The Six Immortals

Chapter 104 – A Good Plan

Chapter 104 – A Good Plan

(Mustang: Hey guys, this is the third regular chapter of this week.)


The Astute Abyss Dragon knew his situation well, and was desperately trying to struggle towards the pool.

As long as the Abyss Dragon was able to enter into the pool, he’d be able to free himself, as water was his territory.

The magical net was, indeed, very powerful, and had been able to hold the Abyss Dragon for a long time. But if the Dragon managed to enter into the water again, then he’d be able to break free quite quickly.

“Attack! We can’t let him get away.” Li Xuan Feng announced loudly.

Li Xuan Feng, Tian Long Yu, Yan Ren, and Ling Long, all charged towards the Dragon, and launched a very fierce wave of attacks simultaneously. They were using sharp and good quality weapons, which was another obvious indication that they had come prepared to fight the Abyss Dragon.

“Zhum…..” Several attacks landed on the Abyss Dragon’s body successively.

The Abyss Dragon howled in pain, as four wounds scared its body.

The wounds weren’t very big, or deep, but would have hurt the Abyss Dragon nonetheless.

The Abyss Dragon hadn’t experienced pain in a long time, so naturally, he was even more furious now.

He initiated a frenzied attempt to struggle towards the water, without paying any attention to the hold of the magical net.

“Boom….” The boulders and tree in his immediate vicinity were paying the price of the Abyss Dragon’s temper, and were being crushed due to his body weight.

Li Xuan Feng’s team’s faces were beginning to become a little unsightly, since the Abyss Dragon was slowly inching towards the pool. They wouldn’t dare to attack the Abyss Dragon if he somehow broke free of their trap.

Li Xuan Feng’s team continued to attack the Abyss Dragon, and the count of wounds on his body continued to increase.

The Abyss Dragon’s defense was so strong, that even with the help of good quality weapons, they were only able to hurt his flesh; but their swords were unable to penetrate deep enough to hurt his core.

However, it was evident that Li Xuan Feng’s team was fully prepared for this, as they didn’t weren’t panicking, and continued to attack him methodically.

Of course, they had already placed themselves in his path to the pool, as a first step to obstruct his advance. As long as they were able to keep him onsh.o.r.e, they had a chance of killing him.

Bi Fan and his companions watched the drama unfold, secretively, from the sidelines.

Li Xuan Feng’s team was quite strong, and their large variety of techniques, was making it a good spectacle to watch.

Bi Fan, naturally, didn’t want to miss out on the opportunity of memorizing their techniques, and would use his memory to decode and master their methods later on.

On top of that, there was a chance that he might have to engage them in combat later on, so naturally, it would be better if he had a good understanding of their skill set.

w.a.n.g Zhong noticed the seriousness with which Bi Fan was watching the battle, but didn’t pa.s.s any comments, since he figured that Bi Fan must be trying to gain experience from their fight.

Watching a strong fight is always an excellent way to study and learn more about combat, and also helps in developing a better understanding of one’s own martial arts.

The Abyss Dragon had already sustained several injuries, and so he issued another bellow of rage.

“It seems likely that Li Xuan Feng’s team will end up killing the Abyss Dragon, what’s our plan of action?” Blue Dragon asked.

w.a.n.g Zhong asked: “What part of the Abyss Dragon’s body are you interested most in?”

“I, of course, want the Abyss Dragon’s nucleus. I’ll give it to my Jungle Python once it hatches, as there’s a chance that my Python might evolve into a Dragon later on.” Blue Dragon couldn’t help but imagine the possibility.

Since Blue Dragon brought it up again, even Lone Leaf, and w.a.n.g Zhong’s pa.s.sion’s started soaring. They, too, had Jungle Python eggs, and once they were able to provide their pets with a strong nucleus, then the path to evolution for their pets would become a lot easier.

In this world, a pet is considered a part of a pract.i.tioner’s strength. Whether the pet is a normal beast like Bi Fan’s Chimera, or a Devil’s Race beast like their Pythons, once tamed, these beasts could provide a solid boost in a fight.

Bi Fan said: “Killing that Abyss Dragon is going to take a lot more than that.”

The sound of his voice had barely faded away, when the Abyss Dragon completely lost its temper. It looked skywards, and suddenly sprung towards the pool of water.

“Stop him!” Li Xuan Feng yelled.

If the Abyss Dragon was able to enter into the pool again, then even their magic net wouldn’t be able to hold him down for long.

Li Xuan Feng, Tian Long Yu, Yan Ren, and Ling Long, simultaneously launched their most violent attacks, as they tried to block the Abyss Dragon’s path once again.

