Chapter 21: Funeral (4)

On the stage, Shang An Guo calmly gave his speech with a pre-made script.

“Shang Zheng Bang, my son……”

On the streets, Ryan fiercely stepped on the pedals as he glanced back, his iris contracting to pin-size, see Li Anping’s figure emerge like a devil.

“He was smart, adorable, kind, honest from young…” The people below the stage all listened solemnly.

Ryan traversed the streets like a slithering snake with his car, stealing the car lanes with a hair’s breadth, but no matter how fast he drove, the figure behind him stuck to him like glue.

“The painful past, our tear stricken face. A million and one words, is unable to express our longing for him……”

Ryan desperately stepped on the pedal, his car accelerating further, but Li Anping’s shadow stuck to him regardless, turning around another corner, the hundreds of metres of cars stuck in the jam before him, slowly become clearer to him.

“To friends, he was generous, to colleagues he bared hardship and never held a grudge, being always impartial. To parents, he was meticulous, constantly feeling grat.i.tude to them in his heart……” While reading, Shang An Guo’s eyes gradually became red.

No matter how much Ryan stepped on the brakes, the car could not stop. Seeing that he was about to knock onto the car at the tail of the jam, he spun the steering wheel quickly, causing the car to overturn on the roadside, tumbling.

“At this moment, friends grief, family bury their faces in their hands, colleagues stifling a tear, we do not want to believe, and cannot believe this cold truth……”

The car hit the rail, tumbling and landing on a field of flowers by the roadside. Ryan’s forehead was full of blood, as he removed the seatbelt and frantically crawled out, turning back, he saw Li Anping slowly approaching from the roadside. He hurriedly got up, fumbling towards the Funeral Parlour.

“His wife lost a good husband, his parents lost a filial son, his friends lost a good brother……” Shang An Guo’s speech became gradually sniffling, as the people below the stage could not help but start crying.

Seeing Ryan’s b.l.o.o.d.y face rushing towards the Funeral Parlour, the bus driver and the security guards blocked him from entry.


“Who are you?”

“Idiot, don’t block me.”

“Careful, behind you!!!!!!”

When the security guards closed their eyes, the last thing they saw was the blood splattering all over, and the screams of the crowd.

Among the panicking crowd, Li Qian did not move a step, her eyes fixed on Li Anping who was killing mercilessly, his back view exactly the same as in her recorded video.

He was akin to a demon king now, but in her eyes it looked like he was standing up to the oppressive rich, a relentless hero.

Li Qian’s eyes gradually lit up, filled with idolization, as if she was a follower praying towards a divine spirit.

“The road to heaven is long, may you have a safe journey ahead……”

In the auditorium, Shang An Guo already had tears on the corner of his eye, a.s.sisted by Xu Li Chuan down the stage. Next the people bowed three times towards’ Shang Zheng Bang’s funeral photo.

Outside the parlour, a white man was dashing towards the door, in his eyes was endless terror. He was about to push the door, when a hand grabbed the back of his head, and pulled him back.

“Help……” Before he even said a word, his mouth was covered by the person behind him, leaving behind his struggling noise.

“Save me! Please someone save me!”

“I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die!!!”

Ryan stared at the door, but the parlour’s door was becoming further and further from him, his body was being dragged by the devil towards h.e.l.l, to his eternal slumber in the darkness.

A few seconds later, he closed his eyes forever.

‘Creak!’ The auditorium’s door were opened, causing everyone to inadvertently look back.

Only to see a bald man of over 2m in height entering, the top half of his body was naked, and his bottom half only had torn rags as pants. There was much blood traces on his body, like he had just gone out of a slaughter house.

Inviting everyone’s confused expression, he raised his head and looked at the funeral photo, revealing a bloodthirsty smile: “Who is Shang An Guo? And Wei Shi Shi, where is she?”

Seeing someone had interrupted the funeral, and calling out himself and his daughter in law. Shang An Guo’s expression got uglier as Xu Li Chuan behind him immediately wanted to step out, but found out that his son had already done so, he nodded in his heart.

Xu Quan pointed at Li Anping and said heroically: “This is the auditorium, do you know whose funeral it is today? Please get out immediately.” Saying so, he walked towards Li Anping and attempted to push him out.

At the same time, some of the men finally reacted, Huo Qing seeing Li Anping’s blood traces, his face flashed across some shock as he said playfully: “Hehe, young people these days, how immature.”

Wan An beside him spoke like a senior: “What is the security guards outside doing, letting him barge in like this?”

Xu Quan pushed Li Anping but found that he could not even push him back one step. Next, he felt his wrist getting grabbed by the other party.

