The Six Immortals

Chapter 103 – The Huge Net

Chapter 103 – The Huge Net

“Let’s do it!”

Lone Leaf looked resolute: “What are we afraid of, definitely not the Zheng Qi Sect; after all, I’m from the Bei Ming Faction.”

Blue Dragon smiled: “Brother Leaf, what’s going on in your mind?”

They were speaking in whispers, so their voices were being subdued by the sound of the waterfall, and naturally, the other party couldn’t hear them at all.

“The Zheng Qi Sect team is obviously here to fight with the monster inside the pool, so wouldn’t it be a smart move to use the opportunity?” Lone Leaf smiled back.

Bi Fan’s initial impression was that, Lone Leaf was gradually being led astray by the lure of wealth, so much so, that he wasn’t even taking the other side’s background into account, before making the decision.

w.a.n.g Zhong said: “Brother Leaf, you’re not afraid of the trouble that the other side could bring in the future, ah?”

“What’s there to fear, as long as we cut the weeds, and eliminate the roots, no one will know about this.” Lone Leaf’s eyes were cold: “When we met them the last time around, they seemed inclined on killing and robbing us; even a blind man could see that. Since they are heartless, I’m just saying that we should act the same way against them.”

Bi Fan smiled: “Brother Leaf, it seems that you’re becoming your man now, which is good thing for a man.”

Li Xuan Feng, Tian Long Yu, Yan Ren, and Ling Long, were also hiding in the woods on the other side, and hadn’t made any movements since their arrival. It was hard to guess their plan of action.

Bi Fan and his friends were quite patient, and continued to joke about, in whispers, as they waited for the other side to make a move.

Several groups of the Devil’s Race had already come and gone, batches after batches, and the curtains of night had started to descend.

The pool had stayed extremely calm the entire time, and the four of them were beginning to wonder if they were wrong about the idea of a powerful presence in the water.

Since Li Xuan Feng’s team hadn’t made any moves yet, the four of them had no option but to sit and wait, as they didn’t want to make their presence known to the other team by acting out rashly.

The waterfall continued to thunder, as the sky became darker and darker.

As the dusk set in, more number of beasts had started to surround the pool; in fact, the entire vicinity was swarming with powerful beasts.

Bi Fan’s team had hidden themselves well. But even then, the four of them wouldn’t dare to make any sounds now, as they were afraid of alerting the Devil’s Race of their presence.

If they Devil’s Race beasts were confronted with humans, then they would all unite against their common enemy.

The area was swarming with ‘transformation’ layer beasts, and even the four of them, put together, wouldn’t be able to cope up with so many of them at once.

Li Xuan Feng’s four-man team was equally cautious of the threat, and hadn’t made any movements either.

Suddenly, the calm water, exploded.

“Whossshh….” A huge column of water rose towards the sky, and water splashed in all directions.

The Devil’s Race beasts already seemed prepared for this event, and were already running about to rejoining their groups.

A huge head protruded from within the surface of the water. This huge head was adorned with a single horn, which was almost one meter in length.

“Argghh!” the huge monster’s gigantic roar was enough to send everyone’s ears ringing.

Even the most powerful beasts in the vicinity were trying to get away from the water.

“Wow! That turned out to be an Abyss Dragon! Its physical strength is amazing; maybe even more than the Stone Giant’s.” w.a.n.g Zhong was stunned. (The Word used in the novel for this beast is a Du Jiao, which is a single horned, poisonous, chimerical creature. This creature, often, either resembles a dragon, or a unicorn, depending on context.)

The Abyss Dragon was formidably strong, physically, but, its most powerful weapon was poison.

The Abyss Dragon’s poison was so potent, that even a Jungle Python wouldn’t be able to match up to it in terms of toxicity; in fact, it wasn’t even fair to draw a comparison between the two.

If the four of them came face to face with the Abyss Dragon, then they probably wouldn’t be able to escape away from him in one piece.

The Abyss Dragon had barely revealed itself, and he was already charging at the Devil’s Race beasts at an exceptionally fast pace. As his huge body started to emerge from the water, he opened his giant mouth, and bit a beast.

“Grrpp…” The Abyss Dragon, completely swallowed the entire beast, and then made a meal out of another ‘enormous strength’ layer beast, as he continued to search for more preys.

The pool was completely surrounded with beasts, which were now running around to rejoin their groups. The whole area had spiraled into a chaos, and the beasts that were a little slower than others, had already started losing out to the Abyss Dragon’s appet.i.te.

The Abyss Dragon was like a bottomless pit; it had already swallowed several beasts whole, and was still looking around for more.

At present, only half of the Abyss Dragon’s body had been exposed, while the other half of its body, including its tail, were still submerged in the pool. But he was slowly making his way towards the sh.o.r.e, as he continued to pounce on the beasts, one after the other.

The Abyss Dragon’s body was reflecting light even brighter than the surface of the pool, and its huge body, which was completely covered in scales, was gleaming radiantly in the dusky evening light.

