Being surrounded by 30,000 wings, the demons couldn"t hide their agitation.

“How cowardly, a trap?”

Fumeless’ words rub be the wrong way.

“How is this a trap? I don"t need an army to kill you. I just showed them to you.”

I feel sorry for them because they don"t have a turn.

“If you want, we can have them battle one on one. Hey Genteloll.”

I nominate one subordinate. The vild good whose name I called came beside me and kneeled.

“Do whatever you want with him.”
“I understand.”

Genteloll"s voice was uselessly high.

“If you can beat this guy, I"ll return you to the other world. Send your number 2.”
“Then I"ll go.”

The one who responded to my words was probably the last high ranking demon.
The two’s fight ended quickly. The demon was minced by Genteloll and can"t move.

“Ridiculous……my army’s number 2…”
“This was your number 2?”

Genteloll sneers at them.

“You"re his number 2 too, right?”

“No, I"m just an underling.”
“That can"t be true……that guy was as strong as a Maou you know.”

I speak to Fumeless, who is terrified.

“Everyone in the Evil G.o.d army is as strong as a Maou.”
“Such an army can"t possibly exist!”
“You can"t accept the truth that"s right in front of your eyes, can you?”

Fumeless’ head *purupuru* trembled.
Then, as if he"d gone crazy, he slashes at me.

“Why why why why!? In the past, humans couldn"t even reach our feet, and had to rely on this weapon to defeat us. Why won"t you fall!?”

Equipment has a concept of item level.
It seems to indicate what level the person who uses it should have.
Level 100 means that a level 100 person should use it.

Legendary weapons such as Ridiru and Krau Solas have a level much higher than humans and the Maou.
In other words, the humans barely managed to win while using such weapons.

However, even when using those weapons, he didn"t have a high enough level to cut me. Overwhelmingly too.

With slow movements, I sent the sword flying.
Fumeless chased it with his eyes for a moment.
I send Fumeless flying.

“Didn"t you say that it was immature to look for your weapon after it gets sent flying?”

I laugh.

“Why are you attacking me? Don"t you stand far beyond us!?”

Is he possibly roundabout begging for his life?
Militant, ferocious, and brutal. They aren"t obsessed with their lives, and typically aren"t a race that would beg for their lives.
However, it seems he sensed our power difference, and realized the pointlessness of resisting.

“We don"t stand far beyond you. I"m not your leader. I told you didn"t I? That we exist far on the other side of you.”

No hierarchical relationship exists. He"s not my servant or anything.

“If asked why, it"s because you attacked the city I was in. You were unlucky. It was the first time this has happened in 1000 years.”
“Fo,for that reason!?”
“Ah, there was one more thing. You did something you never should have done. You stole our job.”

Something we evil G.o.ds were originally supposed to do, a situation ordered by G.o.d.
Bring people down to the depths of fear.
Exactly what Fumeless did.
That"s absolutely not something forgivable!

“That"s why, disappear!”

With my full body and soul, I release my jaki.


Seeing that, my evil G.o.d servants get noisy.

“Those are multiple magic formations!”
“Find shelter. Otherwise, you"ll get involved----”

The evil G.o.ds run at once.

----Multiple magic formations.

Magic formations are planes.

To get power, in order to increase the effect, you need to draw a big magic formation.
Is there no other method?
There is.

A world that doesn"t adhere to the X axis and the Y axis.
The world of the Z axis.

An integral world.

Countless magic formations are stacked to make a third dimensional magic formation.

If you ask, everyone will say. That it"s ground-breaking.
If it"s seen, everyone will feel. That it"s incomparable.
If it"s know, everyone will think----that it"s in a different dimension.

The magic formation that had become 3D becomes one shape.
It can"t be touched. However, it certainly exerts power.

It has become a huge gun.
It was a huge third dimensional magic formation that was tens of feet tall.

“Bad, that"s bad!”
“Evil attribute top ranked magic.”
“Run away from that ray! If it touches you, you"ll die!”
“Garess-dono, don"t come over here. The attacks are likely to follow you.”

The evil G.o.ds who are said be stronger than the Maou are running about, trying to escape.

“What is this, what"s going in!?”

At this point, the demons were just standing, and s.p.a.cing out.
As if waiting for their death sentences.

In the middle of that, I Adrigori sneaks up behind me, and murmurs to me.

“During the second demonic calamity, that maximum charged ray destroyed Old Tranford.”

As if to respond to Adrigori, I chant the magic.


At the same time as I say those words, an evil laser was fired from the gun.
The huge laser gouged the ground, and broke the mountains.
The mark created by gouging out the ground extends far.

Fumeless and his servants had all been annihilated.

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