The Six Immortals

Chapter 167 – A Top-notch Match-up

Chapter 167 – A Top-notch Match-up

(Mustang: Hey guys, this is the Second Chapter for this week. Regular Chapter. I’ll be a little busy this week it seems…. I need to shift apartments again, so I’ll have to divert my Translation time to house hunting… that’s the third time in 8 months, but hopefully for a stable duration this time. I’ll keep releasing chapters as often as possible over the remaining of this week, but no promises. Wish me luck.)


“Referee, quickly start this fight!” Chen Kang was pale with anger.

The referee gave Chen Kang a cold look: “I’m still your referee, aren’t I? Or do you want that job as well?”

Chen Kang realized that he had made a mistake, and promptly bowed his head: “Referee, of course, you’re the referee, I’m very sorry about this.”

Offending a referee is nothing short of courting death, and Chen Kang was aware that the consequences would be very severe.

“Humph!” The referee groaned coldly, and announced the beginning of the match.

As soon as the referee waved his hand, Chen Kang and his Pig rushed towards Bi Fan.

Chen Kang stormed out waving his machete, in the hope chopping Bi Fan into two.

Bi Fan showed no signs of fear, and kicked the Pig, while his Dragon Scale sword charged in Chen Kang’s direction.

“Woooo!” Bi Fan’s kick was so powerful that the Pig was forced to recoil a few steps, as it cried out in pain.

Meanwhile, the Dragon Scale Sword collided with Chen Kang’s machete, and sparks flew in all directions.

“That was a very quick reaction, but how long will you be able to withstand us huh? My Brother and I will keep attacking you!” Chen Kang sneered.

“More nonsense huh, what’s your talent… using your hands or your mouth?” Bi Fan sneered back.

“Brother! Attack!” Chen Kang was furious.

Chen Kang and the Mangalica Pig launched their second attack, and with much more ferocity than before.

“A death wish, it is.” Bi Fan stated in a cold undertone.

“Floating Sword!” Bi Fan directly cast out a very strong killer attack. His goal was the Pig.

Although it is forbidden to kill your opponent in the contest, but the pets don’t enjoy the safety of any such prohibitions.

The Ba Gua Sect is a sworn enemy of the Quinyang Sect, and Bi Fan wouldn’t mind spending a little extra effort to weaken the enemy’s strength.

“Boom!” The Pig tried to dodge Bi Fan’s attack, but was unable to match up to Bi Fan’s speed. The Dragon Scale Sword hit the Mangalica Pig.

By the looks of it, the Dragon Scale sword seemed as if it was floating in the air, but with no strength to back it. However, in reality, Bi Fan had secretly employed his entire strength in that attack, which had now crossed over twenty eight Yun Shi, which effectively made this strike equivalent to that of an ‘Emerging from the Womb’ layer fighter, maybe even more.

“Woo….” The Pig was. .h.i.t right between the eyes, and started rolling on the floor as it lamented for a few seconds, and then its body went motionless.

Chen Kang was a bit slow to arrive next to his Beast, but either way, he couldn’t have saved the beast even if he wanted to.

“You….. You killed my Brother!” Chen Kang’s eyes were red with rage, while the veins of the hand in which he held his blade were blue from the strain.

“You know, it’s still killing me know that you had a Pig Brother.” Bi Fan laughed out.

“I…..I will kill you.” Chen Kang gnashed his teeth.

Bi Fan sneered: “I’m afraid you’re not strong enough to do that.”


Chen Kang screamed wildly as he frantically charged towards Bi Fan. He madly raised his machete high, but didn’t apply any skill, and simply tried to slice Bi Fan’s body.

Bi Fan slid sideways in order to open Chen Kang’s attack, and craftily used his Dragon Scale sword to attempt a stabbing maneuver on Chen Kang’s armpit.

Chen Kang was no fool either, and had earned the dark horse’s t.i.tle on his own merit. He easily managed to divert his strength, and successfully dodged Bi Fan’s attack.

Bi Fan wasn’t surprised by it, and launched another attack.

The Ba Gua Sect has always been known for its heavy and forceful attacking styles, and always stresses on using a large amounts of force while casting the attacks, which was the reason behind Chen Kang’s confidence.

But unfortunately, he was facing Bi Fan today. Even though the Quinyang Sect’s style was all about elegance and grace, someone with Bi Fan’s physical strength wouldn’t exactly be easy to over power in combat.

Bi Fan wasn’t even trying to use his elegant martial skills, and simply waved and hacked with his sword. Bi Fan had turned this contest into a game of sheer strength now.

