Chapter 23: Funeral (6)

“There’s a question I want to ask since long ago. Will I actually die?”

“Die? Hehehehe, have you ever thought, when you accepted my power, the real Li Anping was already dead. What’s left is only his grudge and hatred.

As long as there’s sufficient energy, you are undying. Even if you really die, that’s only temporary.”

“Hmph, sprouting nonsense.”

A few soldiers wearing chemical protective clothing carefully approached the door, surrounding Li Anping’s corpse. They had to deep freeze Li Anping’s corpse first, and then ship it out after packaging. Every ability user, especially the body mutation series, were important research material of the government.

The few soldiers looked curiously at Li Anping’s corpse, revealing a look of disbelief. They found that Li Anping’s body was still moving, especially the huge hole on his chest, the muscles on his neck, slowly moving and squeezing, reconstructing his chest.

Within the hole, they could even see a thumb sized heart slowly growing out from the blood vessels, regaining its beat.


Suddenly, the eyes of the corpse opened wide, grabbing towards a soldier’s neck and threw him out.

“He’s still alive!”


Only to see Li Anping standing up, before him was the soldiers frantically running away, special forces soldier who were holding firearms, there was even sniper aiming at him from 400 metres away.

The police gritted their teeth in the command vehicle, the rich people upon hearing the gunshots, all hid in the auditorium shivering.

Lian Zhong seeing the screen, stared at Li Anping with his mouth wide open, while Huang Ling Jun gripped his fist tightly, trembling.

Intense killing intent permeated from Li Anping and his surroundings, at this moment, the soldiers want to kill him, the police want to kill him, and even the upper society people wanted him dead.

Everyone wanted Li Anping to die. Killing the young man who broke all the rules, killing this murderer, killing this dangerous ability user.

At this moment, it was a young man against the world.

He screamed.

“Why does everyone want to kill me!!!”

One soldier fired first, a rain of bullets pelted Li Anping’s chest, causing blood to spew, pushing Li Anping’s body back slightly.

As if they’ve all reacted, after one shot, all the other soldiers aimed at Li Anping.

His body was torn open by the firearms, his bones breaking from the impact. But the next moment, his flesh regenerated, his bones joined and healed under the squeezing of his muscles.


The young man screamed out like a wild beast, his eyes emitting a devilish red glow. His body was expanding under the influence of boost.

The next moment, he vanished from sight.

Within the command vehicle, people screamed out, Huang Ling Jun’s eyes were bloodshot, the screen before him, no longer had Li Anping. All he could see was a fast shadow moving about, the shaking camera, and the sound of gunshots and screams was sent over from the speaker.

“Team B requesting backup!! Team B requesting backup!!……”

“The target is moving too fast, we cannot aim……”

“Team C reporting…… Commander, half of our men have fallen, requesting for retreat…… I repeat, requesting for retreat……”

“Commander…… we can’t hold him back any longer… we… ARGGHHHH…” From the speaker, another scream was heard as contact with another team was lost.

Suddenly, behind the sniper, a shadow moved, and on the screen, a figure appeared, in his hands, a sniper’s corpse was slowly falling.

Another sniper immediately reacted, and with a huge bang, the figure flew out, but did not die as he quickly crawled back and disappeared into the shadows.

Huang Ling Jun stared at the screen as he held up a walkie talkie.

“Colonel, the suspect is too dangerous, requesting for use of WMD (Weapon of ma.s.s destruction), as well as aerial fire support.”

A voice came out of the walkie talkie.

“No need, get everyone to retreat.”

Huang Ling Jun was momentarily stunned, next he furiously screamed: “How can we do that, the target has such strong anti-society tendencies, he can kill the military troops so easily without remorse, we must kill him before he causes greater damage.”

“WMD is forbidden, get all the remaining special forces to retreat immediately. We take priority in protecting the citizens.”

Huang Ling Jun could not believe this absurd order, he screamed: “You are not Colonel Sin, who are you? Do you know how great the repercussions would be if we do not kill the suspect now?”

