Forget all softer and less manly cares." [missing close quote]

No. 94

They are the places of rendezvous. [text has "redezvous"]

As he approached the place [text has "approaced"]

soon acquainted with the reason of his delay, [text has "daely"]

through the clifts of which a limped water gently oozed.

[error for clefts ... limpid?]

But don"t, for your life, let the fame to go loose, [text has "tame"]

No. 95

are in direct aversion to puerile happiness [text has "purile"]

would not this fore knowledge poison the enjoyment ["fore knowledge" printed in two words as shown]

ON WEALTH. [item repeated from page 247, no. 83]

half a score or [_this phrase occurs only in no. 95_]

if you let me have the dress in your parcel." [missing close quote]

No. 96

were more convincing proofs of his veracity [text has "covincing"]

king of Sicily and Arragon, [text has "Arrogan"]

No. 97

He went, and found orders to admit him [text has "sound" with unambiguous long "s"]

for reasons which he did not a.s.sign." [missing close quote]

but what is legitimated by economy," [missing close quote]

her gentle whispers soothed each froward care [text has "sooothed"]

one who was equal in point of wealth to himself. [. missing]

No. 98

least they should by transgression seal their ruin [error for lest]

The knowledge I had of her tender mind next convinced me [text has "convincd"]

her countenance was overspread with a lived paleness.

[error for livid]

threw me into a state of wished-for insensibility."

[missing close quote]

Finished my morning studies with "Hafen Shawkenbergius"s ...

[error for Slawkenbergius"s]

The aperture which fronts the south ... stretching away farther south [text unchanged: source has the same wording]

the inside of the cave ... it emits a pellucid water [text unchanged]

the greater the heat is without, the more intense is the cold within [missing "cold"]

No. 99

[Wanderings of the Imagination]

CONCLUSION [printed as shown, but story continues for one more issue]

This cruel, this unprecedented injury [, missing]

more than an usual affection." [missing close quote]

exclaims against a vinter for adulterating his liquors [error for vintner]

In literature, as well as in life, we may recongnize this propensity [error for recognize]

after some fine panegyrical verses upon Lord Mansfield [text has "panygerical"]

that Swift ever studied the sing song of Cibber. [, for .]

whose intrinsic worth is centured in his wealth [error for centred or centered]

No. 100

[Wanderings of the Imagination: History of Captain S----]

[quotation marks in this section are unchanged]

my disbelief in Euclid"s infallibility [text has "infalibility"]

"What should you think of a dip in the cold-bath?"

[missing open quote]

first given in thunderings, from Mount Sinai, [text has "Sinia"]

No. 101

a closer investigation of the legislation of the legislative power, [text unchanged]

[Meteorological Observations]

[May 30: temperature readings 55 52 printed as shown]

No. 102

she may soon reduce _the angel to a very ordinary girl_ [error for separate italics: "reduce _the angel_ to _a very ordinary girl_"?]

The pleasures of a fashionable life ...

[punctuation in this paragraph is unchanged]

an English actress of scorched reputation [text has "schorched"]

and the mind feels enrapped [error for enrapt?]

They knew well enough that the gentlemen [text has "new"]

and approve of virtue [text has "appove"]

that monarch made a very expensive [error for extensive?]

Loth from these lonely, lovely scenes to part, [text has "scens"]

No. 103

discover much tenderness for the errors of a fallen sister [text has "terderness"]

Here my sun of glory would have probably sat, [error for set]

the necessary formalities of dress or the being observed by the family." [missing close quote]

the broadest shouldered porter in Btia. [error for Botia]

peculiar to himself, or to a profession, is deservedly dubbed pedant [missing "is" before "deservedly"]

"original and unaccommodating." [text has "unaccomodating"]

again her resolution to take the veil returned. [. missing]

at the feet of the emperor. [text has "emporor"]

No. 104

giving into that excessively dissipated mode ["giving into" printed as shown]

If our grand parent Eve had been content [printed in two words as shown]

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