Chapter 17: Chase

Li Anping, with a simple wave of his hand, a ‘boom’ sound was heard and a ma.s.sive piece of burning car wreckage flew in all directions. Li Anping then stepped out of the inferno.

In his other hand, Wester had already turned into a charred corpse. However, Quick Gun and Ryan had vanished. At this moment, on Li Anping’s body which was still cloaked in flames, bones could be seen on half of his face. While cracking his neck, Li Anping began walking towards the fire hydrant.

‘They ran away? Or are they thinking of attacking me from a distance? Judging from the sound, they seem to have headed north. Either way, I should extinguish this fire first.’

Feeling that he could no longer collect life energy from the corpse, Li Anping casually tossed the Wester’s corpse on to the ground and raised his right leg to kicked towards the fire hydrant. ‘Clank’, the fire hydrant became deformed and broken from the impact.

Water burst out from the ground, soaking Li Anping, on one hand he felt the cool refreshing feeling of the water and on the other hand he felt the energy within his body continuing to surge.

“Hahaha, so much, so much energy, this Wester is stronger than the Blackie, the quant.i.ty of energy in his soul is also much greater as well!” Halfway through, Black continued to speak with maliciously: “Do you not care about the body on the ground anymore? Its already been cooked to well done, do you not wish to try it?”

Li Anping ignored him: “We’re doing the usual distribution, half used for enhancing my body, and the rest will be saved up.”

While talking, the burn on Li Anping’s body had already healed mostly, except for his hair and eyebrows which had not grown back yet.

“Are you sure you do not want to grow your hair out? This is really ugly.”

Li Anping pouted his lips, “This uses up the souls of humans, they are all lives. I will not waste the souls on things like this. What are my current stats?”

“Hehe, Strength is at 2.8, Agility 2.7, Stamina at 3.8, there are still two more dessert out there, let’s move quickly and go feast on them!”

Clenching his fists, Li Anping felt that the power in his body had risen to another level, he began walking north. Although he cannot see them, he can distinctly hear the breathing, footsteps and even the conversation between Quick Gun and Ryan.

“Quick Gun! Why must we escape, Wester is dead! Now that he’s dead, you want us to just run away in shame?”

The calm and collected voice of Quick Gun said: “The enemy not only has the strength to overwhelm the metal body of Wester, but also has an incredible healing ability, Moreover, attacking them so hot-headedly, it is hard to determine if there is only just one enemy, taking into consideration that your ability is not suitable for direct conflict, in the current situation, the best plan is for us to leave this place quickly.”

After listening to all of that, Li Anping sneered, kicking the ground below him, he vanished immediately, only leaving behind a floor of cracked cement tiles.

Quick Gun and Ryan have dashed into the streets, after they arrived at a T-junction, Quick Gun pointed his gun towards a driver on a car.

“Get out!”

The driver raised his hands over his head, a look of pure panic on his face as Ryan opened the car door and dragged him out , sitting in his seat.

“He’s coming!” Ryan shouted as he started up the car, “What are you still doing there? Get in the car!”

Quick Gun was staring at the other side of the street, a bald man without eyebrows was chasing after them at an unbelievable speed, by the time Ryan had finished his sentence, he was already 100 metres away from them.

‘Being completed healed by now after such a car explosion, this sort of monster-like healing speed is….’ Thinking of this, Quick Gun shouted towards Ryan.

“You leave first, he’s too fast, I’ll stay behind and delay him for a while.” While talking to Ryan, Quick Gun fired two shots towards Li Anping, blood gushed from both of his legs as he fell forward.

However, Li Anping seems to feel no pain, as he fell towards the ground, he used both of his arms to propel himself forward, soaring through the air at a good 5 to 6 meters above the ground before descending. By the time he was reaching the ground, the bullets in his legs have already been forced out by his regenerated muscles. After taking a few short steps, he once again sprinted towards the two men. During this entire time, there was no pause in his movement.

After witnessing that, Quick Gun frowned even further.

‘Before this, bullets could still cause his body to bleed, why is the effect so much weaker this time? Also, this self-healing ability… no, it’s more like regeneration ability….’

“Why are you still here? Find Shang An Guo, get the military troops here.” He shouted, as he raised his gun towards Li Anping again, this time aiming for his eyes.

“d.a.m.n it, What kind of monster is this!!!”

