_Isa._ I wish the Spirit that is in me wou"d visit you, you wou"d kick this Rogue out of Doors.

_Jourd._ The wicked Reason of your Anger is too plain. The Priest won"t let you have your Fellow.

_Isa._ The Priest would have me for himself.

_Jourd._ Oh! wicked a.s.sertion! Oh! base Return for the Care he has taken of your poor sinful Father, for the Love he has shewn for your Soul.

_Isa._ He has shewn more Love for my Body, believe me, Sir. Nay, go but with me, and you shall believe your own Eyes and Ears.

_Jourd._ Against the Church, Heaven forbid!

_Isa._ Will you not believe your own Senses, Sir?

_Jourd._ Not when the Church contradicts them.--Alas! How do we know what we believe without the Church? Why I thought I saw Mr. _Laroon_ and his Son to-day, when I saw neither. Alack-a-day, Child, the Church often contradicts our Senses. But you owe these wicked Thoughts to your Education in _England_, that vile heretical Country, where every Man believes what Religion he pleases, and most believe none.

_Isa._ Well, Sir, if you will not be convinced, you shall be the only Person in _Toulon_ that is not.

_Jourd._ I will go with thee, if it were only to see how far this wicked Spirit will carry his Imposition; for I am convinced the Devil will leave no Stone unturn"d to work my Destruction.

_Isa._ I hope you will find us too hard for him and his Amba.s.sador too.

SCENE X. _Another Apartment._

_Young_ Laroon _in Woman"s Clothes_.

None ever waited with more Impatience for her Lover than I for mine. It is a delightful a.s.signation, but I hope it is a Prelude to one more agreeable. I shall have Difficulty to refrain from beating the Rascal before he has discover"d himself-- [_Knocking at the Door._]

Who"s there? [_Softly._]

_Bea._ _Isabel, Isabel._

_Old Lar._ Come in. What a soft Voice the Rogue caterwauls in.


_Young_ Laroon, Beatrice.

_Bea._ What are you doing in the Dark, my Dear?

_Y. Lar._ Heyday, who the Devil is this? I seem to be in a way of an a.s.signation in earnest.

_Bea._ _Isabel_, where are you?

_Y. Lar._ Here, Child, give me your Hand. Dear Mademoiselle _Beatrice_, is it you?

_Bea._ Oh Heavens! am I in a Man"s Arms?

_Y. Lar._ Hush! hush!----Don"t you know my Voice----I am _Laroon_.

_Bea._ Mr. _Laroon_! What Business can you have here?

_Y. Lar._ Ask me no Questions, get but into a Corner of the Room and be silent, and you will perhaps see a very diverting Scene. Nay, do not be afraid, for I a.s.sure you, it will be a very innocent one; make haste, dear Madam, you will do a very laudable Action, by being an additional Evidence to the Discovery of a notorious Villain.

_Bea._ I cannot guess your Meaning, but would willingly a.s.sist on such an Occasion.

_Yo. Lar._ Now for my desiring Lover. Ha! I think I hear him.


_Young_ Laroon, Martin.

_Mart._ _Isabel_, _Isabel_, where are you?

_Yo. Lar._ Here.

_Mart._ Come to my Arms, my Angel.

_Yo. Lar._ I hope you are in no frightful Shape.

_Mart._ I am in the Shape of that very good Man thy Confessor, honest Father _Martin_. Let me embrace thee, my Love, my Charmer.

_Yo. Lar._ Bless me, what do you mean?

_Mart._ The Words even of a Spirit cannot tell you what I mean. Lead me to thy Bed, there shalt thou know my Meaning. There will we repeat those Pleasures which this Day I gave thee in another Shape--Tread softly, my dearest, sweetest! This Night shall make thee Mother to a Pope.

[Laroon _leads him out._

SCENE XIII. _Another Apartment._

_Old_ Laroon, Jourdain, Isabel, _a Priest_, _Young_ Laroon, Martin, _and_ Beatrice.

_Mart._ Whither would you pull me?

_Yo. Lar._ Villain, I"ll shew thee whither.

_Mart._ Ha!

_Yo. Lar._ Down on thy Knees, confess thy self the worst of Villains, or I"ll drive this Dagger to thy Heart.

_Priest._ He needs not confess, our Ears are sufficient Witnesses against him.

_Old Lar._ Huzzah! Huzzah! The Priest is caught, the Priest is caught.

_Jourd._ I am Thunder-struck with Amazement.

_Old Lar._ How durst you attempt to debauch my Son, you black Rascal: I have a great Mind to make an Example of you for attempting to dishonour my Family.

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