Pig rosted with a Pudding in his Belly. 269

Pippins stewed. 277

Pig rosted without the skin with a Pudding in his Belly. 281

Pancakes very good. 283

Paste very good. 294

Paste to raise. Ib.

Paste for baked Meat to eat cold.

Pie of Veal.

Pie of Shrimps or Prawns.

Pie of rosted Kidney.

Potato Pie.

Pig Pie.

Pork Pie.

Pudding of French Barlie.

Pomander very fine.

Pudding of wine.

Pudding of Hogs Lights.

Posset Pie.

Pippins dried.

Poached Eggs.

Pippin Paste.

Pippins stewed.


Quodling Cream.

Quinces to look white.

Quince Pie very good.


Rump of Beef boiled.

Rolls for n.o.ble Tables.

Rolls very short.

Rasberry Tarts.

Rabbets with Sausages.

Rice Cream.

Rabbet boiled.

Rice Pudding.

Rabbet boiled with Grapes. 258

Rabbet boiled with Claret. ib.

Red Deer Pie. 291

Rock of Sweet Meats. 309


Souced Veal. 169

Sauce for Mutton. 273

Summer Dish. 175

Souced Pig. 178

Several Sallads. 183

Several Sallads. ib.

Soles dressed very fine. 186

Spinage Tart. 184

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