Ryan observed Li Anping’s performance through his ultrasound waves, his expression became as pale like he saw a ghost as he accelerated the car and sped away.

Quick Gun’s gunmanship is G.o.dly, it is as if his bullets have eyes, no matter how much Li Anping swirled from side to side, or ran in an S pattern, he could not dodge it.

Feeling pain in his eyes, Li Anping has already lost his vision. He leapt forcefully towards his right crashing into a small wall, cement and limestone flying everywhere, a burst of wind created from the impact as he crashed into a house. The residents of the house screamed as they ran out. With all the sounds of gunfire, the street had descended into chaos.

In the house, Li Anping half kneeled behind a wall, rubbing his eyes with one hand as he focused all his attention on listening to his opponent’s movements. However, he heard no footsteps but only the sound of continuous gunfire.

‘He didn’t take the opportunity to escape? Both of my eyes will only take about 10 seconds to fully heal, soundwave man had already escape, leaving behind the gunman. He wants to delay me?’

While thinking, Li Anping lifted his fingers to his eyes and forcefully dug out the bullets, excruciating pain coursed through him and he could not help but let loose a low growl.

‘Time is of the essence, the police will arrive soon, I must at least devour this gunman. In that case, I’ll recover one eye first.’

After 5 seconds, Li Anping’s right eye has already regrown, he glanced around at the mess of the room he created and walked towards the door. With both arms, he tore down the door, holding on to the door, he ran towards the direction of Quick Gun.

Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud! His footsteps resounded.

Li Anping held on to the door, and charged like a rampaging tank, knocking aside everything in his way, both cars and bicycles. This caused him his speed to be slightly slower, but it looked even more terrifying.

‘He only spent 5 seconds… This monster regenerates faster than I thought.’

Quick Gun stared at the beast-like Li Anping charging towards him, he began to reverse while shooting towards him. His bullets were able to pierce the door, but he is unable to hit Li Anping’s eyes to slow his advance.

‘d.a.m.n, if only Ryan was here, he would be able to pinpoint his vital spots.’ Even after emptying his entire magazine, Li Anping showed no signs of stopping.

Seeing that Li Anping is only about 50 meters away from him, Quick Gun immediately turned and ran, reloading his gun while running.

However, the moment he began reloading, Li Anping realized it and tore the door out from the side, his body riddled with bullet holes, blood constantly oozing him his wounds. Seeing Quick Gun turning his back and running away, Li Anping sneered and lifted the door above his head and hurled it towards Quick Gun.


Hearing the sound coming from the back of his head, although he hasn’t thought of what it is, his body reacted faster than his brain and he immediately dropped to the ground and rolled, dodging the door. He then picked himself up and continued running without turning back.

This reaction showed proof of Quick Gun’s training, if his opponent was anyone other than Li Anping’s, he might have escaped already. But, this short moment was already too much time for Li Anping.

With a quick burst from his right leg, he had already appeared behind Quick Gun, grabbing his shoulder.

With his shoulder restrained, Quick Gun knew that he could not possibly match the strength of his adversary, thus he quickly turned around, pointing the barrel of his gun towards Li Anping’s face.

However, how could his reaction speed match the enhanced body of Li Anping.

When he pulled the trigger, Li Anping had already tilted his neck to one side, completely avoiding the gun barrel.

Bang! The shot fired.

Before Quick Gun could do anything else, he could feel energy from his entire body flowing away like the tide, he lowered his head and looked at his chest and realized Li Anping’s right hand was slowly pulling out, alongside the hand, it also felt as if something in him was removed.

Staring at Li Anping’s expressionless face, he opened his mouth, but all that came out was an endless stream of blood, not a word could be said.

Li Anping withdrew his right hand as he looked at the slowly drooping body of Quick Gun and sighed, he reached out and closed Quick Gun’s eyelids with his hand. His ears twitched as he heard the sound of distant sirens getting closer and closer.

“Strength increased to 2.9, Agility to 2.8 and Stamina to 3.9.” Black reported, “You would think this gunman’s ability would be more powerful considering how much trouble he was, but as it turns out, his soul energy could not even compare with the metal man. The soundwave man escaped, are you chasing him?”

“Of course.” Li Anping leapt onto a lamp post and then leapt once more onto the roof of a six-story high building. Leaving a huge dent on the lamp post.

The streets were in disarray, 10 minutes later, the police arrived late, they could not do anything but stare blankly at the battlefield.

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