The Six Immortals

Chapter 216 Battle in the valley

Chapter 216 Battle in the valley



“Now die…!”

Bi Fan and his team heard loud screams coming from up ahead, and it sounded like there was a fierce fighting taking place at some distance.

“Let’s go and see what’s happening there. Perhaps they have found the treasure!” Zi Wei said excitedly.

Zi Wei was ready to move in the direction of the screams without caring to guard herself from any potential attack.

“Zi Wei, stop! You shouldn’t go like this; it may be a trap. We all will secret move forward and check what exactly is happening there.” Bi Fan said hastily.

“Yes, Brother Bi Fan is right. We have to be careful if we want to enjoy a good show. Otherwise, everyone else would enjoy the show at our expense.” Hong Yan smiled.

“Alright.” Zi Wei was not happy at being held off.

Zi Wei followed Bi Fan while Blue Dragon walked behind her. They all moved cautiously, without making any noise.

Completely unaware of what was about to be unleashed next, they all continued walking forward like orioles.

After walking for quite some time, Bi Fan and his team reached the spot from where the screams had originated. They found that a group of people was engaged in a very fierce fight there. Many people were lying on the floor – they were not dead but were motionless because of the severe wounds that they had received.

“They must have found the treasure. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have been busy slashing each other’s throats.” Mo Nan muttered.

“If not for the treasure, they might just be busy enhancing their strength. Fierce fights help increase one’s strength rapidly.” Jing Feng said with a smile: “Moreover, it is possible that these people might have had some enmity in the past.”

“Look! The group of the people in the middle of the field have a precious-looking sword. It must be one of the items from the treasure of the Tong Tian Sect’s secret storehouse.” Zi Wei spoke up suddenly.

“Ah, yes! From the appearance, the sword seems to be a high quality weapon. No wonder these people are ready to kill each other for it.” Bi Fan was quite surprised.

Jing Feng said with a smile: “We have not ventured too far inside the secret storehouse. A magical weapon is just the thing that we need to progress further. It seems like the Tong Tian Sect has been quite mindful of the challenges that young martial artists like us might face here. They might have hidden this sword here to help younger martial artists like ourselves.”

“Our Quinyang school might make some good use of this sword. Let’s seize this weapon!” Bi Fan exclaimed.

“Yes, let’s go and defeat these people.” Ji Ying Lan nodded in accordance.

“No, stop! We should wait for some more time. There are too many people fighting there right now. If we go at this moment, we might end up getting injured for no good. Let them fight among themselves and we can enter the scene in the end and the defeat whoever emerges victorious amongst them.” w.a.n.g Zhong suggested.

There were more than ten people from each side that had engaged in the fight initially. Most of them were already injured severely while the rest of them were still engaged in a battle.

Most of these people were in ‘Transformation Layer’ while some of them were in ‘Enormous Strength Layer’. However, none of them belonged to the ‘Emerging from the Womb’ layer.

Both the groups were fighting each other quite fiercely, unaware of the presence of Bi Fan and his team.


“Go to h.e.l.l…!”

The sounds of their weapons slashing combined with their loud screams created the most terrifying sound that they had heard since entering this city.

Bi Fan and his companions were quite content at watching the number of their enemies decreasing.

In this world of martial arts, strength was everything; no one pitied the weak. Until and unless it was about their family or friends, no one cared about the lives of the others.

In showing some mercy to the others, a person courted his own death.

Bi Fan had himself killed some people earlier, so he watched the fight without any pity or sadness in his heart.

Soon afterwards, there were less than ten people left fighting inside the field.

“Brother Bi Fan, let’s charge now.” Jing Feng said.

“Alright! Everyone, be quick in getting rid of these people. Make sure you don’t leave any witness alive.” Bi Fan stated decisively.

Being cruel and merciless was the only way they could ensure their safety. Otherwise, they might encounter some problems in the future.


Jing Feng and the whole team shot together at once towards the group of people. Even the Chimera charged along with them, breathing fire.

Zi Wei and Hong Yan were the most excited within the group. Zi Wei was quite young and had already entered in the ‘Emerging from the Womb’ layer. Hong Yan was also young, and quite surprisingly, she had also entered the ‘Emerging from the Womb’ layer herself. Clearly, they both were stronger than Jing Feng at least, and had received excellent training from their respective schools.

Jing Feng whispered to Bi Fan: “Zi Wei and Hong Yan are not as simple as they appear to be. We should be careful of them in the future.”

“Yes, but they are naive and chaste, and would certainly not mean any harm to us. We shouldn’t be afraid of them.” Bi Fan replied.

Jing Feng nodded and said: “Alright, now let’s pay attention to what’s in front of us right now.”

The sudden appearance of Jing Feng, Bi Fan and the others left the two groups of people in utter shock.

“We are under attack!”

Those who weren’t quick enough to defend themselves were immediately killed by Bi Fan who was as quick as an

Within a few minutes, all the people were mercilessly killed by Bi Fan and his team.