The body of this Abyss Dragon was surprisingly large, but the true extent of his physical strength was unknown to them.

Bi Fan, and the friends, inwardly, smacked their lips, as they held their breaths for the fear of being discovered.

Li Xuan Feng’s team also remained concealed in the woods, and hadn’t made any move yet. Bi Fan’s team simply couldn’t guess the other side’s intentions anymore.

Some of the stronger beasts, in order to protect their companions, started engaging the Abyss Dragon in combat, collectively.

A few of the beasts, who were at the peak of the ‘transformation’ layer, teamed up together, and started attacking the Abyss Dragon, and managed to temporarily delay their enemy’s advance.

The Abyss Dragon roared furiously, as he tried to shred them to pieces.

The intense fighting was sending boulders flying in all directions, and had already uprooted several trees.

The Abyss Dragon hadn’t yet been able to leave the pool completely, as its body wasn’t very agile, which is why he still hadn’t been able to use his most dangerous weapon; his tail.

The Abyss Dragon’s powerful tail was mopping about in the pool, and it was evident that once its tail came into the equation, then it could easily level the entire forest’s cover in no time at all.

Unfortunately for the Abyss Dragon, he hadn’t been able to get his tail out the water, let alone use it to attack the enemy.

Even though the Abyss Dragon wasn’t agile enough to evade so many attacks at once, the entire peak of the ‘transformation’ layer team of beasts, weren’t able to harm him in any way.

Their attacks would fall on the Abyss Dragon’s body, but wouldn’t leave behind any wounds, or even scratches.

The Abyss Dragon’s defense was simply too strong, and he was relying too heavily on it. But to the beasts, which he was confronted with, he was practically invincible.

The companions of these, peak of the ‘transformation’ layer beasts, had withdrawn to a safe distance, but hadn’t yet evacuated the area, as they would have a hard time surviving in the forest without their respective chiefs.

Finally, the Abyss Dragon’s temper got the better of the situation, and he forced his entire body out of the pool.

His, thick and long, tail swept, sweeping away several trees in a single swing. The beasts, which were trying to engage him in a battle, were forced to retreat again, and again.

Precisely, at this moment, Li Xuan Feng’s team finally made a movement.

“Throw the Net! Attack!” Li Xuan Feng’s team took out a magical net, and spread it out, and the then threw it towards the Abyss Dragon. The net continued to expand, and managed to cover the Abyss Dragon’s entire body.

Li Xuan Feng’s team, apparently, had come prepared, and had probably practiced their move quite thoroughly.

The Net expanded in an instant, and somehow managed to wrap itself around the Abyss Dragon’s entire body.

“Arghh!!….” The Abyss Dragon roared furiously, and relentlessly.

The Abyss Dragon started rolling around on the floor, but was unable to free himself, as the net was too tightly wrapped around him.

This magical net was simply amazing, and was even able to withstand such a violent, and vigorous, struggle by the Abyss Dragon.

Li Xuan Feng’s plan was evidently clear now. They weren’t going to blindly charge the Abyss Dragon, and were planning on waiting patiently, till the time the Abyss Dragon left the pool. At such a time, they would throw their net, and would trap the Abyss Dragon in a single swoop.

The rest of the Devil’s Race beasts could see that their fellow Devil’s Race beast had been trapped by humans, but still none of them moved forward to rescue him, as they knew that they would only end up dancing towards their death.

It was apparent, that the Abyss Dragon had given them a torrid time, which is why the rest of the Devil’s Race wasn’t even remotely inclined on helping him.

“That was a very well calculated move! It seems that the Zheng Qi Sect team already knew about the Abyss Dragon, and was well prepared to face it. Their timing was simply impeccable!” w.a.n.g Zhong exclaimed.

“Maybe, these Zheng Qi people will actually be able to kill off the Abyss Dragon. And if they do succeed, then will probably make a huge amount of money from it.” Bi Fan said.

The Abyss Dragon’s body was a chest of treasures. It’s scales, skin, blood, flesh, bones, tendons, were all likely to fetch a very high price in the market. On top of that, the most valuable a.s.sets that could be procured from its body would be its horn, and its poison reserves. And by any chance, if the Dragon gave a nucleus upon its death, then the profit from the kill would become even higher.

Although the Abyss Dragon hadn’t yet reached the ‘Emerging from the Womb’ layer, but it was already stronger than the deceased Layer King, the Stone Giant, owing to its sheer physical strength. If the Abyss Dragon hadn’t been allowed to leave the pool, then he could have easily escaped into the depths of the pool, which would have made it very difficult to kill him.

Bi Fan’s team wasn’t even remotely ready to face such a demon, let alone be able to kill it.

But Li Xuan Feng’s team had come prepared, very well prepared; they probably weren’t planning on returning home empty handed from this place.

However, they hadn’t planned any counter-measures for the biggest variable in this equation; Bi Fan and his companions.

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