Chapter 14: Explosion

The entire Volcano bar has been sealed off by a group of armed police wearing bulletproof vests and helmets. The investigation group under Huang Ling Jun’s command had arrived at the first moment.

Even though Lian Zhong had previously seen Li Anping’s crime scene, upon seeing Shang Zheng Bang’s corpse on the ground, he still felt the nauseous feeling a.s.saulting him.

Huang Ling Jun beside him patted his shoulders: “Alright, stop looking at that, what’s the statistics?”

“A total of 19 deaths, including Volcano Bar’s Leopard, Huo Qing’s right-hand-man Fatty Fei, and of course Shang Zheng Bang. The suspect had already escaped through the rooftop before the special forces arrived……”

Huan Ling Jun interrupted him, with a cigarette in his mouth, asked: “Alright, do you think he did it?”

‘He’ obviously referred to the criminal involved in the serial murder case that plagued Zhongu recently. Lian Zhong hesitated for a moment before nodding: “From the looks of the crime scene, it does look like his style, but this time everyone died of external injuries, not a single one was brain dead. We also have many eye witnesses this time, I’m sure we can catch him in no time.”

After busily working for half an hour, suddenly there was a bright light from afar, a black car drove in with a police siren on the roof of the car. From the car, a bald, short and slightly plump man exited, his face was unhappy as he walked towards Shang Zheng Bang’s corpse, ignoring Huang Ling Jun and his team. This is Zhongdu City’s Public Security Bureau Chief, Wan An.

Huang Ling Jun looked at Lian Zhong: “His master’s son was beaten to death, the old dog is anxious now.”

Lian Zhong stared astonished at Huang Ling Jun, although he was temporarily his subordinate due to the investigation group, they had not gotten close enough to badmouth their superiors.

“Where’s your mentor?” Huang Ling Jun paid no heed and continued to ask.

“Sick leave.”

“Hehe.” Huang Ling Jun laughed in disdain, exhaling his cigarette smoke: “Your mentor is a veteran, he escaped really quickly. This investigation group is a huge trap. Now that Shang Zheng Bang is dead, it’s still fine if we catch the culprit, if we can’t… hehe.”

Lian Zhong could not help but ask: “There’s so many of us, can’t we catch one person? He’s not an immortal, even if he was, in the current society, as long as we mobilize all our agencies and use the power of the entire society, there’s no one we can’t catch.”

Huang Ling Jun only laughed dryly but did not say a word.

On the other end, Wan An gathered everyone and started giving out a patriotic speech with his face red like a tomato; solving the crime in 24 hours, search for the criminal overnight, not allowing such a psychopathic criminal to get away scot free, having to ensure that the people’s a.s.sets are safely secured.

Wan An, although he looked calm on the outside, was frantically panicking on the inside, hating that criminal to the core. Shang An Guo was his direct superior, he was also nurtured by Shang An Guo to his current position. Now that his most beloved son was dead, he did not dare to imagine how angry Shang An Guo would be.

And he himself was the Zhongdu Public Security Bureau Chief, the recent chain of crimes in the city along with a criminal on the loose, was his misconduct.

Halfway through the meeting, Wan An was called aside by a phone call, within the phone, furious screaming could be heard, scolding Wan An until he was sweating profusely, he held the phone and constantly bowed and apologized, towards the other end of the call, he looked like a dog wagging its tail pitifully.

Finally ending the call, Wan An wiped the sweat off his forehead as he instructed Huang Ling Jun: “Such a serious and vicious criminal case, we cannot drag on, every second that this drags on is irresponsibility to the public. Huang Ling Jun, I give you 3 days… no including the criminal last time, I’ll give you 3 days, you must arrest the criminal. If not, you can get ready to pack up and leave.”

Saying so, Wan An hurried left on his car. Leaving behind the investigation group who were sighing non-stop.

Two hours later, Bihai Fangzhou, Shang Residence.

The entire house was silent, like the calm before the storm. The atmosphere was so solemn it could suffocate one to death.

In the study, Shang An Guo put down his phone, rubbed his forehead with his hand and looked at Wan An, until the latter started feeling uncomfortable, then said: “Old An… You’ve been with me for more than 10 years already right?”

The moment he heard this, Wan An was instantly stupefied. This is the cla.s.sic line in TV shows and movies, the standard phrase before he gets slaughtered, but it was not to this extent, right? Shocked until he almost kneeled, Wan An gritted his teeth and said: “Brother Shang, three days, I will definitely solve the case in 3 days. I watched Zheng Bang grow up, now that this has happened to him, it hurts me more than losing my own son, I will definitely bring the murderer right in front of you in 3 days.”

“You think I’m not clear of your capability?” Shang An Guo snorted. Wan An’s management skills was close to none, his only good point was that he was very obedient, and he was very good at dealing with relationships, especially with the police force’s HR management.

Normally, Shang An Guo would not scold him this abruptly, but having his son die before him, his heart was already disrupted.

“The killer is not an ordinary person, the normal policemen can’t handle it.” He sighed: “What I want you to do is, for this case, don’t report it to the higher ups.” Normally, these serious cases would require the city to directly report to Tian Jing.

“But… But what if?” Wan An hesitated. Covering up a case like this, if it was discovered, Shang An Guo would be fine but Wan An would get into deep trouble.

