Chapter 20: Funeral (3)

Huang Ling Jun drove the police car at high speed, crossing several red lights. While driving, he also called the traffic police, investigation team, military troops, etc to keep in close contact.

“h.e.l.lo, Mayor Shang? I am the leader of 115 Investigation team, Huang Ling Jun…”

“Yes… yes… I understand…”

“But, there is a very dangerous ability user criminal heading towards Jiahua Funeral Parlour now, for your safely, I hope that all of you can evacuate from there as soon as possible.”

“I understand, my condolences, but that criminal……” Halfway through, the other party had already hung up.

“h.e.l.lo? h.e.l.lo? h.e.l.lo?”

Huang Ling Jun tried calling again but was immediately rejected, causing him to scold: “These bureaucrats, they don’t understand the destructive powers of an ability user.”

Lian Zhong at the side took a glance at him before turning his head around again, looking like he was holding back his words. Huang Ling Jun was a policeman at the fringe of the force in the first place, although he was experienced and high ranking, no one had ever heard him solving any crimes. He was sent this time by Wan An to lead 115 investigation team, to speak the truth, even a rookie like Lian Zhong had some disbelief.

But now seeing Huang Ling Jun’s performance, it wiped away all his previous suspicions. He was actually able to directly contact the military troops, mobilizing the special forces, his ability greatly exceeded Lian Zhong’s expectations.

Huang Ling Jun took a look at him before pressing his horn again while barging through a red light.

“What? Finding it strange why I brought you along?”

Lian Zhong had many questions in his head, he found that many areas were very strange and he felt perplexed. Regarding the military’s mobilization, Level 1 Ability, E rank authority, that ability user criminal, what in the world were those?

As if he knew Lian Zhong’s thoughts, Huang Ling Jun smiled: “I know you have any questions that you want answers but now I can only tell you that ability user criminal is very dangerous. Both his personality and his ability. So now we can only try to stop him. If you want to back out now, there is still time.”

Lian Zhong thought and asked: “Why? You saw how dangerous the criminal is right? And you already called the special forces earlier? Why is it that under these circ.u.mstances, you are still going to interfere in this? This has nothing to do with us policemen right?”

Huang Ling Jun sighed, but his car speed did not change at all, showing his superior mental ability and superior driving techniques.

“You feel that, the people he killed deserves it?”

“They deserve to die, I won’t talk about the traffickers, murderers. But Shang Zheng Bang, just last month I saw him cause a heroic university student to turn into a publicly hated rapist. Do you know how powerless I felt at that time? That was the first time I felt that this police uniform not only gave me authority, but also its restraints.

You know, next he beat a traffic policeman into a vegetable, after hearing this, I felt like I was the one responsible for this. If I had arrested him back when he committed the rape, there wouldn’t be any future victims. Every single day after that, I really felt like shooting that b.a.s.t.a.r.d.”

“Thus, you feel that the criminal’s existence is reasonable.”

“To speak the truth, that’s what I think.” Lian Zhong depreciatingly smiled: “Sometimes I even think, he is doing what we police are incapable of doing. His ‘workload’ in a week, is something we can’t accomplish even in a year.”

“Killing is not right.” Huang Ling Jun said seriously: “No matter how reasonable or justice-laden his motives are, once he starts to kill privately, then he himself is already committing a crime. Thinking of using criminal acts to stop crime, that itself is a fallacy. And a criminal that is able to carry these thoughts out, his thoughts are no doubt extremely dangerous. Have you thought of this before? Once something like this is exposed, robin hood, superhero, how many people would follow him and do what he’s doing now?

Although his motives were n.o.ble, the result it brings is only terror and instability. Society needs to develop under stability, not these kinds of heroic beliefs. Criminals like him, I will not let him escape.”

Lian Zhong’s expression stiffened, he did not think of this.

Huang Ling Jun continued: “But this time, he’s finished. The military special forces are specialized in dealing with these ability users, he’s still a level 1 rookie, what awaits him is only endless prison sentence, until his ability and body had been thoroughly researched, then silently die off in a corner somewhere.”

Lian Zhong was speechless, although he knew long ago that this was the result of going against the country’s law and order, he still felt great pity. Those in power, were either those who just have a status and not do any work, or those with no talents but rely on relationships and family background to get the position. As society advances, and technology develops, the s.p.a.ce left for everyone is diminishing instead.

Everyone when they are born walk on an invisible path. Those who stand on top of the pyramid rule over the entire society, a million-poor people added together cannot even match up to one rich person, thus money becomes everyone’s belief. A person’s strength is infinitely small, those who dares to defy the flow, will eventually be crushed to bits.

