Proofreader: Prof Zhu Yuan

Being the son of the crown prince, Li Li was in n.o.ble status, but now he was in a rough patch; otherwise he would not have gone to Dahuang Palace for practicing martial arts.

Li Wuming failed to fulfill his duty and responsibilities as the crown prince of the Yun Empire. Instead he was indulged in debauchery and put the affairs of the Empire aside.Therefore, the emperor of Yun Empire was unsatisfied with his behaviour and thought for a dethronement.

As a result, some relatives and sons of the emperor started to plot against the crown prince, but it was a pity that Li Wuming seldom went out and was slightly influenced by these schemes.

Different from that of his father, Li Li stood out among his counterparts since his early age in literacy and military. What was more, there went a saying that the emperor would like to appoint him as the successor.

Those who would like to get the crown started to focus on this, which put Li Li in the treacherous condition.

He chose to keep silent about it, intending to learn martial arts in Dahuang Palace so as to grow strength and power to support himself secretly.

Under the help of Dahuang Palace, he would get his throne and become the successor. However he underestimated his rivals and did not have a clear understanding of the temptation of power and greedy nature of humanity.

  On the way to Dahuang Palace ,Li Li was by a group of masked men. Despite the thorough defense of his guards, he was killed and dead so that he could attach himself to the body.

"Well, what a pity."

Yan Li sighed and felt pity. Being a [1]"out-gate" disciple, he heard about the death of Li Li when he travelled to Tianhuang Land last time.

He was busy with practicing martial arts skills and thus paid little attention to this issue and knew nothing about the follow-up stories.

Now that Li Li died while Yan Li  survived, it may bring changes to the development of the history. At the same time, he should be alerted that those people would take some actions if they knew he himself was alive. 

"Your Royal Highness!" Yan Li"s thoughts were interrupted by this sentence.

He responded,"Please come in ,Uncle Wu."

Yan Li got up gently, siting knee to knee on a fur carpet.

 "Yes, Your Highness."a middle-aged man in a black robe came in. His name was Wu Zhongmou, the housekeeper of Li Li"s house.Mr. Wu"s attention was on Yan Li"s physical condition, "Your Highness, the recovery was going well."

"I am sorry to make you worried about me recently, Uncle Wu."

Yan Li said this in a calm, imitating Li Li "s tune and speech style, so as to convince Wu Zhongmou.

Luckily,Li Li"s soul and memories have been absorbed in him, which made it easy to imitate.

"No, Sir, this is what I should do. Please forgive my failure to protect your Highness from the when you were in danger "saying this, Wu Zhongmou fell on his knees in front of Yan Li with a sense of guilt.

Yan Li kept silent for a while and sighed, "Uncle, I have always treated you as my real uncle instead of a servant. How can I blame my own uncle?"

"Uncle Wu, please stand up. I feel tired and need a rest now. And you can leave."

"Yes, Your Royal highness."

Wu Zhongmou stood up and left the carriage with a bow.

Yan Li turned back to the carriage and felt relieved for he believed no one would be suspicious about his ident.i.ty.

After several days" rest, Yan Li"s almost recovered. It was time for him to practice martial arts. Tianhuang Land honored martial arts, strong and powerful, as the three Empires took actions and strategies to draw those talents in martial arts to their sides.

Being the No.1 martial arts school of The Yun Empire, Dahuang Palace had countless ties with The Yun Empire, and many of the disciples became the generals of the empire.

Getting the support of Dahuang Palace to some degree was getting the support from many of the martial generals. Li Li was a young man with great wisdom, for he had come up with the idea to avoid the conflicts and develop himself secretly. Unfortunately, his rivals were too despicable to kill him; therefore he didn"t have the chance to get the support from the Dahuang Palace.

The inheritance of martial arts in The Yun Empire was no less than that in the Dahuang Palace. Li Li used three guidance for techniques to build the foundation, namely, "Tiger Sound Refining the Meaning", "Eagle Refining the Form", and "Ox Demon Refining the Bone".

Martial arts is to enhance vital energy inside and exercise muscles and skins outside.

These three guides include both internal and external practice and follow the rare good foundation skills. If one insists on practicing, it would not be difficult to break through the Yuan realm.

At the same time, in Yan Li"s mind, there were still several Qigong exercises inherited from the Dahuanggong Palace in his previous existence, which were not worse than these three.

 After a little reflection, Yan Li decided to continue to practice these three skills in order to break through the Yuan realm.

There was enough room in the carriage to practice.

He unfolded his hands and punched faintly and abruptly.


The first row made a short whistle, Yan Li calculated in mind that the force he punched was even close to a kilogram.

Lianqi realm is divided into ten levels, one with 100 jin of strength, two with 200 jin of strength, and so on. When Lianqi realm is a great success, the top level will be close to 1000 jin of strength.

Yan"s moves in martial arts were just like a fierce tiger springing down from the top of the mountain! ! ! And he made a momentum-change with a twist in the waist.

Around the body suddenly burst a fierce overbearing momentum, like a tiger down the mountain, which could not be blocked.Yan Li"s body shaping a jump, instantly appeared a few meters away.

With a splash, the fist turned to grip and cut through the air.

Tiger over the hill! ! !


Changing claws into punches, a punch out, punching air again and  breaking the air!

