After everything had finished, I was calm standing on the spot.
My men returned.

Come on, praise me!

“Hey! Was it necessary to shoot apocalypse just now!?”

What? Complaints?
The one complaining is the 8th corps leader Morgan.
His scolding is annoying.

“No, but it"s my first time fighting in 1000 years so……”
“I don"t really care how you kill that guy, but look around you. This is your garden?”

The hollow in the ground continued far away, and the mountain was blown away.
Yep. This is my garden.

The plain with lush green gra.s.s. Beautiful mountains.
They were both spoiled.

“There was a villa on top of that mountain, wasn"t there.”

The 5th corps captain Gareth mutters lonely.

They"re complaining, but I"ll allow this much.
I"m not some narrow-minded lord who doesn"t accept any criticism.
However, I hold all the power to decide.

“Repair it.”

As I say that, their answers as my va.s.sals were decided.

“I don"t want to.”
“I wholeheartedly refuse.”
“Here you should say "Yes, my G.o.d!’ here!”

I take out my hands, and retort.

“I can"t really say that.”
“I can"t happily do that……”

Following after Morgan’s lead, the evil G.o.ds complain.

“Stop complaining!”

Gareth flew away and became a star.

“Aah, Gareth-dono~”
“You see, I thought Gareth-dono would go.”

The evil G.o.ds uniformly nodded.

The capital, Rhodan"s battle had almost concluded by the next day.
There were still many magic creatures and ghouls left over, but since there were no demons to order them, they weren"t functioning properly.
Not able to break the barrier nor open the gate, they just one sidedly received attacks.

Since the magicians no longer needed to take care of the demons, they were almost completely wiped out.

“Good work.”

I hand Tiraiza a juice.
Tiraiza was sweating a waterfall, and her usual sage’s robe was drenched.
Leaning on the wall, she falls down.

“Thank you, but you can use magic, so please work.”

The magician unit suffered quite some damage.
Thus, the burden on Tiraiza and other magicians who could still move was heavy.

“I"ve worked enough already.”
“Is that true……”

Tiraiza takes her juice and *gokugoku* drinks it.

“There"s something you can do even with depleted magic. Like that.”

At the place where Tiraiza pointed at, people were doing restoration work.
The city has suffered considerable damage, so it will take some time for it to restore.

Among the people working was a familiar large sized girl.

“The hero party’s warrior is tidying up debris…”

That made me feel sad for some reason.

“We only had to attack from far away inside the barrier, so I had no turn.”
“You could just use a bow.”
“I did at first, but the person next to me used a wide range magic and said ‘Like I could take using such small magic!’ jumped off, and began to rampage.”

“What an idiot.”
“The knight leader G.o.dref-san came by, and obviously gave them a huge scolding, and they"re now over there.”

I"d like to say they mistook their cla.s.s, but their small magic wouldn"t hit anyways.
In other words, there"s no cla.s.s that can work in any situation.

Of course, Iris seems to be treating injured people in the church.

Yufilia is----when we began to talk about that, we heard a voice in the distance.
Yufilia came over here while waving her hand.

“You seem to be having a tough time.”

Yufilia sympathizes.with Tiraiza"s exhaustion.

“We’ve already finished. Also, this is our responsibility. This much is……”

Tiraiza bites her bottom lip.
Yufilia nods.

“What do you mean by responsibility?”

When I ask, Yufilia makes a downcast look.

“All this happened because we found him. If we never discovered him, none of this would have happened.”

The damage isn"t small.

A considerable number of people died too.


“That"s wrong.”

When I declare so, the two stare at me.

“From the moment they"re born, humans carry the obligation to fight the demons. That"s predetermined.”

That"s the rule of the world.
Demons are disasters.
They invariably bring disasters to humanity.

“If you guys didn"t find him, the next generation would definitely pay the debt. Would that have been better?”

At my words, they strongly shake their heads.

“If anyone was to blame for this, it"d be the person who failed to report Fumeless in the first place. Due to that, humanity overlooked him for 400 years. Secondly, humans would also be to blame for not noticing for 400 years. Because of that, he ended up gaining that much military strength.”

Yufilia and Tiraiza"s eyes seem to have gotten a bit moist.

“That"s why, discovering Fumeless is an achievement, not a fault.”
“That"s right. Now that you"ve told me that, I feel relieved.”

Yufilia returns to a smile.

“Ah, that"s right, weren"t you there when we found him? You"re acting like you weren"t involved.”

Being pointed out by Tiraiza, I smile bitterly.

“That was so.”

Evil G.o.ds aren"t human. Thus, we have no obligation to fight demons.

Even without that, I like observing.
Looking at things like they"re other people’s business is something like a habit.
I"ve lived 1000 years like that.

Finishing her break, Tiraiza returns home.
Since she"s sweaty, she"ll probably take a shower and change her clothes.


Now that it"s become just the two of us, Yufilia timidly calls out to me.

“What is it?”
“It"s about yesterday evening though……”

My heart jumps a little.

“Towards the end, my memory is little vague……did we meet?”
“Oh, you might have seen me before you collapsed. The ol……Julius-sensei carried you.”
“I see...I have to go say thank you to him.”

Yufilia started running. She must be looking for the old man.
I lied a bit. About what happened yesterday.

What were my feelings from then?
I don"t really understand.
I can"t put them into words.
That"s why, for now, I thought this was fine.

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