Underground Hamilton Fortress.

Auretta was fastened in a room filled with torturing tools.

Both her hands were fixed to handcuffs on the walls.

When Auretta woke up, she wondered why she was in such a place.

The last thing she remembered was being in the Adventurer"s Guild.

Her memory cuts off there.

She was probably put to sleep with magic or something.

Since there are no windows, she doesn"t know where she is.

"Did you wake up?"

A person sitting in the chair in front of her called out to her.

He was the captain of Scottyard"s 3rd Knight Order, Curtis.

Of course, he was wearing a mask so she couldn"t see his face though.

Therefore, Auretta didn"t know who he was.

"And you are?"

Auretta, who"s still not fully awake, asked that.

"I apologize, but I can"t name myself. You understand what that means, right?"

Unable to understand what he meant, Auretta tilted her neck.

"It means, that if you answer our questions honestly, you"ll be able to safely return home."

Curtis smiled bitterly, and gave a quick explanation.

"We need information on a certain person. He"s a mysterious person called Ashtal."

Hearing that, Auretta"s face stiffened up.

"You have information on him. I"d like for you to tell us that."

"I refuse."

Auretta replied immediately.

Ever since she found out she was being targeted, she knew that a situation like this might happen.

Auretta"s reply had already been set in stone.

Curtis was surprised that he was refused immediately.

"In that case, we"ll have to resort to torture."

*Biku* To his words, Auretta trembled.

"You"re just a citizen who"s never received any training. It’d be foolish to run, and I don"t believe that you"ll be able to endure torture."

Saying that, he beckoned a men.

They were muscular men whose upper bodies were naked. They was the torturer.

The torturers had whips, and had a vulgar smiles on their faces.

"This is your last chance. If you don"t want to be hurt, then talk. These men are pros at torturing. They excel at making you suffer without killing you."

Threatening her, he asked her.

However, Auretta didn"t answer.

She can"t answer.

"—-Do it."

Curtis sighed, and gave the orders to the torturers.

Then, he left the room behind him.

"Gehehehehe. You made a pretty stupid decision."

*Jirojiro* The torturers looked at Auretta.

"Well, I"ll be affectionate with you. Women aren"t my hobby, but you"ll break soon anyways."


Auretta spit at one of the torturers".

A torturer hit Auretta"s cheek.

"You seem to be pretty energetic."

The torturer put a gag on Auretta, and beat her with his whip.

How much time had pa.s.sed?

Auretta"s consciousness was dim.

Every part of her body was swollen and red, and bleeding.

Her clothes were also drenched.

Help won"t come immediately.

No, in the first place, will help even come?

After all, she was at most, that person"s p.a.w.n.

In that case, it might be better to get this over with.

Normally, she wouldn"t have any ways to kill herself.

However, Auretta is different.

If she talks, she should die from the curse.

She was hesitant to speak about anything that might become a disadvantage to Ashtal.

However, if she were to speak about information that isn"t important, it will be fine.

Auretta thought like that.

"How are you? Do you feel like talking yet?"

Looking at her weak figure, the torturer gently spoke to her.

"Haa, haa……if I say anything, I"ll die."

"It"s the opposite, if you speak you"ll be saved."

The torturer whispered sweetly. It"s a torture technique.

He skillfully guided her to a way to escape easily.

"If I speak about that person, I"ll die. That kind of magic was cast on me."

To Auretta"s words, the torturer laughed from his nose.

"I"m not too well informed about magic, but if that magic existed, I"d be put out of work. No magic like that exists."

This time, Auretta laughed.

"Then I"ll tell you what I know. That person isn"t human."

"That seems so. I could guess that much."

"That person"s aura is of a different nature than humans". Just by releasing it, many people fainted."

It was about the first day Auretta met Ashtal.

"Is it worse than demons"?"

"I don"t know. But, the adventurers at the guild said that it was on a different level than the Maou."

"Fumu. So, what is that guy?"

"I haven"t heard of his species. Even if I were told, it"d probably be a race that humanity"s never heard of."

"Nevertheless, we need to have a name for them. That"s important. Do others know?"

Irritated, the torturer changed the subject.

Auretta found it strange that her curse wasn"t activating, but continued to speak.

"The place they live in. I was transferred there so I don"t where it is, but it was a really huge castle."

"There"s no way that castle exists. How do they hide it?"

Citizens don"t even know of the existence of subs.p.a.ces.

Therefore, to the torturer, it was something incredibly unbelievable.

"I don"t know……there"s no way I would."

"Their numbers are?"

"I don"t even know of 10 of them. Still, there"s no way they"d only have that many."

The torturer clicked his tongue.

From his many years of experience as a torturer, he was convinced that Auretta wasn"t lying.

In addition to that, he didn"t feel that she was hiding any important information.

He was disappointed, because he felt that he"d get some more profound information.

For the time being, should he report this to his boss, Curtis?

When he was about to do that, he felt a change in Auretta.

Around Auretta"s body, a magic formation formed.

"What"s that?"

The torturer looked at his surroundings, but other than them, there was n.o.body around.

"This activated much later than I thought it would."

Auretta closed her eyes. The curse will activate, and she"ll die.

Since she began to talk, she had been prepared for it.

However, that magic formation stayed as it was, and nothing happened.

"Huh? What does this mean?"

"What"s this?"

The torturer reached out to the magic formation, but his hand was repelled.

It was the same even when he tried to hit it with his whip.

"No way, is this magic formed to protect her?"


The voice of someone who shouldn"t have been there echoed through the room.

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