SLKD – Volume 3 Chapter 8

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Derecho, Yonechi, Old Geezer

Reidy and Silent Water bought a lot of stuff on the shopping trip.  Dusty was no exception.  For her, I bought four pairs of shoes, so that she won’t need wash her legs again whenever she comes home from a walk.

Although this outrageous shopping spree has thinned my wallet considerably, as long as the spirits are happy, everything is worth it.  Besides, my debit card still has lots of money that my uncle has transferred to me for my living expenses.  On average, he sends ten of millions every month, I am unsure why he transfers so much money to me.  It kind of seems like, the first thing he does when he gets his paycheck is to send money to me, making me like his personal deposit machine.

“Hey!  Human, walk faster. I simply cannot wait to wear that beautiful dress.”  Reidy kept on walking in front of me, ignoring my pain of carrying so many full bags.  On the other hand, Silent Water was considerate enough to help share my burden.

“Uh…Reidy?  …That’s the wrong direction, you should take a right turn there.”  Reidy who was walking in front took a wrong turn.  I really can’t understand why she insists on walking in front even when she doesn’t know the way.

“So irritating, I… I did it on purpose because I saw something weird on that side of the road and wanted to go take a look.  I didn’t think you would mistake that and think that I took the wrong turn?  Ridiculous ~~Ohohoho~~”  Reidy, to my surprise, laughed out while justifying her actions.

Sigh~~  I can’t believe that she could make up such a logical sounding excuse to cover up her blunder… definitely worthy of being a well-educated lady… I don’t even want to be bothered with her anymore.

‘Hey, brat, what do you want to do when you get home?’  Freed’s voice sounded in my head suddenly.

‘Ugh… watch TV… and play some games after that.’  I talked about my plans.

‘Nothing else?’

‘Is there anything else?’

‘That Éguilles Gra.s.s, what did you bring it back for?’

‘Oh, right!  Nagisa’s father!  I actually forgot about such a big matter?’

Without Freed’s reminder, I would have really forgotten about it, why… why have I become so weird?  When I was almost killed by Derecho, I felt so regretful because I wouldn’t be able to give the Éguilles Gra.s.s to Nagisa’s father… and yet, I actually forgot about it completely?

‘Humph, brat, don’t blame yourself.  How can a human’s brain possibly hold memories for two people?  It’s very normal for what you are experiencing.  Just relax.  If you forget anything else, I’ll be here to remind you.  Also, that demon is named Guntheru, not Derecho.  Anyway, even a dragon G.o.d like me can remember all the names of the small fry demons.  Why is it that you can’t even remember the name of the enemy that almost killed you?  I can still understand if you forgot the name, but you actually called him Derecho… this… how is this p.r.o.nunciation similar to Guntheru?’

‘So long… long… winded, let’s not harp on this small matter anymore, then again, I am also unsure of my current predicament…  In short, my subconscious mind, for unknown reasons, loves to call that demon Derecho…  This is the same for other weird beings too, I just can’t commit their names to memory.’


—————————— Home

Upon reaching home, I threw the bags on the couch and ran upstairs to grab the Éguilles Gra.s.s, because I was afraid that I would forget this important matter again.  Originally, I already felt guilty for stealing Nagisa’s first kiss by accident, and now, even after she had entrusted me to bring back the Éguilles Gra.s.s for her father, I still threw such an important matter to the back of my mind… I don’t even know how to apologise.

“Hey, human, where are you going?”  Just when I was leaving, Reidy walked out wearing her new dress.

A dress white like snow, complimented Reidy’s golden hair, and adding on that n.o.ble temperament, she looked just like a n.o.ble and beautiful princess.

“I have some matter to take care of, so I am leaving for a short period.  Also, you look very beautiful in that dress.”  After my last word, I opened the door, and ran straight in the direction of Nagisa’s house

Before leaving the house, I thought I heard Reidy shout loudly, “Don’t compliment me so suddenly!!  I don’t need your compliment.” or something like that.

——————————— Nagisa’s house

“Hey!  Nagisa, are you home?”

Nagisa’s house was a typical one and a half story j.a.panese house.  I repeatedly knocked on the wooden door of Nagisa’s house, hoping that she would come out faster.

“Who… Who… is there?”  There was a hint of fear in the voice of Nagisa inside the house?

“It is me, Lin Xiang.  Nagisa, hurry and open the door.”

“Lin… Lin Xiang…”  From inside the house came Nagisa’s choked voice, then the door opened with a creak, and the next second, I felt my chest being rammed – that was how Nagisa ended up crying in my embrace.

“Hey, Nagisa, is there anything wrong?  What happened?”  Why is Nagisa crying?  Did I come too late?

The crying Nagisa in my embrace pounded my chest over and over again, and cursed, “*crying*~~~you… if you hadn’t come… I would… I would have to… go to that doctor’s house…  But… it’s such a relief… you came…”

“What exactly happened?”

