Chapter 19: Funeral (2)

Inside the auditorium, more than a hundred-people attended this funeral. As the elite cla.s.s of Zhongdu City, every single one of their actions and behavior had a great impact on Zhongdu City itself.

They were either wealthy billionaires, or an authority in a certain aspect. Now they were all gathered here, only because the main character of the funeral this time was Shang Zheng Bang, son of the man with the most authority in Zhongdu, Shang An Guo.

The men and women gathered in groups, starting their respective conversations. To them, this funeral was like a rare gathering session, to be able to get all of the affluent and powerful people in Zhongdu City together like this, only Shang An Guo could do it.

Huo Qing and Huo Fei stood at one corner of the auditorium together, being like an outcast against the atmosphere of the entire place.

Seeing the surrounding conversations, hearing words from their mouths such as investments, return rates, yacht, golf, Huo Fei’s expression became increasingly contemptuous.

Noticing it, Huo Qing laughed: “Little Fei, don’t look down on them, I know you feel that you can kill everyone in this auditorium alone, and that’s true. But fighting and killing isn’t always the solution to problems. If you kill anyone here, the next day our entire gang will be wiped out without a trace.

Conversely, if they want to target you, all they have to do is hand out instructions, without any risk. You must remember, relying on your courage, ruthlessness, ability, and physical skills is merely the rage of the ignorant. It can never compare to those with authority and power, the power of money. Anger of the ordinary person, blood splatters within five steps, anger of the son of heaven, millions of corpses lay. Which do you think is stronger?”

Huo Fei thought deeply, then replied coldly: “I know, but I just can’t stand their fake pretense, saying this but doing something else behind other’s backs, that’s utterly disgusting.”

“Lies and hypocrites, this is the best lubricant in the world, without these, society’s stability will be in shambles within three days.” Halfway though, Huo Qing turned his head intuitively and saw that Huo Fei was gone already. He laughed and waved towards a few men at the side, walking over.

“Bureau Chief Wan, it’s been a while.”

At another corner, Anna was in the auditorium as well accompanying a middle-aged woman. The middle-aged woman beside her raised her eyebrows, her hair combed up high, at once glance one could tell she was an impressive woman who had firm and swift judgement.

Her skin looked paper thin, a result of much time and money invested into her skincare. Her features looked somewhat similar to Anna beside her, of course, she was Anna’s mother, Liu Qian.

At this point she is chatting with a few rich women, while Anna was obediently standing beside her, keeping quiet. At the hospital, she was knocked out by Wolf, and suffered mild concussion, and after that she stayed at the hospital until now. During that period the police had come to do interrogation, but it was all blocked by her mother.

“Qian Qian, your daughter is really cute, I hear she is studying Finance in Tian Cheng University? Don’t tell me, you are planning for her to inherit your husband’s company?”

“Hehehe.” Liu Qian laughed: “Girls should stay at home, she should not be working in the company. I just wish for her to settle down and find a rich husband to marry, that’s why I brought her here today. Better than letting her hang out with those University friends of hers.”

“Hehe, everyone is young once.” Another rich woman said: “Anna, look there, the young master of the Liu family, inheriting their family’s shipping business at such a young age, what a promising youth. And beside him, that’s the young master of the Fan family, a Master’s degree holder of Law from the Federation of Amester, planning to inherit his family’s import and export business this year.

On his left is young master Wan, the son of the Public Security Bureau Chief, I heard he is also a student at Tian Cheng University, coincidentally school mates with you Anna.”

Hearing her mother and the other ladies conversation, Anna’s expression turned sour as she started to detest them on the inside. Liu Qian upon seeing her expression, frowned deeply and once those women were gone, she began lecturing Anna.

“Anna, what’s wrong with you, I brought you here to interact with the upper society in Zhongdu City, to gain some insight, stop showing that displeased face of yours, this isn’t your home where you can be willful.”

Anna knew that her mother who had not interfered in her business these few years, had suddenly brought her out today because she wanted to find a rich young master for Anna to marry, as a marriage tool to pull the two families closer together. This was what she could not agree with.

She knew that if she did not start resisting now, once they’ve decided on the marriage it’ll be too late for her. Thus, she bucked up her courage and said: “Mother, you’ve never cared about me since young, why are you deciding my matters now that I’m an adult? I know who I like, I don’t need your arrangements.”

Hearing Anna’s words, Liu Qian’s expression turned dim, she was used to keeping control of everything in her palms, what she could not stand was someone in the family objecting to her arrangements.

