The Melting-Pot

Chapter 22

You might have given him a little encouragement, Alexis.

BARON Silence, Katusha. I only tolerated the man in Europe because he was a link with Vera.

BARONESS You accepted his yacht and his----

BARON If I had known his loose views on divorce----

BARONESS I am sick of your scruples. You are ze only poor official in Bessarabia.

BARON Be silent! Have I not forbidden----?

BARONESS [_Petulantly_]

Forbidden! Forbidden! All your life you have served ze Tsar, and you cannot afford a single automobile. A millionaire son-in-law is just vat you owe me.

BARON What I owe you?

BARONESS Yes, ven I married you, I vas tinking you had a good position. I did not know you were too honest to use it. You vere not open viz me, Alexis.

BARON You knew I was a Revendal. The Revendals keep their hands clean....

[_With a sudden start he tiptoes noiselessly to the door leading to the hall and throws it open. n.o.body is visible. He closes it shamefacedly._]

BARONESS [_Has shared his nervousness till the door was opened, but now bursts into mocking laughter_]

If you thought less about your precious safety, and more about me and Vera----

BARON Hush! You do not know Vera. You saw I was even afraid to give my name.

She might have sent me away as she sent away the Tsar"s plate of mutton.

BARONESS The Tsar"s plate of----?

BARON Did I never tell you? When she was only a school-girl--at the Imperial High School--the Tsar on his annual visit tasted the food, and Vera, as the show pupil, was given the honour of finishing his Majesty"s plate.

BARONESS [_In incredulous horror_]

And she sent it avay?

BARON Gave it to a servant.

[_Awed silence._]

And then you think I can impose a husband on her. No, Katusha, I have to win her love for myself, not for millionaires.

BARONESS [_Angry again_]

Alvays so affrightfully selfish!

BARON I have no control over her, I tell you!


I never could control my womenkind.

BARONESS Because you zink zey are your soldiers. Silence! Halt! Forbidden! Right Veel! March!

BARON [_Sullenly_]

I wish I did think they were my soldiers--I might try the lash.

BARONESS [_Springing up angrily, shakes parasol at him_]

You British barbarian!

VERA [_Outside the door leading to the interior_]

Yes, thank you, Miss Andrews. I know I have visitors.

BARON [_Ecstatically_]

Vera"s voice!

[_The BARONESS lowers her parasol. He looks yearningly toward the door. It opens. Enter VERA with inquiring gaze._]

VERA [_With a great shock of surprise_]


BARON _Verotschka!_ My dearest darling!...

[_He makes a movement toward her, but is checked by her irresponsiveness._]

Why, you"ve grown more beautiful than ever.

VERA You in New York!

BARON The Baroness wished to see America. Katusha, this is my daughter.

BARONESS [_In sugared sweetness_]

And mine, too, if she vill let me love her.

VERA [_Bowing coldly, but still addressing her father_]

But how? When?

BARON We have just come and----

BARONESS [_Dashing in_]

Zat charming young man lent us his yacht--he is adorahble.

VERA What charming young man?

BARONESS Ah, she has many, ze little coquette--ha! ha! ha!

[_She touches VERA playfully with her parasol._]

BARON We wished to give you a pleasant surprise.

VERA It is certainly a surprise.

BARON [_Chilled_]

You are not very ... daughterly.

VERA Do you remember when you last saw me? You did not claim me as a daughter then.

BARON [_Covers his eyes with his hand_]

Do not recall it; it hurts too much.

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