“Hey, what are you doing, let me go, AHHHH!” Halfway through, his words had already turned into pitiful screaming.

Only to see Xu Quan kneeling on the ground, his face flooded with tears, mucus, he heart wrenchingly screamed. When Li Anping released him, his wrist had already been squeezed into a pulp, at a glance one could tell he was crippled already.

This sight made everyone’s heart jump. Everyone stared at Li Anping without blinking, the crowd incessantly whispering.

Anna was shocked too, she did not expect the authoritative young master, a second-generation young master, to be crippled in one hand by the next moment, bawling his hearts out on the ground.

“Who are you?”

Xu Li Chuan stared at Li Anping with blood shot eyes, his hands trembling in rage. Xu Quan was his most successful and most doted son, being successful at such a young age, he already had thoughts to make him his successor. But now one of his arm is crippled, Xu Li Chuan wanted to go crazy.

“Catch him!”

A few black clothed men leaped out and grabbed at Li Anping, but Li Anping’s figure just blinked, and immediately all the men were all lying on the ground, with absolutely no injuries on the surface of their body.

All of their souls were devoured.

When the people had reacted, they only saw the black clothed men lying on the ground, while Li Anping remained standing on the spot, as if he had never moved.

Suddenly he frowned, and looked towards Wan An. A policeman was taking out a gun from his belt.

Halfway through drawing his gun, Li Anping placed his palm on his forehead. His eyes turned white and fell on the ground. This sight scared the living soul out of Wan An. He looked at Li Anping like he was seeing a demon, monster.

After killing another person, Li Anping surveyed the crowd and said blandly.

“Whoever moves, dies.”

The words were like the Siberian winds blowing on everyone’s faces, causing all the people to stop all their actions.

But everyone there was from the upper society, and its most influential members. Most of them had been through much to get there, thus they would definitely not obey easily just because a few people were killed.

Especially Xu Li Chuan, his eyes spewed fire, as he scowled at Li Anping:” Lawless! Killing people under broad daylight, this is simply absurd. Come! Come and arrest him!”

Li Anping seeing Xu Li Chuan’s face, squinted: “I’ve seen you before?”

“I am Golden Door Lawfirm’s Xu Li Chuan, this is one million dollars.”

“Back then the sky was too dark, you could not see the rapist’s appearance clearly. You only found out afterwards that the car owner was Shang Zheng Bang, thus a.s.suming that the rapist was him. But thinking back, that person does not really resemble Shang Zheng Bang. You just have to say this.”

“Xu Li Chuan” Li Anping quickly walked forward, all the security guards who approached him were sent flying. He grabbed Xu Li Chuan’s collar, lifting him up: “Don’t recognise me? Back then you represented the mayor and approached me at the hospital, you don’t remember?”

“Who are you! Let me go now!”

Li Anping laughed, ignoring his struggling, and strangled Xu Li Chuan’s neck, catching him like catching baby chicks, seeing his face had turned green from suffocation, he pointed towards the crowd, asking: “Which one of them is Shang An Guo? Tell me and I’ll let you die nicely.”

But now that he was strangled by the throat, how could Xu Li Chuan say anything? He eyes suddenly protruded, staring deadly at Li Anping like he wanted to say something. But Li Anping only increased the force on his hands, and with a ‘crack!’, Xu Li Chuan’s neck bent, and both his legs stiffened, dead.

A scream emerged from the crowd as n.o.body expected Li Anping to really kill Xu Li Chuan, the area around him suddenly had a vacuum. Immediately someone called the police, while others tried to escape from the front door. Shang An Guo who had originally stood beside Xu Li Chuan stealthily retreated to among the people. Some people saw him but did not say a word.

Li Anping casually threw Xu Li Chuan’s corpse away as he leapt over ten metres with a single movement, and quickly got to the front door, blocking everyone.

“Hand over Shang An Guo, or everyone stays here forever.” Li Anping stood before the door, seeing the panicking people, said: “I do not want to do it, but if you do not hand over Shang An Guo, I can only kill everyone before the police arrives.”

“Don’t have any funny ideas, you have seen my movements. The security guards outside have all been put down. In this auditorium, I can easily kill everyone.”

“Thus, your only way to live, is to hand over Shang An Guo.”

Hearing Li Anping’s words, some looked towards Shang An Guo, but many were furious.

“Do you know who are we?”

“You’ve already killed Xu Li Chuan, you’re dead meat.”

Among the people, Huo Qing’s expression was furious as he said: “Young man, don’t think you can do anything you want just because you have some skills. This world isn’t about who’s better at fighting.”

Li Anping took a side glance at him: “Who are you?”

“I am Huo Qing.”

Li Anping turned around, and after looking at him carefully, started to laugh.

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