“Your fault…  It was all your fault…  That doctor… he became impatient.  Yesterday night, after my visit at the hospital… he used father’s condition as an excuse… to lure me into his office… and he locked the door after we entered… and said something like, “I can’t wait anymore.  Why must you be so persistent, you have already stalled for one month…  You have no means to get your hands on any Éguilles Gra.s.s, so, so the only way to save your dad is for you to be my lover… ”  Then, he carried on to…*crying*~~~  Luckily, ‘Little Ball’ saved me.  It carried me down from the windows on the seventh floor… or else… I will be…”

d.a.m.n.  That b.a.s.t.a.r.d…

“Nagisa… I am really sorry… really, really sorry…”  I kept patting Nagisa’s head…  This was my fault… my fault…  If I could have just come back earlier…

‘Brat…  Don’t blame yourself…  The fact that you fainted cannot be changed…  Since nothing has happened, isn’t now the right time?’  Freed consoled me.

“Neh… Lin Xiang…  You must have found the Éguilles Gra.s.s for my father, right?”  Nagisa looked up from within my embrace, her eyes were red from all the crying and they were showing signs of sadness, as if she was hoping I wouldn’t say that I had failed to bring back the Éguilles Gra.s.s.

“Of course I have brought it back, I always do what I say…”  As I was saying this, I reached into my pocket and took out the perfectly preserved, triangular-shaped Éguilles Gra.s.s.

“This… yellow… weird thing is Éguilles Gra.s.s?”

“Yup.  Don’t worry.  This time, I really want to see what else can that b.a.s.t.a.r.d say.”

‘No… if reasons are what he needs, he can make up millions of them anytime.  Didn’t I tell you to let the old geezer pa.s.s it to him personally?  He won’t be able to refuse it then.’

‘But… to trouble the for this small matter…’

‘You consider this a small matter?’

‘No… I take back what I said.  This is a big matter.  It affects Nagisa’s future and her innocence.’

‘Good!  It is good if you can think like that.’

“Lin Xiang, has something happened?”  This question snapped me back to reality.  Nagisa was looking at me with a worried expression.

Every time I have a conversation with Freed, I will zone out.  Is there any way I can stop this?

“Oh, hahaha~~ nothing’s wrong, I’m only thinking about some stuff.  Don’t worry, Nagisa, your father will get well very soon.”


———————— School

“Lin Xiang…  Aren’t we going to the hospital?  Why are we here at school?”

“Nagisa, don’t you know?  That doctor, once he has targeted you, he could come up with millions of excuses to take advantage of you…  Ugh… so sorry, I am not trying to be so blunt on purpose.”  After seeing Nagisa’s face turned red… I hurriedly apologise.

“No… no problem… that is the truth.  But, Lin Xiang, it isn’t that I don’t believe you, I only want to know why are we in school?”

“We are looking for the Headmaster”

“The Headmaster?  That powerful Battle Elder?  Why do we need him?”

“Of course there’s a reason… just think about it, our Headmaster is ill.u.s.trious, so if it were him who brought us along to meet with the doctor, it would definitely cause a stir amongst the highers-up in the hospital.  I don’t want that b.a.s.t.a.r.d to have any more chance to abuse his power, to take advantage of other girls.”

“You… you are a really good guy… to be so considerate of others… but, will the Headmaster agree to this?  We are just normal students.”  Nagisa’s eyes were currently full of tenderness, it seems like, she was already treating me as her good friend.

“He will agree for sure, trust me.”  I just didn’t know if he would be in school on a Sunday.

————————— Headmaster’s Office

“KO KO KO (sound of knocking the door)”  “Come in.”  A female voice sounded from inside.

With Nagisa closely behind me, I opened the door.  At this moment, a woman was looking down, a pen in hand, and writing some stuff.

“Uh…”  s.h.i.t! What’s her name?  If I remember correctly, it’s Mizou?

‘It’s Yonechi.’

‘Amazing!  Yalide, how’s your memory so good?’’

‘Obviously~~  Who do you think I, Yalide, am?  Moreover, that woman has such a nice body.  If I don’t remember her, can I still be called Yalide?’


“Uh…. that… a.s.sistant Yonechi…  Sorry to interrupt… we are looking for the Headmaster.”  When I was standing there not talking, she also did not raise her head; it seems she was really busy.

“The Headmaster is busy, you should come back later.”

“But, we have an urgent matter…”

“No means no – the Headmaster is talking to his friend.”  a.s.sistant Yonechi continued writing feverishly and gave me a reply with an impatient undertone.

Nagisa, who was standing at the side, tugged at my shirt and meekly whispered to me, “Nevermind, Lin Xiang, let’s just go.”

“But…  But, we really have an urgent matter that requires the Headmaster’s attention.”  You must be joking!  How could we leave?

