in the forest.” I voiced, clapping my hands.


Everybody looks at me in puzzlement over what I had just said.
Oh, it was meant to be convincing, was it not?


“I’ll use the barrier magic to capture and heal these bandits, punishing them in a sumaki.*Next, I’ll hang them on a tree, leaving the smell of blood on them overnight.”
“Using magic to such a degree, they won’t die, but they can be picked off by a large carnivorous beast.”
“You she-devil!”


It was one of the knights that raised their voice. Persistent huh, did you think you were safe? If you keep going, it’ll be scary~
I would’ve liked to put the smell of blood in like a gla.s.s, but it wouldn’t have mattered anyway. Since the smell can’t be blocked, the beast—the carnivorous animal—will come. If I used the barrier to capture and ensnare it, the carnivorous animal would be trapped and unable to move. Along with the inescapable barrier, I would also tie up the bandits with rope that couldn’t be cut. Because the beast might escape, the possibility that the barrier might suddenly disappear was likely. Thus, I will regularly and responsibly use healing magic on the trapped baits to protect them.

So tell me, am I really a brutal person?

The knight fell silent when I explained it to him.


“No, but…”
“It would be a rare experience to play with a fluffy, furry creature.”
“It wouldn’t be the degree to which you would call it play …”
“Can I not have my enjoyment, with traps that punish, but are also useful?”
“No, no, but normally, when confronted by carnivorous beasts, we’ll die! It’s not fun!”
“But auntie taught me to treat them as if they were food?”
“What kind of village is this, with such a savage person!?”


Oh, Sensei said auntie was a special kind of women. Oh, the bear was getting gutted now. And they said I went bear hunting? I’m just a big softy.
But the knights continued to talk.


“Is there a possibility that the dead person’s ghost might appear?”

“Well, it’ll be fortunate that these people got off with a light punishment. There is also the potential of silencing them.”


Sensei’s words immediately quieted everyone.

If Sensei hadn’t come, or if I wasn’t here, n.o.body would have thought about this possibility.


“If that’s the case, the devil’s plans will have to start.”
“Devil’s plan? You, did you think of an even crueler plan?!”


These knights are getting annoying, this magician needs to think.


“The basics are the same. Just cut the hanged rope so they can experience the pounding heart throb of being between life and death. It can only be the rope maintained on the sumaki*! There is no meaning if the barrier gets swallowed up.”
“This woman, without a conscience is the worst.”
“Wouldn’t this be a wonderful experience to know the preciousness of life? Since the chance of you two returning back alive is 50%.”
“You, do you not know the word of mercy…?”


Sensei blew out a sigh deeply while I muttered severely. The pale knights, however, were frightened.


“The method that Mizuki thought of was thorough, but the people who are supposed to do the duty of punishing are worthless….”


Sensei, you should keep saying more, because the knights are utterly useless.
…I stepped on their feet, which were numb from all the seiza sitting, in anger.

It was omitted, but there was also such conversation of two people by village arrival.

“By the way, Mizuki. What is a ‘Sentai*‘?”
“It’s people who fight in a group of 5, Sensei.”
“The words seem to be right, but I feel it means something different.”
“They sometime do a signature pose or a famous technique which makes their rating goes up, but it is just a show.”
“………….. Is that so.”


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