Chen Kang was stupid enough to believe that he was stronger than Bi Fan, and was quite happy, since he’d get to avenge his Brother.

He was in the middle of exposing a wide smile, but then it suddenly froze mid-way.

He had realized that Bi Fan was too strong, far strong than him. So basically, he was beaten in every aspect now.

Many of the viewers were gaping in awe as Bi Fan violently hacked and chopped with his sword, making an easy game out of Chen Kang.

Even though Chen Kang was constantly able to block Bi Fan’s strikes, the winner was obvious.

“I surrender!”

Bi Fan hadn’t expected that Chen Kang would concede the fight.

However, Chen Kang had admitted his defeat, so there was no reason for Bi Fan to continue attacking him, and he immediately came to a halt.

“Bi Fan! Bi Fan!…..”

More and more number of people had started cheering for Bi Fan now.

Chen Kang’s face was looking very ugly, and he held his deceased pet in his arms as he cried over his loss. His cold and tearful eyes would glare Bi Fan from time to time.

It was obvious that Chen Kang was emotionally very attached to his pet, and Bi Fan had now managed to earn his hatred by killing the beast.

Bi Fan didn’t pay much attention to the crowd’s cheering, and quickly returned to the dressing room.

“Bi Fan, well done!” Ling Xin Ya smiled.

“Thank you for the praise Master, but I was only trying to do my duty.” Bi Fan replied.

“Brother Bi Fan, good job getting rid of Chen Kang’s pet!” Jing Feng gave Bi Fan a thumbs-up.

“Brother Bi Fan, you did us all a favor!”

Bi Fan had been surrounded by the other disciples and was becoming the focal center of the Sect’s praise at the moment.

Luo Sheng and Luo Xiong’s eyes were flashing from one point to the other, and it was obvious that their hatred for Bi Fan was only deepening.

Bi Fan could feel a nip in the air, but he didn’t pay much attention to it.

The contest continued, and the fifth round paired two very strong fighters against each other.

The audience cheered loudly as Tian Shui Sect’s Hong Yun Tian and Rising Sun’s Jiang Wen approached the stage.

Hong Yun Tian and Jiang Wen were both ranked in the top five of the last Jiu Yu Hidden Dragon List. Even though Hong Yun Tian had ranked below Jiang Wen, it didn’t mean that Hong Yun Tian was weaker in any way.

In the last tournament, Hong Yun Tian had been very unlucky, and had only encountered very strong opponents throughout.

The Tian Shui and the Rising Sun Sect had a very fiery relationship with each other, which very closely resembled the one between the Quinyang Sect and Ba Gua Sect.

Hong Yun Tian and Jiang Wen were now face to face, and their eyes had already started to clash.

“Jiang Wen, last time, you wanted to fight me, but circ.u.mstances didn’t allow it. This time, I’ll give you a war to remember.” Hong Yun Tian stated.

“That’s precisely what I was hoping for. In fact, I really hope that you will be able to give me a real warm up.” Jiang Wen replied.

Jing Feng smiled and said: “Jiang Wen and Hong Yun Tian seem prepared for a tough battle.”

“The more brilliant the fight, the better it is!” Bi Fan was intently waiting for the contest to start.

Bi Fan was well aware of ‘The Rising Sun’ sword play, so much so that he could even use it battle, but he didn’t know much about any other skill of the Sect.

As for the Tian Shui Sect, Bi Fan didn’t know much about them, and he was very anxious to get a good look at their high level skills.

According to Bi Fan’s knowledge, Rising Sun Sect’s martial skills were very powerful, and domineering in nature.

The Tian Shui Sect’s martial skills were exactly the opposite, and were very feminine in their make. Their skills were known for their softness, and smooth flow.

Many people were desperately awaiting the start of this fight, since they wished to see the end result of the battle.

From Quinyang Sect’s standpoint, the Tian Shui Sect was an ally and Bi Fan obviously wanted Hong Yun Tian to win the match.

Hong Yun Tian had seen Jiang Wen in action several times, and was very well aware of his skill set and style, especially his ‘rising sun’ technique. Jiang Wen, likewise, had seen Hong Yun Tian in action several times in the past, and was well aware of his popular ‘Jade Ripple’ technique.

Irrespective of their respective knowledge of each other’s style, the same skills, when casted by martial artists of their caliber are bound to deem a very different result.

On top of that, since they were both extraordinary young martial artists, it was expected that they would know more advanced skills as well.

Bi Fan was eagerly looking forward to the contest, and was hoping to see some new and advanced skills in action.

Even watching ordinary skills, when casted by men of their cla.s.s, would be a great learning experience, since they would be making their own personal changes to the techniques.

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