Chapter 22: Funeral (5)

“Hahahaha.” Li Anping laughed hysterically: “Good, good, to think all my enemies are all gathered here today. Heaven hadn’t let me down.”

Huo Fei hid behind Huo Qing, when Li Anping said heaven, his expression changed rapidly as he rushed in front of Huo Qing at the fastest speed.

‘Bam!’ Before Huo Qing had understood the situation, his entire figure flew out. In his vision, Huo Fei’s body flew in midair, his entire figure exploding like a giant balloon, causing a blood rain all over.

He had tried to a.s.sault Li Anping earlier, but was sent flying by his overpowering strength, losing consciousness in midair, easily killed by Li Anping with a single strike.

Over tens metres away, Huo Qing stared at the rain of blood, his eyes wide open, filled with disbelief. Next, as the blood continued to ooze out from the back of his head, his eyes gradually lost their l.u.s.tre.

Under the blood rain, the crowd flew into panic, some of the women screamed and fainted from the scene. Everyone looked towards Li Anping clad in blood like they were looking at a monster.

‘To think there was still a stealth type ability user here, how unexpected.’ Li Anping thought as he stared at the blood on his hands.

‘Weak, too weak, this ability user only increased your Strength by 0.1, I want to devour stronger ability users, I want more!!!” Black screamed maniacally.

Li Anping took a glance around the entire auditorium, almost everyone who had eye contact with him took a step backwards. The usually prideful and arrogant behaviour they had all became non-existent under Li Anping’s power. Anna supported her fainted mother as she looked at Li Anping, feeling a sense of strange familiarity.

“Shang An Guo, where are you?” His low growl, was like the call of the devil.

“He’s here! Here!!!”

“Shang An Guo is here, throw him out!”

“This was started by the Mayor, let him take responsibility!”

After some commotion among the people, after a second, a middle-aged man with messy hair and clothes was pushed out by the people. Seeing them push him out, he scolded: “You b.a.s.t.a.r.ds! He wouldn’t dare to do anything, I remember all of you! All of you watch out! And Wan An! You’re finished!”

The people who pushed him out all turned their heads away, not daring to have eye contact with him. Especially Wan An, earlier he was the first to point out Shang An Guo. At this point, the one that most strongly wishes for Shang An Guo to be killed is probably him.

After seeing Li Anping display supernatural powers, Wan An immediately realized this was a great chance. Once Shang An Guo is killed, it’d be a good chance to replace him. Once Shang An Guo is gone, there’d no longer be anyone oppressing him, the entire Zhongdu’s security system would be completely under his control.

To be honest, most of the people here thought that as well. Once Shang An Guo is dead, the cake would be split among them.

Shang An Guo pointed at Wan An and scolded, panting after he vented himself. Suddenly feeling someone behind him, he turned around and saw Li Anping coldly staring at him.

That cold atmosphere, and Li Anping’s smell of blood, causing him to shiver slightly and moved back.

“This brother, let’s talk over this calmly! Normally at work, it is all my Vice Mayor and Xu Li Chuan handling my matters, if there’s anyway we’ve offended you, tell me now, I’ll get them to change immediately.”

Saying so, Shang An Guo could not help but retreat, but after taking a few steps, he accidentally fell, sitting on the ground.

“This little brother, quickly leave now, the police are coming. You can still get away if you leave now, Xu Li Chuan and Huo Qing as both huge cancers (TL: LOL) to the city, I’ve been wanting to seize their authority long ago. You’ve done the city a great service today, quickly escape now, I a.s.sure you there will not be anyone arresting you……”

Shang An Guo only wanted to lie and get him to leave, once they’re outside, he’d immediately be able to utilize the police and troops to execute him. By then, he’d make sure the guy was wishing he’s dead.

But no matter what Shang An Guo promised, Li Anping only stared coldly at him, then said: “My name is Li Anping.”

Everyone took a deep breath as those who heard the name was greatly shocked. To think that this man before them, was the rapist suspect that was involved in the case not so long ago. A portion of the people thought about Shang Zheng Bang’s usual behaviour and immediately guessed half the story.

Meanwhile, Anna stared at Li Anping in disbelief, tears falling uncontrollably from her face.

“Rest a.s.sured, everyone here, I can a.s.sure…” Halfway through, he reacted and the next moment he looked at Li Anping, despair written all over his face.

He wanted to say something, but saw Li Anping shaking his head: “Wei Shi Shi? Where is she?”