“Maybe, this is not the era of heroes……” Lian Zhong sighed.

“What a joke.” Shang An Guo hanged the phone, a look of annoyance on his face. He turned to Xu Li Chuan saying: “This Huang Ling Jun, get Wan An to arrange it, transfer him away, I do not want to see him again. Hmph, thinking he’s somebody just because he has some ability, asking me to cancel today’s funeral, what an idiot.”

Saying so, he still felt disdain and shook his head. Xu Li Chuan behind him did not speak, but only silently noted down his instructions, he knew that Shang An Guo right now did not need replies, he was just his venting his emotions. Huang Ling Jun just happened to bite the bullet.

But the other party actually called when his son had just died, he really has no judgement. Once Shang An Guo has given his verdict, no matter where Wan An sends him to, his police career this lifetime is as good as over.

Shang An Guo had around a dozen security guards behind him, they were all retired veterans, having been recruited by Shang An Guo these few years to form his own security strength. Last time Shang An Guo had ability user’s protection, thus he did not let these retired veterans follow along, now it seems to him that these veterans were more reliable than any other ability user. Thus, he did not let Wester and his gang protect him.

In Shang An Guo’s opinion, ability users can’t be compared to numbers and guns, be it controlling oxygen or 100% accuracy, as long as he had over a dozen men, a dozen guns, he could immediately shoot you to death. Even if you are impenetrable, then instead of handgun, he’d use machine guns, and that doesn’t work, there’s always bazookas.

“Hmph, what age is this already, still relying on superpowers, how laughable.” He turned to Xu Li Chuan and instructed: “Send out half of the security guards, if anyone dares to cause trouble now, don’t hold back, seize them immediately.”

“Understood.” Xu Li Chuan immediately instructed the security guards leader.

Shang An Guo turned around the corner and pushed the door, entering the auditorium.

Once the door was opened, be it Huo Qing, Huo Fei or Anna, Liu Qian, Xu Quan, everyone in the auditorium stopped their conversation and looked its way.

Inviting everyone’s gaze, Shang An Guo walked in, in those gazes there was admiration, jealously, yearn, and adoration. But there was one thing in common, respect.

Shang An Guo was very pleased with this situation, this let him know that his control over Zhongdu city did not decrease. He casually waved his hand, and indicated to the people to continue. But even if their conversations continued, the entire auditorium’s center, everyone moved closer to Shang An Guo, both intentionally and unintentionally.

Immediately some middle aged and old men approached Shang An Guo. They were the vice mayors, Wan An Bureau Chief, and some council members, and representatives of several large families. They were all people who were only lower in status to Shang An Guo.

Only after they had finished their conversation with Shang An Guo, can the other members come in. Moving from the most to least powerful members, this was a hidden rule in the Zhongdu City gatherings.

Xu Quan took a look at Shang An Guo who was surrounded by people, said with admiration: “Mayor Shang is really outstanding, if not for his guidance these years, Zhongdu would definitely not develop this well. It’d be great if I had even half of his achievements.”

Liu Qian also sighed: “Yeah, to be able to have such achievements, this lifetime is worth it. Unfortunately, the murderer of Zheng Bang hasn’t been found yet. These kind of killer, madman that disrupts the people’s peace, I cannot understand how can anyone be so cruel.”

Xu Quan hearing this, could not help but flaunt his newly acquired information: “Auntie Liu, don’t worry. I heard from my dad (Xu Li Chuan), the mayor not only formed an investigation team, he even mobilized some of his friends, the criminal should be arrested soon.”

“Oh, that’s great.” Liu Qian patted her chest: “This incident caused me to be too scared to go shopping, I heard that the Winter series has released a new series of clothes, I haven’t even managed to buy them.”

Seeing Xu Quan’s smug expression, Anna could not help but sarcastically reply: “Haven’t they been catching the criminal for several weeks, I heard he escaped from the police encirclement from the start, from the bar. I think normal policemen cannot catch him.”

“Anna, now here’s the thing.” Xu Quan looked at Anna while revealing a mysterious expression, or at least he thinks so: “In this world, there are many supernatural forces. There are also many special humans. This time, the mayor’s friends are such people. In fact, the criminal might’ve already been caught by the mayor, but I think the criminal would prefer the police to catch him instead.”

Liu Qian agreed wholeheartedly, as if she had heard some secret. Thinking that Xu Li Chuan was indeed Shang An Guo’s confident, even his son knew such secrets. As long as she had this sort of relationship with his father, she would definitely be successful in life.

At this point, Shang An Guo walked up the stage.

The funeral was about to begin.

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