Translator: Hao Xiayi
Proofread by Prof. Zhu Yuan

The Sword Array was a special skill that combined individual forces together so as to generate more offensive potency.

The one performed by the Aroma Fairy and her fellow disciples was called the Star Array, which could be activated with only seven pract.i.tioners involved but actually required 108 people to reach its maximum capacity.

But, paradoxically, with more people involved, it would be harder for them to work in tandem, which consequently led to the failure of the array.

Right now, it seemed that these ten had already practiced performing the Star Array before, because their moves were pretty coordinate and smooth.

Trapped in the array, the Fighter Bull, roaring, kept pounding the s.h.i.+eld but were pushed back every time.

The Aroma Fairy and others were all sporting a grave look even though they got the upper hand now, for once the fifth-level creature breached the array, they would not necessarily be having enough time to regroup and perform the array again; so they would just rather err on the side of caution and wait for the bull to wear itself out before killing it.

Yan Li could say with utter confidence that he knew a thing or two about the Star Array, thanks to his research and practice in his previous life; so he was certain that if nothing went wrong, they would be winning this battle in no time.

Since that was the case, Yan Li thought that he was probably not needed here anymore and was about to leave, when all of a sudden, a rustling noise caught his attention.

Frowning, he saw seven people came flying in from a few hundred meters away, who must be drawn here by the Fighter Bull"s howl.

The seven of them closed in at an astonis.h.i.+ng speed, covering the distance with a blink of an eye, and then appeared at the edge of the battlefield.

“s.h.i.+t, they are the people from the Black Blood clan!” Yan Li"s expression altered as worry flashed across his eyes.

The Black Blood clan was basically a cult with its disciples being notoriously cruel and bloodthirsty, which was never tolerated by the mainstream clans; and Dahuang Palace, for one, had had sent its elite and core disciples to kill the people of the Black Blood clan multiple times. However, they just could not locate the clan"s home base and wipe it out once and for all, so as time proceeded, the feud between the Black Blood clan and Dahuang Palace grew deeper and deeper, to the point that two parties would not meet without biting each other"s head off.

“Well, well, well! Indoor disciples of the Dahuang Palace,” the guy who lead the squad cackled, eyes darting to the Aroma Fairy and others, “with a few chicks! Are we ever blessed!”

“c.r.a.p!” The Aroma Fairy and others startled at the presence of the Black Blood disciples, which cause the sword array to stall for a second, almost letting the Fighter Bull break free.

“How dare you creeps to show up here! This is the territory of Dahuang Palace!” Ren Qiukuang barked at them.

All seven disciples from the Black Blood clan were Poyuan realm masters, which was already a big blow to Dahuang Palace disciples; and to make things worse, the Aroma Fairy and Ren Qiukuang were still struggling to trap the Fighter Bull and could not really care to join the fight that was basically on the horizon, so as of now, they had really been put into a tough spot.

Nie Xie smirked, “I mean, why not? You know what, I even start feeling sorry for you guys now!”

“Come on, boys! Kill all the dudes, and as for the chicks, we can have some fun with them!”

The other six disciples from the Black Blood clan pulled out their machetes at the signal and were ready to leap into action when a shout coming out of nowhere stopped them.

“Back the h.e.l.l off!” Emerged Yan Li with a white flash.

“Yan Li!”

“s.h.i.+di Yan!”

The Aroma Fairy and others all exclaimed out of surprise; however, it was only a short-lived moment of relief as they remembered that Yan Li was only at Ningyuan realm—so how was he going to take on seven Poyuan realm masters?

“Who are you, you little s.h.i.+t?” Nie Xie directed an icy glare at Yan Li, who then replied calmly, “Yan Li from Dahuang Palace!”

“Ha, I"m impressed, son! So what are you going to do? Play the cavalry and wipe us all?”

“That"d be unnecessary! I"ll just have to be me to beat the c.r.a.p out of you losers!” Yan Li said with a kind of pride that almost bordered on c.o.c.kiness.

Nie Xie"s eyes twitched, “You really want to have yourself killed, huh? Go chop his head off, Ghost Wind!”

“Got it!”