“Enough, Inspector Huang, I am indeed not Colonel Sin. But I am the person in charge of the Secret Services this time, we will take over from here. From now on, your temporary authority has been removed, order everyone to retreat. Remember to not engage the target.”

“Sir…” Huang Ling Jun bit his lips.

All he received was a cold “This is an order.” before the conversation was cut.

The entire command team was silent, as Huang Ling Jun smashed the table. He had already guessed what the other party was intending to do.

After seeing his ability, he wanted to recruit him. Currently the northern border was growing increasingly tense, at this time, ability users with strong battle capabilities are highly sought after, to the secret service, the life of an ability user compared to a normal person was extremely different.

But to really receive such orders, Huang Ling Jun felt despair. He sighed, his entire body crumbling on his seat, but he eventually held the walkie talkie and instructed: All units listen up, immediately retreat, ceasefire. I repeat, immediately retreat. Ceasefire.”

Lian Zhong wanted to say something but was stopped by Huang Ling Jun. He shook his head, his eyes full of indignity and regret.

Li Anping had obviously no idea what had happened as after he continued to kill a few soldiers, the surrounding soldiers immediately dispersed in all directions, and no one shot at him anymore.

“What are you waiting for? Chase after them, kill them! Devour them!” Black having sensed that they were retreated, urged.

Li Anping was silent, looking at the retreating soldiers seriously before escaping towards the opposite direction.

“Why are you running away? We can devour them all.”

“What are my stats now?” Li Anping asked.

“Strength 3.0, Agility 2.8, Stamina 3.9, why?”

“I will kill all those who stand in my way.” Li Anping’s face still had undried blood traces: “But not now, when I become sufficiently strong, I will be back.”

After finishing his sentence, Li Anping leapt again, and jumped onto a building, leaving behind a ground of broken tiles, his figure already nowhere to be found.

Zhongdu City, Sequoia Airport.

In the awaiting hall, Wei Shi Shi wore her fashionable jacket, with a large as she waited for the plane.

Beside her sat a man with a huge belly.

“Going to the Federation this time, you’ll enter the Star Alliance’s range. We may not be able to contact you for a long time, be more careful yourself.”

“Hehe, I can finally leave this country. I’ve gotten frustrated already.” Wei Shi Shi revealed a cold smile: “Once I see Shang Zheng Hai, he naturally cannot escape from my palm.”

Saying so, she looked at the man beside her defiantly: “Men, they’re all the same.”

“As long as you have the confidence, Shang Zheng Hai is a crucial character, at that point, I hope you can make any kind of sacrifice just to maintain his relationship. Although it has only been a while since you joined us, the organisation will always remember you.”

Wei Shi Shi nodded, but did not say anything.

“Then I’ll be on my way, I’m afraid we’ll never be able to meet again.” The man stood up, walking outside, suddenly he turned around and said: “Oh yeah, Shang An Guo’s killer has been confirmed, hehe, you’ll never be able to guess……”

“Oh? Don’t tell me it’s you?”

“Of course not, it’s Li Anping, he awakened his ability.”

“Then he got his revenge as well, that’s good.” Wei Shi Shi frowned: “Sigh, to be honest back then I did not want to harm him, but who knew he was so stubborn and was bent on going against the Shang family.”

“Hehe, thanks to you, he awakened his ability, Great Xia Dragonix is probably going to recruit him now.”

“Great Xia Dragonix’s ability is only so-so, but in the eastern continent it’s already a top rate organisation.” Wei Shi Shi nodded: “Very well, once I acquire Shang Zheng Hai’s trust, and entered the core layer of Star Alliance, I shall compensate him.”

At that point, the broadcast sounded: “All pa.s.sengers headed towards the Federation of Amester, flight KE070 is about to take off, all pa.s.sengers please head towards Number 23 boarding gate to board the plane……”

Wei Shi Shi no longer talked to the man and walked towards the boarding gate. Looking at the sunset, her eyes were full of aspiration.

‘Finally… finally this day has come… the apex of this world… I’ve finally come one step closer to you…’

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