“Hmph, after reporting it, Tian Jing would know in half a day. Once they send their men here, the criminal would no longer be under my charge. Don’t worry, I will block the other avenues, there won’t be a problem from Tian Jing’s side.” Shang An Guo’s face was cold as ice: “I will finish that b.a.s.t.a.r.d personally.”

Wan An quickly agreed, and immediately left, but the moment he opened the door, 3 men walked in. Of the three men, two were westerners while only one was yellow skin. They all wore casual clothes, and appeared quite young. They looked very ordinary but for some reason, when Wan An saw them, he felt a strong chill from within, like he saw a pack of wild wolves.

“Oh, you’re here. Take a seat.”

The three listened to Shang An Guo and sat casually on the sofa. Wan An had never seen these people before in the Shang house, thus he grew slightly uncertain, while he slowly walked away, he could not help but take a few looks at them. At this moment, the yellow skin man raised his head and looked towards him.

Ferocious, ruthless, with just one gaze Wan An could not help but tremble, the back of his shirt all wet with sweat.

“What are you still doing here, leave.” At this time, Shang An Guo yelled at Wan An, causing him to snap out of it, the feeling disappeared without a trace. He hastily headed towards the door, before he left, the yellow skin man smiled mischievously at him, causing him to shiver and escaped even more quickly.

“Hehe, this fatty is pretty interesting.” The yellow skin man using a slightly inarticulate Great Xia Language, laughed and said.

“I didn’t ask you guys here to have fun.” Shang An Guo said: “I don’t care what method you use, find that b.a.s.t.a.r.d for me.”

The Police Station was busy the entire night, now that Shang Zheng Bang was dead, the entire city’s policemen were mobilized to find the criminal.

Li Qing was only released at 7am, after a whole night, no one brought her to treat her injuries or do a check-up, and of course she was not sent to the hospital. When she left the station, she was still limping.

That night, 4 to 5 waves of policemen interrogated her, no one asked her about her injuries but only cared about the killer’s details. All sorts of scare tactics, coaxing and a.s.surance were used but they found out that she did not know anything and finally let her go.

She was considered lucky already, those who were at Volcano bar were all brought for interrogation in the police station. Especially those who were beaten up by Li Anping but did not die, they had to face interrogation even with a cast on their limbs. Until now they were still in the station.

The weather was even colder now thus Li Qing gripped her clothes tightly. Her body was very cold and painful, but her heart was very warm. She searched in her underwear, and there was a little protrusion there. The pinhole camera she had previously used at Volcano bar was hidden there and was not taken away by the police.

“Who… exactly are you?”

Darkness, Ice Cold.

When J opened his eyes, he found that he was tied up on a concrete pillar, the surrounding looked like an abandoned warehouse. In the darkness, he could barely look around, and saw that at the wound of his broken limb, there was a bandage that was casually applied. The handiwork was very unprofessional, causing him to frown.

“Blackie, you woke up earlier than I thought.”

Hearing this voice, J’s thoughts immediately cleared, he remembered he had killed that man before getting knocked out, his neck emitting waves of intense pain, the bone had probably cracked. This means that other than that man, he had companions.

“Blackie, I’m going to ask you a few questions, if you want to live, answer me truthfully.”

J stayed silent, after being beaten up like this, he was very furious, but even if he was angry now it was pointless, thus he could only force himself to stay calm by diverting his attention to think about other things.

He paid close attention to what the person said but could not determine which direction the voice was coming from, the surroundings were complete darkness, he had no way to determine how big this warehouse was, or even if this was a warehouse.

‘The sound is coming from everywhere, is he using broadcast to speak to me? Not letting me see him, and tying me up like this, he must be wary of my ability. From the injuries on my neck and arm, less than 4 hours have pa.s.sed.

But why bring me? In theory, there’s no better target than Shang Zheng Bang who was not an ability user, did he fail to get him? Or maybe he caught Shang Zheng Bang as well and we are being interrogated together?’

At this point, the voice spoke again: “Blackie, tell me your name.”

J thought and answered: “Charlie.”

The person was silent for a moment before continuing: “Very good Charles, your cooperation will spare you much suffering.”

‘He doesn’t know my name? Or is he purposely not exposing me? Impossible, interrogation but not exposing my lie, it’s meaningless. He really doesn’t know my name.’

Without giving J more time to think, the voice continued: “Charlie, what is your relationship with Shang Zheng Bang.

J thought and answered: “We’re cla.s.smates, we used to study in the same university.”

After that, the voice continued asking a few ordinary questions and J answered them fluently, albeit complete nonsense.

‘Does he not have any interrogation experience, a newbie? Or an amateur? I must find a way to lure him here, once he’s in the range of my ability, I will have a chance to escape. Tch, if Wester and the others knew I was captured by an amateur, they’d laugh to death.’

Suddenly, the voice asked solemnly: “Charlie, what is your ability?”

J knew he would asked this, thus answered without thinking: “My ability is poison, as long as it’s something I’ve touched, it will be poisoned by me. If it’s a normal person, within an hour their organs will fail and they will die.”

The voice did not reply, what answered J was only silence.

“I’m very disappointed Charlie, you should not have lied.”

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