O love! who gav"st thy life for me, And won an everlasting good Through thy sore anguish on the tree, I ever think upon thy blood!

2 O Love! who unto death hast grieved For this cold heart, unworthy thine, Whom the cold grave and death received, I thank thee for that grief divine.

3 I give thee thanks that thou didst die To win eternal life for me, To bring salvation from on high: Oh, draw me up through love to thee!

From the German. Author unknown.

141 Woodstock. C.M.

_Christ"s Triumph over Death._ (309)

The morning purples all the sky, The air with praises rings; Defeated h.e.l.l stands sullen by, The world exulting sings.

2 While he, the King all strong to save, Rends the dark doors away, And through the breaches of the grave Strides forth into the day.

3 Death"s captive, in his gloomy prison Past fettered he has lain; But he has mastered death, is risen, And death wears now the chain.

4 The shining angels cry, "Away With grief; no spices bring; Not tears, but songs, this joyful day, Should greet the rising King!"

Dr. A. R. Thompson, 1867.

142 Warwick. C.M.

_Resurrection and Ascension._ (311)

Hosanna to the Prince of Light, Who clothed himself in clay, Entered the iron gates of death, And tore the bars away.

2 Death is no more the king of dread, Since our Immanuel rose; He took the tyrant"s sting away, And spoiled our h.e.l.lish foes.

3 See how the conqueror mounts aloft And to his Father flies, With scars of honor in his flesh, And triumph in his eyes.

4 There our exalted Savior reigns, And scatters blessings down; Our Jesus fills the middle seat Of the celestial throne.

Isaac Watts, 1709.

143 Nuremburg. 7s.

_The Lord is Risen._ (322)

Christ, the Lord, is risen to-day, Sons of men and angels say: Raise your joys and triumphs high; Sing, ye heavens; thou earth, reply.

2 Love"s redeeming work is done; Fought the fight; the battle won: Lo! our Sun"s eclipse is o"er; Lo! he sets in blood no more.

3 Vain the stone, the watch, the seal-- Christ hath burst the gates of h.e.l.l; Death in vain forbids his rise-- Christ hath opened paradise.

4 Lives again our glorious King: Where, O death, is now thy sting?

Once he died our souls to save: Where"s thy victory, boasting grave?

Charles Wesley, 1739.

144 Pleyel"s Hymn. 7s.

_Resurrection and Ascension._ (325)

Angel! roll the rock away; Death! yield up thy mighty prey; See! he rises from the tomb, Glowing with immortal bloom.

2 "Tis the Savior; angels! raise Fame"s eternal trump of praise: Let the world"s remotest bound Hear the joy-inspiring sound.

3 Shout! ye saints! in rapturous song, Let the strains be sweet and strong; Shout the Son of G.o.d, this morn From his sepulcher new-born.

4 Heaven displays her portals wide; Glorious Hero! through them ride!

King of glory! mount the throne-- Thy great Father"s and thine own.

Thomas Scott, 1772.

145 Hudson. S.M.

_The Lord is Risen._ (313)

""The Lord is risen indeed!"

The grave hath lost its prey; With him shall rise the ransomed seed To reign in endless day.

2 "The Lord is risen indeed!"

He lives to die no more; He lives his people"s cause to plead, Whose curse and shame he bore.

3 "The Lord is risen indeed!"

Attending angels hear; Up to the courts of heaven with speed, The joyful tidings bear.

4 Then take your golden lyres, And strike each cheerful chord; Join all the bright celestial choirs, To sing our risen Lord.

Thomas Kelly, 1804.

146 Mendon. L.M.

_Exaltation of Christ._ (318)

Now for a tune of lofty praise To great Jehovah"s equal Son; Awake, my voice, in heavenly lays, And tell the wonders he hath done.

2 Sing how he left the worlds of light, And those bright robes he wore above; How swift and joyful was his flight, On wings of everlasting love.

3 Among a thousand harps and songs, Jesus, the G.o.d, exalted reigns; His sacred name fills all their tongues And echoes through the heavenly plains.

Isaac Watts, 1707.

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