At that next second, his fists were like two heavy hammers, one as fast as the other, bombarding the air with a "poof poof" sound.

With a quick and ferocious speed! ! !

Yan Li body shape changed again, which was another flutter, but this flutter was sharper and more vigorous than the previous flutter.

After practicing the three moves in "Tiger Sound Refining the Meaning" once, Yan Li felt pain all over the body but extremely comfortable and refreshed ,which indicated that he completely adapted himself to the new body.

Then he practiced his skills according to "Eagle Refining the Form" and "Ox Demon Refining the Bone", opening his mouth to spit out a mouthful of turbid gas, as if he were close to the Yuan realm.

In the previous existence, he had reached the Xuan realm.This retraining led him to a deeper understanding. According to his estimation, he could break through the realm of the Yuan in a month at the most.

"Uncle Wu, come in here!" Yan Li retreated to sit on the fur soft couch, and softly said to Wu Zhongmou.

"My royal highness."

Wu Zhongmou appeared in the carriage with a bow.

"Uncle Wu, you are allowed to get rid of these useless etiquettes!" Yan Li whispered.

"Your Royal Highness, the etiquettes cannot be discarded!" Wu Zhongmou said stubbornly, with a wisp of moving in his eyes.

"Well, I"m the master and you are the servant if there are outsiders, but I"m your nephew and you are my uncle if not. Is that OK?" Yan Li said after slight meditation.


Yan Li nodded his head with satisfaction. As the first master-hand around him, Wu Zhongmou"s martial arts had reached  Tianxuan realm. Yan Li needed him to do many things in the future, so he had to bring him under his complete control.

"How long will it take to arrive at Dahuang Palace?" Yan Li asked, as if deep in thought.

"At our present speed, we can reach Dahuang Palace in three days at most. Ten days later, it is the annual test day for Dahuang Palace to recruit new disciples.

"However, it is an honor for them if Your Royal Highness joins Dahuang Palace. Your Royal Highness can join Dahuang Palace without any test "

When it came to the end, uncle Wu said with a gleam of pride on his face. Yan Li smiled. As the son of the crown prince of the Yun Empire, he can join Dahuang Palace and even be the inner disciple without difficulty.

He did not, however, intend to reveal his royal prince"s ident.i.ty, but, as a teenage boy, entered  Dahuang Palace by test, during which two of the most important people in his life would appear.

"Uncle Wu, I have decided to take the test of Dahuang Palace!"

"Your Royal Highness ...!" Soon, however, uncle Wu was inspired and said, "It"s quite easy for Your Royal Highness to pa.s.s the test owing to your martial arts!"

Yan Li nodded his head.

"Uncle Wu, I"m in a pretty bad position right now. If those people know I"m not dead, I"m afraid they won"t give up. So, we need to keep a low profile by withdrawing the ceremonies, and rearranging an ident.i.ty... Well,  my new name is Yan Li!"

"Yes!" Uncle Wu nodded his head heavily. He knew His Royal Highness was young, but resourceful, whose arrangement had profound meaning.

"However, we need to tell the high-ranking officials of  Dahuang Palace in advance! After all, it is not difficult for them to find out my ident.i.ty because of their influence! But let them not reveal my ident.i.ty!" Yan Li thought and said.


Uncle Wu"s eyes flashed with admiration, and thought, " How thoughtful His Royal Highness is!"

Once getting the answer, Yan Li didn"t say anything. It seemed that he was tired, so he leaned on the soft couch to close his eyes for a rest. Seeing his rest, uncle Wu at once asked for leave and went out of the carriage.

Somehow, Yan Li felt his eyelids were getting heavier. Finally he fell asleep and fell into darkness in the dream.

Suddenly, a fleck of light was blinking in his eyes and getting stronger and stronger, and finally became a palm-sized pale gold book.

"Is is…!"

The gate to memory drowning in the years was opened, and a memory that had pa.s.sed away gradually became clear. Yan Li had been a postgraduate studying history before his soul traveled here.

He received a phone call from his supervisor Prof Liu, saying that an antediluvian cave was found in Zhoukoudian, Beijing. Later, they rushed there to dig the cave. Three days later, they found a palm-sized book in the depth of the cave, with three ancient words on the cover which seemed not to be the words on earth.

But unexpectedly, the instant Yan Li touched the ancient book, the whole cave suddenly quaked violently and collapsed with numerous stones falling, by which he was knocked unconscious.

When he woke up, he found himself already travelling through time and s.p.a.ce, attached to a clumsy disciple in Dahuang Palace.

He had not seen the ancient book since then, but it was only after he had learned the words of the Tianhuang Land that he realized that the three words of the ancient book were the words of the world, and that they were translated into the words of the Mixed Yuan Map.

He did not expect that the missing Mixed Yuan Map would incredibly appear again in his rebirth. He then had started showing strong curiosity about this. What on earth was this map about?

It was very likely that his travel through time and s.p.a.ce was related to the ancient book: the Mixed Yuan Map.

[1] There are mainly three kinds of the disciples :真传弟子(closed disciple)、门内弟子(in-door disciple)、外门弟子(out-door disciple). Closed disciples are supposed to receive master"s training about important and unique skills of WuShu.In-door disciples are supposed to get some of the direct training from the master.And out-door-disciple refers to those who could attend some lectures of the master but has few chances for direct training.

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