A few guests nearby saw the argument and focused their ears, intending to watch the spectacle. They knew that this Liu Qian was a scheming woman. Married to Anna’s father who was 50 years old when she was still 20, and once she birthed Anna, she planted herself into the upper society.

Relying on her eloquence and schemes, right now in the upper circle of Zhongdu City, anyone would give her some face. Anna’s father’s company expanding and doing well also had this woman’s credits involved.

“Good, good, good.” Liu Qian with a black face, scowled at Anna: “You think I don’t know who you like? That Li Anping is dead long ago, even if he isn’t dead he’s living like a fugitive.

The people I’m about to bring you to meet later, they are the true rising stars of society. Today is your first step into the upper society, don’t cause any trouble later, understand? If you don’t perform well later, I’ll get your dad to punish you when we get home.”

“I’m not going.” Anna turned her head around, ignoring Liu Qian: “Mother, you never used to care about me, so don’t start now.”

“Oh wow, you’ve grown big now huh.” Liu Qian’s face continued to look increasingly angered as her eyes squinted, seeming a little horrifying: “Go or not?”

Anna breathed out, although she was suppressed by her mother’s imposing aura, she continued to lower her head, not responding.

“Good, good, good, I will take care of you later.” Liu Qian looked around, evidently not wanting to argue with her daughter here, it would be too embarra.s.sing.

“Auntie Liu, it’s been a while, who is this?”

At this time, a young man with an extraordinary aura wearing a western suit walked over towards Liu Qian and her daughter. He walked firmly, his body slim but strong. At once glance, one could tell he was not from an ordinary family, in fact he was not a simple second-generation that relied on parents, but someone who had aspiration, a young master from a rich and powerful family who held ambitions.

“Hehehehe, this is my daughter, Anna.” Liu Qian covered her mouth and laughed, with no hint of her previous displeasure. Showing her mature social skills, she pointed at the male: “Anna, this is Lawyer Xu’s son, Young Master Quan, he just returned from the capital, operating a supermarket chain on his own. In a year, he’s raised his a.s.sets to two hundred million, definitely one of the most successful youths there is.”

“That is too exaggerating Auntie Liu, there is so many young talents here today, there’s definitely a lot of people who are more capable than me. It’s a pity that Zheng Bang left us early. Sigh, thinking back we used to play together when we were young.”

Saying so, the two had a moment of silence.

Next the male who was called Young Master Quan looked at Anna, his eyes shone brightly: “As expected of Auntie Liu’s daughter, Miss Anna is more beautiful than rumored, Auntie Liu, when the two of you stand together, none of the other female guests can match up to you.”

“You’re flattering us Young Master Quan, Anna has not graduated yet, she’s still a young lady. I brought her here today to experience and get a feel of the upper society. You are both youngsters, familiarize with each other, if Anna is able to learn even a bit from you, that’d benefit her for life.”

Hearing the two’s conversation, Anna’s expression got colder.

Seeing Anna’s expression, Young Master Quan mouth curled as he stretched out his hand to Anna: “Xu Quan, Director of AC Corporation. When are you graduating Anna? Would you like to intern at our company, after all what you learn in school, it has to be applied in real life. Back then i was the same.”

Xu Quan’s words were filled with confidence. His age was only 27, 28 but he already owned a company with net worth of over a hundred million. Compared to the other second generation young masters who inherited their family business, it was natural for him to have such confidence. Of course, he did not intend to count how much help his father Xu Li Chuan could give to his company.

Ordinary girls would all get into his bed with a wave of his hand. Seeing Anna’s peculiar reaction had instead piqued his interest.

Seeing Xu Quan’s hand, Anna frowned even deeper. In her heart, she held great disdain towards these kind of second generation young masters. Rely on their family’s affluence and influence, whether they dabbed into politics, or open a company, it’d always be successful. They were filled to the bone with confidence and superiority complex, looking down on ordinary citizens.

Normally they showed a charismatic and gracious att.i.tude, but once they took off their masks, they were even more ruthless than jackals. When this young master Quan went into the retail business back then, who knew how many shops were forced by him into bankruptcy, suicide. Relying on his father and the Mayor’s authority, causing monopoly and cut-throat compet.i.tion, he managed to develop his company in such a short time.

Liu Qian at the side kept signaling to Anna, but was ignored. This caused Xu Quan who was holding out his hand to be very awkward.

At this time, the auditorium’s doors opened.

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