The Abyss Dragon was trying to get to the pool so desperately, that he didn’t even bother with the attacks that were landing on his body.

“Crack…” their attacks fell on the Abyss Dragon’s body, and the sounds of his shattering scales, was audible to even Bi Fan’s team.

Though the Abyss Dragon’s defense was very powerful, even he couldn’t resist the sheer force of their attacks, especially since they had a free hand.

Four huge wounds appeared on his body, and blood started spraying out from the wounds. But the Abyss Dragon payed no attention to his new wounds, and continued to struggle forward, after all, the size of these wounds was nothing compared to the size of his body.

He was confident of making it to the pool soon, so naturally, the Abyss Dragon was quite excited; the pool was his world, his regime, a place where he can dominate.

This incident had been a messy one for him, and he secretly vowed in his heart, that once he was free of the net, he would immediately return to the surface for revenge, and would annihilate the entire team of humans which were causing him so much pain at the moment.

In his state of vengefulness, the Abyss Dragon even printed the images of the Li Xuan Feng’s team on his mind’s canvas.

“Thinking of running away…. You’re dreaming…” Li Xuan Feng ran back, past the rest of his team, and quickly ran a few rounds around the trees nearby.

Upon careful observation, Bi Fan realized that Li Xuan Feng was holding, the almost transparent, cords of the net.

Li Xuan Feng had wrapped these cords around the trunks of several trees now, and had firmly laced the net to the sh.o.r.e.

The Abyss Dragon’s leap was halted mid-air, and he instantly fell to the ground with a thud.

The Abyss Dragon is quite powerful, but even then, it wouldn’t be possible for him to pull away from so many trees at once. On top of that, the material of this net was so exceptional, that it simply wasn’t willing to snap.

“The Zheng Qi guys have showed up with a very well calculated plan; they even considered redundancy measures, I really can’t help but admire their planning.” Bi Fan smiled.

w.a.n.g Zhong reasoned: “These Zheng Qi Sect guys, must have encountered the Abyss Dragon in the past, and had somehow managed to get away from him alive at that time. Otherwise, there is no way that they could’ve prepared so well for him.”

“It’s a good thing that they have a good plan, since we wouldn’t have been able to kill the Abyss Dragon on our own.” Bi Fan smiled: “Killing the Abyss Dragon is surely going to take a lot of effort, and they will end up consuming a lot of energy. So when the time comes, remember to exterminate them all.”

“Yes, we must kill them all.” Lone Leaf noted.

They were afraid that even if one member from Li Xuan Feng’s team managed to escape, and got out of the Abyss alive, then Lone Leaf would certainly have a lot of trouble in dealing with the consequences.

This situation wasn’t the same as Mo Li’s, so Bi Fan’s team would need to figure out a way to look the ‘righteous’ side in this incident, which would require some planning.

The Abyss Dragon was completely trapped now, and Li Xuan Feng’s team started attacking the Abyss Dragon with even more urgency now, since they didn’t want any further hindrances.

The number of the humans entering into the Secret Forest of the Devil is quite low, but these humans are usually quite strong.

If another group of strong humans arrived at this scene, then they would definitely try to s.n.a.t.c.h the prize, and pocketing the entire of the Abyss Dragon’s body would become difficult for Li Xuan Feng and his team. The trouble which Li Xuan Feng and his team had gone to, was a clear indication that they weren’t willing to share this bounty with anyone.

“Let’s hurry up; we need to finish this quickly.” Li Xuan Feng said loudly.

Li Xuan Feng, Tian Long Yu, Yan Ren, and Ling Long, all launched their most ferocious attack in a simultaneous fashion, without even bothering about their energy consumption.

If they were able to kill the Abyss Dragon, without being spotted, even at the cost of consuming a large amount of their energies, then it was still totally worth the risk.

The Abyss Dragon was a very powerful creature, but at present, he was trapped inside the net, owing to which he was unable to retaliate in any way, so his defeat was almost certain at this point.

The Abyss Dragon had started losing a lot of blood, owing to the growing count of wounds.

“His blood is so valuable… it’s a pity that so much of it is going waste.” Bi Fan sighed.

At this point, the conclusion of the fight was within their grasp, so naturally, Li Xuan Feng’s team was already smiling, as they prepared to celebrate their victory.

Suddenly, the ground started shaking; a large group of the Devil’s Race beast was galloping towards them.

Whether they wanted to rescue the Abyss Dragon, or add more insult to his injuries, either way, they were going to be a ha.s.sle for Li Xuan Feng’s team.

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