“Everybody, clean the battlefield fast and quickly move away from this place.” Bi Fan said.

Bi Fan seized the magical sword himself: “Let’s take this sword to someone who could put it to some good use.”

Jing Feng and Mo Nan were as skilled as Bi Fan. They quickly collected the weapons and other valuables from the dead bodies and stored them.

Zi Wei and Hong Yan had seen this for the first time, and were clearly quite surprised by it.

“You two, be quick and help us. Ah! We can trade these weapons for a lot of spars!” Jing Feng said.

“Who? We? Ah, yes! I shall help you.” Zi Wei said hastily.

Zi Wei and Hong Yan came forward. Although they were afraid of the dead bodies, they continued collecting the weapons etc from the bodies in order to help Bi Fan and the others.

After collecting the best quality magical weapon, Bi Fan didn’t show any interest in the rest of the articles and went on to inspect the surroundings to make sure n.o.body had seen them.

Bi Fan did not know to which schools these two groups belonged to, and since most of them had entered the ‘’Transformation Layer”, it was evident that these people belonged to some influential schools. If their schools ever came to know that Bi Fan and his team had slaughtered their students, they would surely create trouble for all of them to seek revenge.

Bi Fan was being extra careful so as not to encounter any trouble in the future.

“Tong Tian Sect’s secret storehouse certainly contains much more precious items than this magical sword. Let’s move forward and hunt for the rest of the treasure.” Bi Fan said with a smile.

“Alright, let’s go!” Jing Feng laughed.

The Chimera showed them the way, while Blue Dragon and the others followed in search of more treasure.

One their way, Bi Fan and the others came across several corpses but not a single living person could be seen. It seemed as if they were the only living people inside the secret storehouse.

Bi Fan asked everyone to increase their speed so as to avoid missing any other opportunity to engage in a fight to enhance their strength, or to seize the treasure.

Tong Tian Sect’s secret storehouse was enormous, so getting the hold of the treasures wasn’t an easy task; they all had to look for opportunities.

Bi Fan had made up his mind and didn’t stop anyone from going anywhere now.

“Brother Bi Fan, this treasure hunt is growing really boring now. Why is there not a single living person except for us?” Hong Yan was impatient.

“Don’t worry, Hong Yan. More than a thousand people had entered the secret storehouse. I’m sure some of them might still be alive only to be killed by us.” Bi Fan laughed.

“Grrrr grrr….!”

Suddenly the Chimera alerted everyone.

“Be careful, someone is coming.” Bi Fan warned.

Bi Fan and the others slowed down and then started proceeding ahead quietly.

Ahead of them was a mountain valley, in which several martial artists were fighting each other. The fight was so fierce, and chaotic that it was hard to figure out who was fighting whom.

Bi Fan and his team quickly hid themselves and started observing the battle. Bi Fan saw several familiar faces he had previously seen contesting at the Martial Street.

Since so many people were fighting this battle, one would naturally a.s.sume that there would be a treasure in this valley.

Bi Fan looked around but was unable to find and sight of a treasure.

“This is just impossible. Why have so many people gathered here to fight each other when there is no treasure at all?” Bi Fan was puzzled.

Jing Feng sighed: “We are unable to see the treasure because it has already been taken away.”

“No. If someone had taken the treasure, he must have tried to escape this place and all these people would’ve been chasing him instead of fighting each other. I’m sure the treasure is still inside this valley.” Mo Nan said.

“Since the treasure is inside the valley, let’s go and kill all these people.” Zi Wei said excitedly.

“No, not like this. We must first ensure that there really is some treasure inside the valley. Meddling rashly in such a fierce opposition would do more harm than good.” Bi Fan stopped her.

Bi Fan paused for second, and then continued explaining: “You see, there are several ‘Emerging from the Womb’ and ‘Developing Marrow Layer’ martial artists that are already engaged in this fight. If we act thoughtlessly, we might be killed. Therefore, we must first a.s.sess the whole situation and find out the exact whereabouts of the treasure before launching an attack.”

“Brother Bi Fan has considered everything very minutely. We should listen to him” w.a.n.g Zhong said with a smile.

He was genuinely happy to see Bi Fan growing more and more mature with each pa.s.sing day.

w.a.n.g Zhong had lost to Bi Fan and had been followed him ever since. Naturally, the more powerful Bi Fan becomes, the better it would be for w.a.n.g Zhong.

“Zi Wei and Hong Yan, both of you are more powerful than the rest of us. You should go and examine the surroundings. Check whether there are some other martial artists hiding in the vicinity. This task is very difficult; none of us could do it better than you both.” Bi Fan said.

Zi Wei and Hong Yan were extremely happy on hearing Bi Fan praising them and entrusting them with one of the most crucial tasks. Both of them immediately started working on the task a.s.signed to them.

“Brother Bi Fan, you are growing to be an expert at handling situations. How effortlessly did you put those irksome girls at work! Maybe I should start worshipping you now!” Jing Feng started laughing.

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