Proofreader: Prof Zhu Yuan

The Yun Empire was located in an outlying place on Tianhuang Land.

When the sun rises from a barren hill, an old bent man with grey robe and dry fluffy hair slowly went out of a hut which was at the foot of the hill. With deep sorrow flickering over his cloudy eyes, he began to climb the barren hill.

It had been a long time that the old man reached the top, when the sun was going down.

Looking at the setting sun, he made a long sigh, which seemed to show pity and solitude. The sun set and would rise the next day. However, was there any opportunity to start over in life after his death?

Lowering his eyes, he stared at the bottomless chasm that could devour him and closed his eyes in despair. Everything that he had experienced over the past hundred years was flas.h.i.+ng like film playing in his mind.

His name was Yan Li. A hundred years ago, his soul travelled to Tianhuang Land which honored martial arts, and was attached to a clumsy disciple in Dahuang Palace. Maybe it was because the combination of his soul with the disciple made such a transformation that he became the most popular and talented one among the young disciples in Dahuang Palace.

In that year, Lin Jingyun had not been yet the sword G.o.d, famous all over the land, but was a scheming youth. In that year, Long Ziyue was still a newcomer and had not been the respected G.o.ddess yet.

Afterwards, the future sword G.o.d became his little brother and the future G.o.ddess was filled with admiration and fell in love with him.

His skill in martial arts kept rising steadily and broke through Yuan realm to reach Xuan realm in only three years. n.o.body in the younger generation could compare with him. The master of Dahuang Palace declared that he would be the successor in charge.

At that time, he was energetic, paid no attention to others and thought the whole world belonged to him.

However, at one night, a mysterious man sneaked into his room and destroyed his basis. Since then, his skill in martial arts would not improve a little but began to quickly regress, regardless of his practice.

In less than a year, his skill in martial arts fell back to Yuan realm from Xuan realm.

Two years later, his skill in martial arts regressed back to Lianqi realm from Yuan realm.

Many master hands in the Palace, even the master of Dahuang Palace checked his body but could do nothing.

Idiot became talent, and talent became idiot again!

It seemed that fate made a big joke with him.

He was lonely, helpless, angry and downhearted!

Finding that numerous human and material resources spent on treating him were totally in vain, Dahuang Palace thoroughly gave him up.

It was followed by disdain and sneer from people, including many who had flattered him, which made him dispirited. Then he knew, the world did not belong to him anymore.

Only his little brother and beloved one never sneered him and never  gave him up.

But he failed to live up to their expectation. However hard he practiced, his skill did not grow but regressed. After several years, his skill fell back to level three of Lianqi realm, lower than the scullions in Dahuang Palace.

He gave himself up and descended to sit around and wait to die.

But his little brother and sweetheart did not give him up. They became stronger and stronger, and found many rare medicinal materials to help him, but… in vain.

Ten years had pa.s.sed. One day, Lin Jingyun came back with blood all over his body and told him that Long Ziyue had been taken away by a group of mysterious men.

Since then, there was no news about Long Ziyue. Yan Li felt disheartened and quietly left Dahuang Palace to live in an outlying barren place. Time went on and then he had one foot in the grave.

His teardrops revealed endless sadness and unwillingness!

"Ziyue, I will still love you if there is afterlife." Yan Li jumped into the chasm and disappeared in the dark.

Cold wind blowing by his ears, Yan Li felt disheartened and slowly closed his eyes.

Yan Li opened his eyes with difficulty, feeling p.r.i.c.king from his chest and hearing intermittent sobs from a young girl.

He stretched out his hand and touched a soft hide mat. He wanted to lift up his body but felt splitting pain from his chest.


He could not help humming with frowning das.h.i.+ng eyebrows.

With his croon, the sobbing stopped abruptly and then a clear voice with amazement spoke:

"Mr. Wu, His Royal Highness has waken up!"

Breeze kissed his face, and Yan Li felt there was one more person in the carriage. He tried to turn and saw a middle-aged man with a black robe. He faintly felt that he knew this man.


"Your Royal Highness, be quiet, or your wound will be aggravated."

Mr. Wu was amazed at his revival and stopped speaking, and then he took out a snow-white pill with delicate fragrance to feed him.

Yan Li subconsciously opened his mouth to eat the pill that just melted in his mouth and became a warm flow to his chest. At this moment, he wanted to know what had happened, but fatigue swept across his mind so that he slowly closed his eyes.

After his sleep, Mr. Wu felt relieved:

"Ling Er, take good care of His Royal Highness."

"Yes, I obey your command," Ling Er nodded her head.

Not knowing how much time had gone by, Yan Li recovered his consciousness again but he did not open his eyes. With p.r.i.c.king on his chest, he tried to absorb another memory in his mind which should not have belonged to him.

Time fleeted and three days pa.s.sed.

Yan Li slowly opened his eyes with fantastic and complex radiance flas.h.i.+ng out. Over the past three days, he had completely absorbed another memory that did not belong to him before.

