Chapter 18: Funeral (1)

Upon getting the news, Huang Ling Jun was the first to rush to the scene. Once he saw the footage captured by the CCTV by the roadside, he could not help but draw in a deep breath.

‘This kind of regeneration ability…… just who is this guy?’

A policeman beside him saw the footage as well and exclaimed: “What kind of monster is he? An alien invading earth?”

“Captain Huang? What do we do?”

“This kind of monster, even if we knew where he was, would we be able to capture him?”

Huang Ling Jun replied: “Inform the traffic police department, give them details of the car that was stolen by the white man, and let them find out where he escaped to. I will chase after him.”

The surrounding policeman all looked at each other, they did not want to chase after this kind of monster that could not be death or burnt to death. But Huang Ling Jun did not care about them. As he got into the car, he took out his handphone and dialed a number.

“I am the person in charge Zhongdu City, Huang Ling Jun. Something uncontrollable has happened in Zhongdu City. From the remains of the scene, we can determine the target’s threat to be above Level 1 Ability, I hereby request for E grade authority.”

A cold voice came from the handphone: “Understood, I will grant you E grade authority now, coordinate and control the crime scene for now, we will arrive in 3 hours.”

Next, the phone automatically connected to a few calls.

“E grade authority confirmed……”

“……Requesting for backup……”

“……If necessary, apply for aerial a.s.sault……”

“……Ordering the special forces to standby…… entering Zhongdu City……”

After a few calls, the surrounding people were speechless. They stared blankly at Huang Ling Jun, as if they had just known him.

“Everyone, this case will be concluded here. What happens from now is not something any of you can interfere in. Thank you for your good work during this period. Oh and don’t forget to get the traffic police to trail the white man’s location, I want a report every 5 minutes.” Saying so, Huang Ling Jun got onto his car alone.

After the engine was ignited, he suddenly popped his head out, shouting at Lian Zhong who was staring blackly into s.p.a.ce: “What are you waiting for? Get in the car!”

“Me?” Lian Zhong pointed to himself in disbelief.

“Yes, you, rookie, come along with me.”

At the same time, on the other side of Zhongdu City, inside a luxurious funeral parlour in the northern area.

A funeral service was going to be held. The deceased is Shang Zheng Bang, second son of Zhongdu City’s mayor Shang An Guo. This funeral is held to be one of the grandest and largest, attended by all of Zhongdu City’s influential characters, as most were afraid that if they did not show the proper etiquette, they would get hated by Shang An Guo who was under the pain of losing his son.

In the funeral parlour’s resting area, Shang An Guo sat with his eyes closed on a chair, his originally confident face had become much more frail in a few days, even having more white hair.

Xu Li Chuan at the side said: “Big Brother, my condolences.”

“Mm.” Shang An Guo nodded without opening his eyes: “What’s the situation?”

“It’s the suburb Huaxi village’s village head, it has to do with the factory pollution case, he wants to meet you. He waited for a whole night at the villa yesterday. Today, he came to the funeral parlour, should we……”

Shang An Guo frowned: “Meet what? Doesn’t he know what day it is today? Is he plain ignorant of the rules, get him to scram back to Huaxi.”

“Yes”. Xu Li Chuan bowed and left the room.

But soon after, shouting noise was heard outside the door, a middle-aged man with messy hair and a bitter look barged in. Behind him was several security guards and Xu Li Chuan who came chasing.

“Mayor Shang, Huaxi village’s 200 inhabitants are waiting for me, please let me finish my words.” The middle-aged man kneeled down the moment he got into the resting room, crying and begging Shang An Guo.

Behind him, the guards tried to pull him away but could not stop the other party’s cries and screams.

Shang An Guo frowned and finally opened his eyes. He waves his hands and the two security guards stepped back: “Leave first.”

He said towards the middle-aged man on the ground: “Old w.a.n.g, why are you kneeling? There is nothing unsolvable in the world, get up and talk. I didn’t know you were outside earlier, the guards were afraid of me getting disturbed thus they did not let anyone in, don’t blame them.”

“Mayor Shang, I know I am wrong to come here today, but I have no choice.” Old w.a.n.g continued to kneel and did not get up: “I really have no choice but to come here. I went to the government building but they said you were not in. I went to Bihai Fangzhou but I was caught by the guards even before I got close to the house.

Mayor Shang, back then you were the one who recommended Star International Corp, that’s why we agreed to let them set up the factory. But now their sewage is all poisonous, the river does not even have a single fish left. Till yesterday, all the wheat in the fields have died, many children got sick, Mayor, this matter cannot be dragged anymore, you cannot leave us to our doom.”

Shang An Guo’s eyebrows raised, slowly saying: “Last time, didn’t you sign the contract with Star International Corp, agreeing that they were allowed to send sewage into the river? I remember they gave you a lot of compensation as well.”

“They said there was no contamination! But now all the children and adults are sick. I want to close that factory, but we need your approval, none of the other leaders in the city are helping.” While shouting, Old w.a.n.g kowtowed: “Mayor, I’m begging you, the entire Hua Xi village depends on farming to survive. Not only is our farmland ruined now, even the people are sick, we cannot survive like this.”

“Okay, I understand.” Shang An Guo nodded seriously: “This matter is very serious, I will communicate with Star International, don’t worry Old w.a.n.g, let your villagers rest at ease too, I will give them an answer.”

“Thank you!!! Thank you, Mayor, you really are the embodiment of justice.”

