After this lecture ends, the rest of the day is free for the student to choose.

Some people train their bodies, others train themselves in weapons and some choose to study magic.

The range of adventurers is wide.

Thus it"s rare for everyone in the cla.s.s to do the same thing.


Of course, you are free to choose what to do.

Since this school has no system of attendance, if you want to skip you can skip.


However, it seems there are very few people who actually skip their

This is a world where a Maou regularly appears.

Failure to discipline yourself will eventually bite you in the a.s.s.

Indeed, this is a place where those who plan to be adventurers gather.


I just transferred to school today.

For the time being, I don’t really know what I should do.


While wondering what I should do, I hear a voice from before.


"Ashtal, do you have any plans after this?"


It’s Yufilia.


"Yoo-u k-yaan ca--ll me a.s.ssh-ta-tal (translation: You can call me Ashtal)"

"You can call me Yufilia, or Yufi."


Yufilia can perfectly understand the mysterious language that even I don’t understand.

I wonder if this is also the power of the hero.


"Mmmm, ai don’t haaa-ve an-n-ny p-p-p-p-p-p-plans (Translation: Mm, I don’t have any plans.)"

"If it’s fine with you, would you like me to show you a great club?"

"I-i-i-i-ifffffff i-i-i-t-t-t’s fain wwwith u (translated: If it’s fine with you.)"


Because I was asking her for something, I lowered my head.


"Have they established a conversation...?"


Iris is tilting her head.


"It seems like it. I understood most of it too."


Tiraiza says triumphantly.

It was only understood through the gesture of lowering one’s head.

Yufilia seemed to have something to do, so we promised to meet later and parted.






After that, a man who was watching from a bit away comes up to me.


"Hey, lend me some of your time"


With a belligerent att.i.tude, he brought me to another place.

I don’t remember ever meeting this guy.


The man brought me to a place that doesn’t seem to be popular.

It’s the so-called back of the gymnasium.


I frantically try to remember my memories of my past life.

After all, they’re from over 1000 years ago.


According to my memories this won’t be anything good.


There were already a number of men gathered here.


"Just because it’s your first day here, aren’t you getting a little"


One of them says while glaring at me.


"Sorry, but I have no idea what you’re talking about."


I honestly tell them. Often, these types of people don’t know how to get to the gist of the conversation.


"I’m telling you that you’re getting too close to Yufilia-sama, the second princess and school idol!"


The Yankee-like man slams his hand against the wall! And hits it.

However, the magically-reinforced wall doesn’t even get scratched.


"The other 3 are also popular enough to have their own fanclubs, so don’t get too familiar with them!"


I was surrounded by them with the wall behind my back.


"I’ll tell you because you seem to be misunderstanding something, but I’ve never started a conversation with them. They just happened to approach me because our seats were close."


Saying that, the men get enraged.


"Do you think we’ll let that pa.s.s as an excuse? Kora!"

"It seems you want something painful to happen to you!"


In this explosive situation, I heard a voice from far away.


"Stop there."


A man came into our range.

It’s a man from my cla.s.s. There are many rings on his fingers and bracelets on his arms. His ears also had piercings, and everything he wore seemed to be an extravagant jewel.

They’re all magic items. It can be reasoned that he is very wealthy.


He’s currently wearing the school uniform, but his other clothes must be reasonably flashy.

While brushing up his hair with his hand, the blond-haired man speaks in a light tone.


"I apologize. Because my subordinates are overly enthusiastic, they went a little overboard."

"Are you their boss?"


When I looked at the man, he replied with a haughty att.i.tude.


"I’m Vincent Everton. Even country b.u.mpkins know of me."

"I don’t know you."


I answered immediately. Putting aside those who have influenced history, there is no need to check a s.h.i.tty brat.


"Don’t you know of the Scottyard Kingdom!?"


His followers are surprised.


"I know of it."


I don’t have observation as a hobby for no reason.

One of the three major powers northward from this country. The nation with the world’s largest population, and a powerful nation.

The Maou always appears at the southern edge of the continent. To summarize, the northernmost country is the safest..


During the calamity caused by the Maou, there have been many cases where the country has suffered no damage.

Thus, people gathered there and it became the most developed nation.


"Vincent-sama is the first prince of that country. One who controls. Good things might happen to you if you became his va.s.sal. "



Feeling that I was interested, the follower spoke again.


"I’d like to ask them too, but first can you stop talking to Princess Yufilia. Of course, it’s fine if you’re telling her about the wonders of Vincent-sama. Vincent-sama and Princess Yufilia are in a relationship where they’ll eventually get engaged. We’ll be troubled if there are false rumors about.


I was listening to his words.

What I got interested in was that if this guy became the king of the Scotyard Kingdom, human society seems like it will get stormy.

It is pleasant to observe human-to-human conflict. I did always the historical dramas.

It is a point that they’re uglier and worse-spirited than demon-human conflicts.


Of course, being entwined as a related party is annoying.

While thinking that, I stood composedly with my hands in the pants of my uniform.


"Hey! Listen to me!"


The follower gets annoyed by my att.i.tude.

Of course I heard him, but for an Evil G.o.d with no s.e.xual urges it is irrelevant.


Yes, I am an Evil G.o.d.

In my past life, I would have had to lower my head and ask for forgiveness.

But now it is different.


While wondering how to deal with them, I heard footsteps from behind.

With my Evil Ear, it was easy to identify who the footsteps belonged to.

Given the current circ.u.mstances, if she comes this farce will end.


"What are you doing!"


When she yelled, the followers turned and ran away..


"Thi, this is Yufilia-dono. Today is a beautiful day isn’t it… "


In a rush, Vincent covered himself.

The eyes Yufilia used to look at Vincent didn’t have the feeling of love in them.


"Stop bullying him."

"You’ve misunderstood. I was only talking to him."


Even in this situation Vincent kept his att.i.tude.

He’s still acting.


"Arming yourselves and grouping up against one man is considered talking?"


Vincent’s followers were carrying weapons such as long swords, great swords and spears in their hands as they pleased.


"We are people who are aiming to be adventurers, and always have our hearts on the battlefield......."


Vincent "s servant humbly speaks. That carrying your weapons is a matter of course.

Yufilia doesn’t buy any of his words.


"He is going to accompany me now. I’m borrowing him."

"Alright, I don’t mind. We’ll settle our business at another date."


While smiling, Vincent and his followers quickly departed.

When she saw that, Yufilia released her tension and saying “Fuu”, sighed.


"That was a dangerous situation wasn’t it?"


There wasn’t anything dangerous about it, but I thank her anyway.

Because I came to this deserted place, I panicked when listening to them.


"T-t-t-thank yyy-o-o-o-ou Yiuffff-f-f-firea" (translation: Thank you Yufilia) "


As a matter of course, I couldn’t decently say it, but it was properly transmitted.


"No, don’t mention it!"


Yufilia responded with a smile.


"Both he and his country are always like that. You should keep an eye out for him. "


Even if Vincent strutted around the school acting as if he owned the place, most can’t complain.

The Scottyard Kingdom is also the world"s largest economic power. No country can stand against it. Of course this school also receives a lot of aid from it.


"By the way, did he mention anything weird to you?"

"Jost, ‘Ddunt m-m-m-m-eeike an-n-ny posses at mi faince’. (translation: Just ‘Don’t make any at my fiancée’”


When I answered, Yufilia’s dyed red.


"Ha!? I’m not his fiancée! He just keeps saying that! I’ve refused multiple times."


Her face was red over anger rather than embarra.s.sment. I could tell by the size of her voice.


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