He deeply breathed out foul air which, however, failed to calm him down.

He cane back to life, and his soul was attached to Li Li, son of crown prince Li Wuming of Yun Empire on Tianhuang Land. He should have died a hundred years ago.

 "G.o.d, it"s you who heard my call and gave me another chance?" Yan Li"s eyes seemed to penetrate the carriage and lie on the blue sky.

"Lin Jingyun, my brother, Ziyue, my sweetheart, I"ve come back. In this life, I will not let you down. I will accompany you to get to the top. To the mysterious man who has destroyed my basis in the previous life, I will not let you go…you will pay a heavy price!"

The world was uncertain and heaven was difficult to predict.

It was ridiculous to travel through time and s.p.a.ce. And it was out of expectation that he traveled here, died and came back to life again. At the moment, Yan Li had a deep awe to G.o.d"s will, and he was also curious about the reason why he had traveled and come back to life again.

"Ling Er," Yan Li softly called.

 "Your Royal Highness."

A hand softly held his waist and lifted him up.

Yan Li looked at this fourteen-year-old nice considerate girl, and faintly smiled:

"I"m hungry."

"Your Royal Highness, please wait a moment. I will get you some spiritual  porridge."

Yan Li gently nodded and leaned on the carriage with eyes closed. He just recovered from a serious injury, and he needed to have a rest-cure to recover his vigor.

Tianhuang Land honored martial arts that had detailed categories and divisions in both realms and skills after the development in tens of thousands of years.

The realms of martial arts include three levels: Lianqi, Yuanjing, and Xuanjing.

Lianqi is divided into ten levels. Yuanjing includes three levels: Ningyuan, Shenyuan and Poyuan;

Xuanjing includes three levels: Renxuan, Dixuan and Tianxuan.

All martial arts skills are also cla.s.sified, including Huang, Xuan, Di, Tian, Sheng and Shen, from low grade to high grade. And each grade is subdivided into top grade, medium grade and low grade.

Yan Li was very familiar with the categories of martial arts realms and skills, because he had researched them in the previous life. When the maid Ling Er prepared food for him, he began to sense the martial arts skills in this new body.

Then he nodded with satisfaction,

"Pretty good. He"s only fourteen years old and has reached level ten in Lianqi realm. He"s a rare genius in skill practice."

What was more surprising was that this body had a pretty good basis. The vigor was a little weak but very pure.

Warriors could take in vigor in the world to strengthen themselves on Tianhuang Land.

Lianqi! Practice qi!

That was to take in vigor to Qihai in order to strengthen themselves and to improve their vitality. In the expressions on Earth, Qi practice means that Vigor is used to change gene to perfect gene strand.

Yan Li had compared Earth person and Tianhuang Land person, and found that the average life expectancy of Tianhuang Land person was longer than that of Earth person.

It was because that there was Vigor on Tianhuang Land, but no Vigor on Earth. He had been a postgraduate in history before his soul traveled here.

For a period of time before his traveling, he had been curious about martial arts and known some people who practiced martial arts. These people had no Zhen Qi in their bodies and battled with only physical power, explosive power, technique and experience. They had no longer life expectancy than common people and their life expectancy was even shorter than that of other people. Some of them even came to sudden death without knowing the reason.

Yan Li found after thinking that the reason why they died suddenly was they overdrew life vitality, leading to short life expectancy.

It was a different condition on Tianhuang Land. Taking in Vigor would improve life vitality. The higher realm the warriors were in, the longer their life expectancy was.

It was said that the master hand in Xuan realm could live for at least two hundred years. In the previous life, Yan Li still lived for a hundred years even though his basis had been destroyed and his skill in martial  arts had fallen back to level three in Lianqi realm. He would be called the longevous if he lived for a hundred years on Earth.

"Your Royal Highness, I"ve got you spiritual porridge."

Ling Er returned into the carriage with a bowl porridge of sweet smell and golden color before Yan Li, which stopped his thinking.


Lacking food for several days, Yan Li"s stomach was growling. Yan Li was embarra.s.sed to flush under the strange eyes of Ling Er.

He looked at the porridge in the blue and white bowl. He knew that the spiritual porridge was cooked with rare spiritual rice. It is the royal family and high-level disciples in big sects who were qualified for spiritual rice. Because there was a little Vigor in spiritual rice. People who ate it would strengthen themselves and get great improvement in terms of skill in martial arts.

"Give it to me."

"Your Royal Highness, you"ve just recovered from a serious injury. Let me help you." Ling Er shakes her head.

"Ok." Yan Li agreed with her. It was a happy occasion that he could be taken care of by a beautiful young girl.

The spiritual rice with faint scent was swallowed into his stomach, when Yan Li felt feeble Vigor diffusing to nourish his weak body.

It took thirty minutes to eat up a bowl of porridge. Yan Li was full and leaned on the carriage with a comfortable pose, thinking about his path for future.

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