“She is not here.” Shang An Guo solemnly said: “At this point, you’ll have to pay for murder. You wanting to kill me, I have nothing to say. But once you kill me here, you’ll make enemies with the entire Great Xia, my eldest son is in the Star Alliance, he will not let you go. No matter where you hide, you will…”

‘Slash!’ Li Anping’s palm lightly stroked across Shang An Guo’s neck.


The next moment, Shang An Guo felt the world turning. He saw his headless corpse lying on the ground, blood oozing out. Until his head had fallen on the ground, his eyes were still wide open.

After beheading Shang An Guo, Li Anping breathed out in relief. He felt that the emotions that he had been suppressing for a long time had finally been released, feeling comfortable all over.

The rich and powerful people at the side, especially Wan An, seeing the headless corpse, were all speechless. The Monarch of Zhongdu City was killed like cattle right in front of their eyes. They felt that everything was so dream-like, like everything before them was just a dream.

“The people inside listen up, you’ve all been surrounded, immediately put down your weapons and surrender!!”

Hearing the broadcast outside, Li Anping frowned, although his body was constantly growing stronger, he did not wish the oppose the government yet. He wanted to bring evil to justice, not be anti-government.

“Hahaha, what are you waiting for, go out and kill them all, devour them all!!” Black laughed.

‘If I absorb all of them, how much strength can I raise?’ After killing Shang An Guo, Li Anping’s mind was still rational as he thought: ‘Earlier, killing a stealth type ability user only raised by strength by 0.1? According to you, an ability user is equivalent to tens of normal people. And as I get stronger, the energy required will rise proportionally. Even if I kill all the cops out there, how much strength can I raise? 0.1? 0.05?’

‘Moreover, why should I kill the police? I only kill evildoers.’

Li Anping took a look at the people in the auditorium, saying: “Good luck to all of you.”

Saying so, he turned around and left by the front door, leaving behind a gang of shocked people. Not expecting him to leave so easily, this wasn’t the pattern in movies. Originally they all had the preparation to be hostages.

Outside the funeral parlour, the crowd had already dispersed. Only several hundred fully armed soldiers were left surrounded the parlour. They were Great Xia’s specially trained special forces meant for these kind of situation, some even had experience dealing with ability users.

They were clear about how scary the ability users were than anyone.

The voice in the loudspeaker never stopped, as the soldiers aimed their guns towards the door and windows, vigilantly observing any area that could be a breakthrough point.

The orders this time were to give up the hostages and directly kill the criminal. Thus, if anyone came out, it’d be rained with a parade of bullets.

‘Clang!’ The parlour’s doors were kicked open. Everyone stared tensely at the empty door, as if a ferocious beast was about to pounce out anytime.

Next, the sound of footsteps were heard as Li Anping slowly walked out.

“Fire. The target is extremely dangerous, he is an ability user with anti-society tendencies, kill the target on the spot.” Hearing Huang Ling Jun’s voice in the telephone, waves of gunshots were fired endlessly, as if they were fighting a war.

Handgun, a.s.sault rifles, sniper rifles, all sorts of bullets pelted Li Anping from the entire 180-degree arc. The bullets rained down and completely drowned Li Anping.

The bullets from the handgun penetrated the body and was immediately jammed by his muscles, only managing to tear his skin. The a.s.sault rifle bullets were able to penetrate his limbs, leaving behind horrifying holes.

But the most dangerous were the sniper rifles, this time the special forces sent out four snipers, using the Barrett M82A1, combined with armor piercing sh.e.l.l. This combination, had an effective range of 2000 metres, with a speed of 853m per second, sufficient to penetrate a 16m thick steel plate from 500m away, not to mention Li Anping’s body.

A total of four bullets. .h.i.t him, tearing his muscles and crushing his bones, causing his body to be completely wrecked. His waist looked like it only had a layer of skin, easily torn at any time.

The scariest part was his chest, there was a huge gaping hole around half of his chest area, his lungs and heart was already missing.

Within five seconds, the rain of bullets stopped, and he fell like a rag doll.

“Ceasefire.” Huang Ling Jun breathed a sigh of relief as he looked at Li Anping’s corpse, ordering: “Team A, go ahead and collect the corpse by freezing.”

Originally, he was still afraid the other party was going to run away amidst the chaos, and by the Imperial City’s higher ups come, ability users might be deployed. Thus, he wished that before the higher ups arrived, the ability user would be killed. Now it seems he’s succeeded.

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