The Six Immortals

Chapter 215 Entering the Tong Tian Sect’s Secret Storehouse

Chapter 215 Entering the Tong Tian Sect’s Secret Storehouse


After knowing that the treasure hunt of the Tong Tian Sect’s secret storehouse was about to begin, Bi Fan and all his companions pretended as if they knew nothing about it and continued watching the matches.

Bi Fan knew that many people around them had been secretly watching them, and therefore he couldn’t dare to commit the slightest of negligence.

The news about the treasure hunt’s commencement was not known to many people; those who knew about it had kept their mouths shut.

Hong Yan had kept everyone in dark till now. She had told Zi Wei only because she liked her.

Aware of the fact that the treasure hunt was about to commence, Bi Fan had already decided to practise even harder than before.

In the evening, after Bi Fan and all his companions returned back to the hotel, Bi Fan commenced with his vigorous practice. He wanted to break through the bottleneck of ‘enormous strength’ layer so that he could enter the ‘transformation layer’ as soon as possible.

There would be numerous ‘transformation layer’ martial artists, ‘emerging from the womb’ layer martial artists and even ‘gold dan’ layer martial artists competing for the treasure. Enhanced strength was important not only for contending with such powerful people but also for saving one’s own life.

If Bi Fan was able to promote himself to the ‘transformation layer’, his internal strength as well as physical strength would get enhanced by leaps and bounds. By the time the treasure hunt would start, Bi Fan would be able to contend with a ‘developing marrow layer’ opponent with the help of the shock rune, which would certainly ensure his survival to a higher degree.

Bi Fan had consulted with Jing Feng and they both had decided to stay inside the hotel for a while. Bi Fan wanted to have a closed-door practice for three days in hope of becoming a ‘transformation layer’ martial artist.

It was a matter of shame that Bi Fan and his companions were amongst the lowest in strength among all the groups that had arrived in the city.

Had it been a compet.i.tion among the martial artists of their own age group, Bi Fan would’ve certainly been the best. But unfortunately for them, martial artists of less than fifty years of age were allowed to partic.i.p.ate in this treasure hunt.

Even with moderate talent, a fifty years old martial artist can easily enter ‘Emerging from the Womb’ layer. With a little more talent, a fifty year old person could easily make it to somewhere between the ‘developing marrow’ layer and the ‘bone’ layer.

Generally speaking, if a martial artist reaches the ‘Gold Dan’ layer before they reach the age of fifty, then they are considered extremely talented.

Bi Fan and his companions were most afraid of the ‘Gold Dan’ layer martial artists. If they ever encountered one, the only way of saving themselves would be to immediately flee from the place.

w.a.n.g Zhong wanted to consume the petals of the ogre flower to promote himself to the ‘Spiritual Layer’ but Bi Fan stopped him from doing so.

If w.a.n.g Zhong consumed the ogre flower petals right now, his strength may increase for now but in long run it might cause him some disadvantages.

Jing Feng, Mo Nan, Ji Ying Lan and Blue Dragon were temporarily unable to break through. Anyway, they needed to increase their physical strength to a higher level before making the breakthrough.

Bi Fan’s physical strength was sufficient but his inner strength level was low, therefore it wasn’t possible for him to breakthrough just yet.

Bi Fan, Jing Feng and the others locked themselves up inside their respective rooms and commenced with their practice, hoping to enhance their strength.

Zi Wei didn’t want to stay at the hotel; she wanted to go out for shopping instead. But the thought of Hong Yan pestering her again forced her to stay at the hotel as well.

Three days pa.s.sed in a flash. By the third day, Bi Fan had not only entered the ‘Transformation Layer’ but his internal strength had also reached fifteen Yun Shi.

In addition to this, his physical strength had also increased to a great extent and had reached seventeen Yun Shi after breaking into the ‘transformation’ layer.

Now, Bi Fan wouldn’t need to use the shock runes while facing an ‘Emerging from the Womb’ layer opponent anymore; his physical strength was enough to defeat such a person.

With the Chimera by his side, Bi Fan definitely had many hidden cards with him, and he was quite confident that even if he couldn’t defeat a person, he would at least be able to save his own life.

During his practice, Bi Fan had also studied the ‘Soul Illusion Injection’, and with great difficulty had managed to incorporate this technique with ‘The Immortal finger” technique, making it even harder to detect.

The treasure hunt was going to be open the next day, therefore Bi Fan decided to recharge his energy.

Although three days was a very short period of time, but Jing Feng and the others had also enhanced their strength during this time.

The next morning, Bi Fan woke up quite early feeling rather refreshed.

It was the day Tog Tian sect’s secret storehouse was to be opened for treasure hunt, and the scene was completely different since the entire city was bustling with excitement.

“Oh boy! The whole Tong city is bustling today. It seems that keeping our mouths shut about the commencement of the treasure hunt has proved to be useless!” Mo Nan was quite disappointed.

“All this hustle is because the treasure hunt would be open only for ten days, and one has to collect the entry token before entering.” Hong Yan replied.

“Ten days. We have only ten days – not for hunting the treasure but to enhance our combat experience.” Bi Fan said.

“What! If you had no interest in the treasure and only wanted to enhance your combat experience, then why did you wait for the treasure hunt to start? You could’ve easily done that by fighting in the Martial Street!” Hong Yan was baffled.

