Auretta was taken away.

Hearing that, both Fiona and I could only be surprised.

It wasn"t the time to continue the battle.

I throw Krau Solas back to  Fiona.

"Is that okay?"

"It"s not the time right now."

Fiona seemed dissatisfied with discontinuing the battle, but she put away her weapon.

"Explain what happened."

Ordered by Fiona, the man spoke of the situation.

Although, he didn"t know much about the situation.

Just in case, Fiona had an escort a.s.signed to Auretta.

However, it"s not like were by her side continuously.

That by itself is strange.

They strictly guarded her when going and returning from work, but in the Adventurer"s Guild, they only watched over her from afar.

In order to have a late lunch, Auretta went into the back of the guild.

Her guards didn"t think that she"d be abducted inside the guild.

Since she didn"t return even when it was time, they went looking for her, and couldn"t find her anywhere.

There was something a note left on her boss" desk, and it stated that she felt sick and was going to leave early.

However, Auretta isn"t the kind of person to do that and leave without telling anyone.

"They must have hidden their auras, waited until she was alone, put her to sleep and transferred away."

I state my opinion.

"It"s not just any facility, it"s the Adventurer"s Guild. Is it possible to do that without anyone noticing?"

Fiona offered her doubts.

"Most of the people in the guild are useless anyways. The facility is wide, so there are a few places with without any people. If they researched her behavioral patterns it"d be pretty simple."

"That reminds me, Auretta told me that she always eats alone……she said that she approached by men when there"s people around."

"They probably had that information."

"In other words, they just needed to hide in the back."

I change the discussion there.

"The problem is, who took her away?"

"Naturally, it wasn"t Briton. There"s no way they"d abduct their own citizens."

Fiona antic.i.p.ated a doubt, and denied it.

As expected, I don"t suspect them.

"On the other hand, the countries that would so obviously abduct someone from the Briton Kingdom are limited."

"It"s either the Scottyard Kingdom, or the Island Kingdom."

"Even if we limited ourselves to those 2 countries, we still don"t know where they took her."

The world is wide.

My Evil Eyes can see anything in the world, but that just like moving a camera at best.

Even I search for her, I won"t be able to find her that easily.

"If we protest through an official diplomatic route……it"d still be pointless."

"There"s no way they"d admit to spy activities like abduction or Even if we have evidence, they"ll make a story and deny it."

I shook my head to the side.

"Besides, we don"t have the time to do that. We only have a few hours until the limit. That"s our current situation."

"……? They kidnapped her in order to question her. There"s no way they"d kill her so quickly."

"If they go about this normally, that is. They"d start with interrogating her."

The reason they left a letter behind was because they were considering the possibility of sending her home afterwards.

If she talks, they"ll release her soon.

They were considering letting her go back to her normal life.

"After the interrogation, they"ll start torture. Even if she confesses, they"ll suspect she might know more. That"s why they won"t kill her so soon."

"But with Auretta, if she confesses—-"


Fiona"s complexion changed.

If Auretta speaks about the information they want, she"ll die.

"Ca,cancel it now! Hurry!"

Fiona grabbed my chest and shook me around.

"Even if you tell me that, I can"t release it unless she"s right in front of me."

"Wh,what should we do? It"s impossible to find someone who might be anywhere in the world in a few hours."

"We"ll do it somehow."

When I answered her, Fiona *jii* stared at me.

"What, if you have an idea then say it."

You said it already. The only ones who would do this would be Scottyard or Island."

"Even so, we don"t know where she is in those countries."

"We"ll investigate that, even if we have to use brute force."

Fiona knit her eyebrows to my words.

"If you go from the front and ask a national opponent, you"ll be a wanted man."

"I"ve already been doing things like that. Half of them would make me wanted too."

"Even so……"

Interrupting Fiona who kept trying to warn me, I continued talking.

"Also, Auretta is part of my family, she"s my servant. What happens if they lay a hand on her, they need to understand."

Probably feeling creeped out by my words, Fiona was a little frightened.

While looking at her from the side, I transferred away.

The place is a luxurious residential district.

When transferring, you can only go to places that you can properly imagine.

I have never been to that house. I headed there from a little far away—-to Vincent"s mansion.

Of course, its lord isn"t there right now.

I enter without knocking on the door.

"Who the h.e.l.l are you?"

I hurriedly hit the man who seemed like a guard, and knocked him unconscious.

My target man has already been locked on with my Evil Sight.

I climbed the stairs, and opened the door.

"Wh,who are you!?"

An elderly man wearing a tuxedo.

He"s the head butler of this mansion, but in reality, he"s involved with many other things.

Seeing that the other guards who came were defeated one after the other, the head butler lost power in his legs.

I grab the nape of his neck, and push him to the wall to talk.

"Recently a Briton woman was abducted. Do you have any idea where she is?"

"I,I don"t know. What are you—-gyaaaaaaa!"

I break the pinky on his left hand.

"I don"t have time for your bulls.h.i.t. I know that you"re an important person to Scottyard."

"Still, I don"t know what I don"t know."

"The criminal skillfully abducted her without anyone seeing. They"re also a user of transfer magic. They"re a first rate spy from some country."

The head butler kept silent.

"If you"re not going to answer, shall I break another one?"

"Please wait, I really, really, don"t know!"

With a desperate expression, the head butler really didn"t seem to be lying.

"Since the city"s spies are still being reorganized, we"re not in any state to do that kind of activity."

"Do you know who I am?"

Being asked that, the head butler finally noticed me.

"You are……"

"You gave the order to follow me. Aren"t you doing those activities just fine?"

"Th,that wasn"t us."

To his words, I narrow my eyes.

Realizing his mistake, the head butler panicked.

"Hou, then whose work is it?"

"Th,that"s not it-Gaaaaaaaaa!"

I break the left ring finger.

Even while pouring sweat, the head butler"s mouth doesn"t break.

He"s pretty stubborn.

"Are you saying that other than you, there"s another intelligence organization in this city?"

Since he didn"t answer, I slowly moved my hand to break a third finger.

"Th,that"s right. We"re not related to this, so forgive us."

"If you properly speak, I won"t do any more."

"Scottyard"s 3rd Knight Order is moving."

I was surprised by his answer.

Although it wasn"t directly, it"s pretty important that the Knight Order was moving.

"The Knight Order? What do you mean?"

"I don"t know that. I was just told to keep it a secret that they"re secretly moving."

"If they were to take someone away, where would they take her?"

As expected, it was hard to answer that question, so the head butler was quiet for awhile.

*Bakii* Along with that sound, the head butler"s left arm bent in a strange direction.


The head butler"s scream echoed throughout the mansion.

There are people other than the head butler in the mansion, but they just wait and see from outside the room.

"I"ll break the right arm next."

"I understand! I"ll tell you, I"ll tell you, so please stop already!"

When I declared that in a cold voice, the head butler resigned himself.

"Right now, they"re based in Hamilton Fortress. Naturally, they also have a building in the capital, but if they"re working in secret, it"d be from the fortress."

Hearing that answer, I released him.

"I"ve bothered you."

"Are you intending to march into the fortress? That"s humanity"s strongest defensive point. That"s not sane."

"It"s the opposite. The ones who aren"t sane are you guys."

I have to make them understand.

I transferred to Hamilton Fortress.

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