“I already said the Headmaster is… hmm?  You are Lin Xiang?  You are looking for the Headmaster?”  Yonechi’s face was originally full of anger when she first lifted up her head, but when she saw me, her anger dissipated.  It was replaced with a gentle smile.

“Right… ”  a.s.sistant Yonechi had such a drastic change in her att.i.tude… what exactly did the Headmaster say to her….

“Ok, since you have an urgent matter with the Headmaster, then go on in.  If I don’t let you in, I will for sure be reprimanded”

“Uh…  Thanks, a.s.sistant Yonechi.  Let’s go, why are you still standing there?”  I nudged the dumbfounded Nagisa at my side.

“Oh… oh.”  Nagisa gave me a rather mechanical nod, then followed right behind me, and looked at me while I knocked at the door to the actual Headmaster’s Office.

“Who is it?”  The Headmaster’s voice sounded unhappy.

I could hear the Headmaster was chatting happily with someone inside his office, but the moment I knocked on the door, his tone became grumpy.

“It’s me… Lin Xiang… ”  As expected, I wouldn’t be given special treatment even if it was me?

As I was pondering, the Headmaster’s tone became very enthusiastic, “Little Xiang?  Hurry up and come in – I am telling you, the one outside this door right now is none other than the son of Lin Fan.”

“Really?  The Lin Fan that always had a stoic and serious look on his face?  Ha~~~  I can’t believe it.”  From inside the office, we could hear the voice of another elderly man.

Opening the door, I was met with the pleasant fragrance of tea leaves, and noticed the Headmaster and an elderly man about the same age as him were sitting together enjoying tea.  Meanwhile, both of them were looking towards the doorway, where we were standing.

“Hey… which one is it?  Don’t tell me it’s that big-breasted girl?”  The old man’s line of sight moved from me to Nagisa, and just kept staring at her.  Nagisa felt uncomfortable being stared at and tried to hide herself behind me.

“What nonsense are you sprouting?  I’ve already told you that it was a son.  Seriously, you old geezer, good in everything except for your perverted nature, you are still the same after so many years.”

“Haha~~  I am sorry – you know me, I always do enjoy flirting with girls.”

“You really think I don’t know your character?  That’s exactly why your wife has you on a short leash.”

“Hey!  Don’t expose me.  Regardless, I am still a famous medical saint, if you continue to bad-mouth me so openly, don’t expect me to help you the next time your body starts to ache again.”

“Ah~~~ Sorry, sorry.  Oh, right, Little Xiang, come, come, have a seat, I apologise that the two of us old men just kept chatting among ourselves and ignored you guys.”

“No problem… no problem…  The truth is that I came because I have an urgent matter that needs grandpa’s help.”

“Oh?  You haven’t even sat down, and you need something from me?”  The Headmaster first showed a face of unhappiness, then started laughing, “Haha, I am just joking with you.  To have you come looking for me, this matter must be extremely important, right?”

“Yes.  It’s very important.”

“Let’s hear it.”

“It goes like this…”  As I explained, I pushed Nagisa into view and talked about her father’s misfortune.  Of course, I had omitted the part where she tried to sell her body.

“What?  There’s actually this kind of thing happening?”  The Headmaster and that old man’s face turned black in an instant after hearing what I said.

“Little girl, tell grandpa, which hospital is your father currently getting treatment from?”  The old man softly looked at Nagisa and asked, while not missing the chance to take a glance or two at Nagisa’s magnificent chest.

“Sayashi Central Hospital.”

“What?”  When the old man heard this, he was shocked.  Then, he started laughing and asked Nagisa, “Is that doctor called Akahoshi Myouri?”

“Ye…Yes.”  Nagisa has a timid personality, and she stuttered as she answered the question.

“Humph~~~  I can’t believe it, there’s finally a chance to fire that inhumane beast?”  After hearing Nagisa’s reply, the old man mumbled.

“Hey, Onion Head, what’s the matter?”  The Headmaster asked the question that was on all of our minds.

The old man in front of me has been acting really weird, first he was shocked, then he started laughing.  It can’t be that he knows that b.a.s.t.a.r.d of a doctor, can it?

“That pervert, he has been relying on the fact that his father is the vice-president of the hospital and always does whatever he wants.  Although, I must admit his healing magic is quite good, his personality is downright bad.  I have long since wanted to fire him, but couldn’t find a reason to do so.”

The Headmaster looked at the wall clock that showed 4:30pm and said, “Since it’s like this, let’s not delay addressing this problem.  Anyway, it’s only an hour till dinner time, why don’t you take us to your hospital and let’s have ourselves some fun for a bit.”

“Ha~~ No problem at all.”  The old man gave a hearty laugh, then turned and faced Nagisa’s chest and said, “Little girl, everything’s fine, just relax, justice is on our side, I will help you cure your dad.”

Oi~ Oi~~  If the leaders are not virtuous, then the people also cannot be expected to be virtuous…  Old geezer…

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