“The fights of the Martial Street are of no use to us. Life endangering situations, like the ones we might encounter during the treasure hunt will help to boost up the strength rapidly.” w.a.n.g Zhong explained to her.

“Life endangering situations! You could get killed! Aren’t you afraid?” Hong Yan asked.

“In this world, strength is everything. There’s no place for fear. The worst that could happen is that we could die. Everyone has to die sooner or later.” Ji Ying Lan smiled.

Bi Fan said loudly: “Let’s go now! The entry to the treasure hunt is still afar.”

The entry to the secret storehouse was located in Hong Guang, which was the busiest area of the Tong city and was around ten miles away from their hotel.

Bi Fan and his companions hurried towards the entrance of Tong Tian sect’s secret storehouse.

On their way, they could see several young martial artists moving with great pace in groups of four or five people; while some even seemed alone.

Since most of these people were here for the treasure hunt, they were naturally impatient and were trying to reach the entrance of Tong Tian sect’s secret storehouse as fast as possible.

Bi Fan knew that the treasure was not as important as the chance to enhance their strength was, so he and his companions were moving at a comparatively slower pace.

The strongest of the teams were gathered around the entrance point.

While those who were weak dared not to enter the storehouse yet; for them entering the storehouse at this point was more like a suicide attempt.

“It seems that partic.i.p.ating in treasure hunt was not a bad idea. This place is full of so many attractive people now!” Zi Wei was very excited.

“If one wanted to know what ‘attractive’ means, they should just look at you.” Hong Yan whispered.

Hong Yan was looking all around her as if she was trying to find someone, however it seemed that she was afraid of being recognised which is why she was speaking in a very low voice.

Bi Fan glanced at Hong Yan but soon went ahead without saying anything to her.

They had never ill-treated Hong Yan, so even if someone from her sect or family spotted her with them, they couldn’t blame Bi Fan and his companions.

After all, it was Hong Yan who had persisted on staying in the company of Bi Fan and the others, even after Bi Fan refused to keep her with them.

Given that Bi Fan was being accompanied by Zi Wei and Hong Yan, he was rather easy to spot in this crowd.

Zi Wei had been following Bi Fan with the same persistence that Hong Yan had been following Zi Wei. This had given two pestilent tagalongs to Bi Fan, who was so helpless that he couldn’t even expel them.

Jing Feng and the others had been laughing at Bi Fan for a long time now, which was rather embarra.s.sing for him.

Suddenly, a burst of a red coloured light flashed as the entrance gates of Tong Tian sect’s secret storehouse opened.

“Finally! The gates have opened….”

“The treasure of Tong Tian sect is mine! Whoever dares to seize it will court his death!”

“The treasure is ours! We will show no mercy to anyone!”

As the entrance gates of Tong Tian sect’s secret storehouse opened, several powerful martial artists swarmed inside, courageously striving to seize the treasure.

“Bi Fan, lets enter the storehouse quickly.” Zi Wei jumped up in excitement.

“Don’t worry; the treasure hunt has just started. There will probably be several treasure troves inside and several traps, and so it’s not a very good idea to go in first.” Jing Feng laughed.

More and more people rushed inside the secret storehouse, chasing one another.

“This is a really rare and grand occasion. It seems that we had made the correct decision while coming here.” w.a.n.g Zhong was very happy.

w.a.n.g Zhong and Blue Dragon were always interested in enhancing their strength. Since they could fight with some really powerful opponents here, they were obviously very excited.

“Can we enter the storehouse now?” Zi Wei was clearly impatient.

“Alright, here we go! But everybody, please stay vigil to avoid getting ambushed.” Bi Fan said.

Bi Fan led the group and was very attentive to even the slightest of the movements that occurred around him.

Most people here would go to any lengths in order to get hold of this hidden treasure; being careful was the only way to stay safe.

The entrance of the secret storehouse could accommodate five people at a time, so Bi Fan and his team quickly entered the storehouse. Luckily, there was no ambush at the entry gate.

Upon entering the secret storehouse, they found that the place was very dim-lit and gloomy.

Bi Fan had a better ability to see in the dark and hence was able to see everything in the radius of ten metres.

“This is so unfair! How could anyone hunt for the treasure if they can’t even see where are they going!” Zi Wei exclaimed.

“It really is too dark! I guess that night pearl’s actually going to come in handy now.” Jing Feng smiled.

Jing Feng took out his night pearl which wiped all the darkness away.

With the night pearl a.s.sisting them, Bi Fan and his team started a.s.sessing their surroundings.

The secret storehouse of the Tong Tian sect seemed like a separate world inside this world. It had mountains, rivers, lush green gra.s.s – the landscape was very scenic inside the storehouse.

The secret storehouse was a vast place, and the treasure could be hidden anywhere, which made things rather difficult for the treasure hunters.

Moreover, the people who had entered the storehouse before them had already disappeared out of sight, leaving only a few corpses in the path behind them.

It was evident that two groups of people had clashed there, while searching for the treasure.

“Let’s move further. Beware of sneak attacks.” Bi Fan said.

To ensure their safety, Bi Fan decided to bring out his Chimera.

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