Shang An Guo and Xu Li Chuan continued to amicably comfort Old w.a.n.g, until they sent him out of the resting area. Once he turned around, Shang An Guo’s expression darkened.

“What are you doing, if this matters gets reported to the higher ups, it’ll cause my position to be very pa.s.sive.”

Xu Li Chuan hurried explained: “It’s possible that the person we sent lowered the price, I’ll send someone over again, each person 100 thousand, rest a.s.sured that no one will bother about this matter again.”

Shang An Guo sighed: “Star international is introduced to us by Zheng Hai, it is an MNC, this year we invested a total of 1 billion, just for this sewage disposal factory. Our target this year for attracting investments, and the report to the Capital at the end of the year is all depending on this, do you understand?”

“Big Brother, I understand.” Xu Li Chuan continued asking: “But that Old w.a.n.g is very stubborn, he refuses to accept any money, and even brought a group to people to protest against the factory, he almost got on TV last time, I barely managed to block it, if this continues it’ll make matters very difficult for me.”

“Hmm, it seems that after being the village head of Huaxi for such a long time, his mind is no longer agile.” Shang An Guo said: “In that case, isn’t the city going to prepare to send a group of people to support the Northwest area? Include him.”

“Huh?” Xu Li Chuan was shocked: “But… he’s already 50 plus years old.”

Shang An Guo laughed: “It is all for the people, regardless of age. He is so righteous and stubborn, let him train a little in the Northwest.”

Although Shang An Guo was laughing, Xu Li Chuan felt a chill down his spine. Northwest was not just tough, it is the borders with Ice Fort, a warzone. Many international terrorist organisations constantly move about there. It is the place where no government officials want to go, it can be considered the most dangerous area in Great Xia, all sorts of officials were exiled there.

‘Old w.a.n.g trip there this time, he will probably never make it back to Zhongdu in this lifetime.’

Thinking of this, Xu Li Chuan lowered his head even further.

“Oh yes, where is Shi Shi?” Shang An Guo asked: “Why isn’t she here after so long? She is pregnant, nothing must happen to her.”

“She should be fine, maybe she is too upset. Let me call and ask.” Xu Li Chuan took out his handphone and dialed Wei Shi Shi’s number but it indicated that she had already turned off her phone.

“What’s going on? Li Chuan, send someone to find her. I’m going to the main hall first.”

Outside the parlour, because there are no more parking lots left, both sides of the streets are packed with cars, and it is all sorts of expensive million-dollar cars, if you were a driver of a cheaper car, you would not even have the cheeks to park here. All the pa.s.serby wondered in their heads who could have such an influence.

But the road outside the parlour was not wide, now that both sides have occupied a lane of cars, it has caused severe congestion.

Li Qian is on the pavement now, looking at the rows of cars, she thought: ‘This is just like a car exhibition.’

She raised her handphone to take a picture of the two rows of cars, and found out that there were many military, government and aircraft branded cars.

Halfway through, she heard an argument in front, seeing that more people had gathered, Li Qian also went up and squeezed into the crowd with her phone.

“Why did you stop your car? This is too much, didn’t you see the road is clogged?”

“Yeah, why are you stopping your car here? I need to rush to the airport, how are we going to travel if you stop here?”

Li Qian looked over and saw that a bus was stopped horizontally across the road, sealing the road entirely, not allowing any car to drive past the parlour. Thus, many drivers came out of their vehicles to scold at the bus, as the crowd increased, the horns of the cars behind got increasingly loud.

The bus driver came out of his seat and pointed at the crowd, scowling: “The road is sealed. All of you take alternative paths.”

This caused the crowd to become more intense, many drivers scolded profusely but the bus driver ignored all of them and went back to sit in the bus.

Eventually, a “Bam” was heard as a small car had knocked into the bus. Someone had wanted to drive past the small gap that the bus had left, resulting in a collision.

This caused the driver to be fl.u.s.tered, jumping out of his bus and screamed at the car driver: “Are you courting death? Do you know whose funeral this is? f.u.c.k, you still dare to knock into my bus, compensate me, don’t think of leaving unless you compensate me.” Seeing that there was a car accident, a few security guards dressed in black came out of the parlour and dragged the driver out of his car, beating him to a pulp.

This was the ignition for what followed, as a few of the drivers went up to the security guards and pushed and shoved, about to get into a fight.

Luckily, someone had called the police beforehand, as the traffic police arrived and stopped the two sides. The traffic police advised the bus drive to move his location to let the cars pa.s.s but was ignored.

“Don’t even think about it, let me tell you, don’t think you’re anything just because you’re a policeman. Even your leader is inside the parlour.”

Before he finished his words, Xu Li Chuan had already arrived with a few of the higher ups in the traffic police department.

“What’s going on, do you know what day it is today? Causing such trouble for me.” Xu Li Chuan screamed at the security guards: “All of you go back in, how can you beat people.”

Saying so, he took out a few thousand dollars and gave it to the driver who was beaten: “I won’t pursue you knocking into the bus, this is medical compensation, take it.”

The traffic police higher up also stepped forward, asking the policemen who arrived earlier: “Which team are you from? There is an activity on the streets today by the government, the roads are sealed, quickly get the cars to move out, don’t block the entrance.”

Seeing that the leader has spoken, the drivers had no choice. They gradually moved all the cars out, but there were cars coming in at the same time, this push and shove caused the traffic jam to be few hundred meters long, causing the traffic policemen to work up a sweat.

Li Qian laughed coldly in her heart. Seeing Xu Li Chuan and the others leave, she raised her handphone and filmed the scene.

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