The guy named Ghost Wind walked out and went up to give Yan Li a nonchalant glance, “I can kill him within three moves, s.h.i.+xiong Nie!”

“Then what are you waiting for? Do it!” Nie Xie scoffed impatiently.

A wicked grin spread across Ghost Wind"s face, “So, would you like to kill yourself or would you rather have me do the honor?”

Yan Li did not bother answering; instead, he just pulled out his Wushuang Sword and pointed it at him.

“Medium-level enforcing weapon?”

Ghost Wind stared at the sword with utter intensity, eyes glowing greedily.

“Go to h.e.l.l, you little s.h.i.+t!”

b.l.o.o.d.y Moon Shrouding the Sky!

The machete in his hand drew a grotesque curve of red before flying towards Yan Li"s forehead.

Cutting through the air, the knife appeared above Yan Li"s head in an instant with a gusty wind.

Heavenly Cloud Soaring!

A dazzling glow exploded off of the Wushuang Sword as Yan Li suddenly thrusted it at Ghost Wind"s machete. The latter"s expression altered as he felt his hand going numb, almost losing the grip on his knife.

The Almighty Cloud!

Another blinding glow flashed across as a head was flung up in the air before a straight line of blood came bursting out of the beheaded body, which then slammed to the ground with a stifling thud.

Then, there was silence—sickening silence!

The people from the Black Blood clan all watched in pure horror as Yan Li took down Ghost Wind, a Poyuan realm master with only two moves!

But Ren Qiukuang and the Aroma Fairy, on the other hand, felt as if they could finally see some hope.

As for other girls from Dahuang Palace, they were all kind of starstruck by Yan Li"s stunning performance in killing a Poyuan realm pract.i.tioner.

It took a few minutes more for the people from the Black Blood clan to let the reality sink in before Nie Xie began, eyes cold, “That was impressive, kid! My bad for underestimating you! But from now on, your luck is over!”

Six disciples shot out in tandem, planning on besieging Yan Li, who also reacted swiftly and drove the Wushuang Sword, clad in a scalding glow and rumbling, towards one of the black-wearing guys.

The metal rattled as the sword and the machete met in the air, causing the pressure array to explode, which sent that guy flying.

Even though Yan Li was still at Shenyuan realm, yet with the help of the Zhen vigor, he had already exceeded most Poyuan realm masters; and to top that off, he also mastered the medium Xuan-level sword skills, the Heavenly Cloud, which added much more explosiveness to his strike.

However, two more disciples closed in after the first one was fought off.

The Almighty Cloud!

Thanks to the constant battling with various creatures these days, Yan Li"s sword skills had already been advanced enough to deal with two Poyuan realm disciples effortlessly.

But once the rest decided to gang up on him, he really felt the pressure and started to give out after ten more rounds of back-and-forth.

Still, the Aroma Fairy and Ren Quikuang were all pretty shaken up by the fact that Yan Li was able to make this long when there were six Poyuan realm masters trying to kill him.

In the meantime, they were also surprised to find out that, instead of being a Ningyuan realm pract.i.tioner as he appeared to be during this one month in Dahuang Palace, Yan Li was actually at Shenyuan realm now.

“This is not good! Once Yan Li was defeated, we"d be the next on their chop board!” Thinking of this, the Aroma Fairy called out, “Listen up, guys, I"ll go help Yan Li and you stay here keeping the array alive!”

“Okay!” They all gave their consent, for that they were also aware of what they would be facing once Yan Li gave out.

Exiting the sword array, the Aroma Fairy immediately speared her sword towards one of the Black Blood disciples attacking Yan Li.

There was a brief moment of chaos after the Aroma Fairy left, but the people staying there were prepared and managed to keep the array effective while battling with great pressure.

Yan Li, on the other hand, was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief after the Aroma Fairy joined the battle; but, at the same time, he knew more than anything that if this battle kept going on, his fellow disciples would soon fail to contain the Fighter Bull with the Star Array; and once the bull got out, they would be totally screwed.

The glow on the Wushuang Sword suddenly disappeared and was replaced by a black-and-white flash.

Speeding up, Yan Li went straight towards one Black Blood disciple who did not even have time to react before being impaled by the Wushuang Sword.

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